Wireless Sensors Based GPS Mobile Application

www.vbripress.com/amwc17, DOI: 10.5185/amwc.2017                                                                   Published online by the VBRI Press in 2017

Wireless Sensors Based GPS mobile Application for Visually Impaired People Navigation

Sunaina Vasireddy1*, Vyshnavi Ravipati2, T.Ravi3

1Sathyabama University (Electronics and Communication Engineering), Chennai, 600119, India

2Sathyabama University (Electronics and Communication Engineering), Chennai, 600119, India

3Sathyabama University (Faculty of Electronics and Communication Engineering), Chennai, 600119, India

Table of contents

System Architecture of the Navigation System.


As the technology is growing getting by the world becomes difficult, and for visually impaired people it becomes even more difficult to survey on this planet. World gets updated quicker than we think consequently it stands necessary for us to upgrade with the growing economy. As the world is moving in a great phase, it becomes difficult for an individual to cope up with the surroundings. When it approaches to visual impaired people, it becomes even more difficult for them to subsist with the present-day circumstances. Hence in order to provide them with a self-determinant living, several people have developed models which would benefit them, but most of them are expensive to afford. When the visually impaired people are in a precarious situation, it becomes very difficult for them to navigate themselves and persist. In order to aid them in navigation this project has been implemented as a prototype version. Electronic devices comprising wireless sensors, mobile application and other components are used to identify the obstacles and provide information. The usage of various sensors are been used which help in detecting obstacles present in the surroundings. They will be controlled with the help of Raspberry Pi. The sensed signals will then be transmitted to the mobile applications (which are developed by software technology) using Bluetooth. The entire prototype model is used to detect the obstacles which would be transmitted to the raspberry pi using LAN connection (used for the prototype model). The Bluetooth technology will be used to transfer the information from the raspberry pi into the mobile application which in return would be transferred into voice. Finally the required information will be processed into voice signal which would help the visually impaired people in navigation. Therefore the visually impaired people can make an independent travel.

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Keywords: Wireless sensors, GPS, GSM, Navigation.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Directors and faculty members of Sathyabama University for giving me the support and infrastructure provided to complete the project. I also consider myself most fortunate and immensely privileged to have worked under the guidance of Dr.T.Ravi, M.E., Ph.D., Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering to complete the project successfully. I express my heartfelt thanks to my family members and friends who helped me to complete the project successfully. Finally, I thank the exciting Super Natural Power, the Almighty God for being with me all through the life.


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