Word Recognition Affects Reading Comprehension English Language Essay

It appears different between being able to read words and comprehend text. The reading comprehension seems to have used more many skills to interpret information gain from reading than reading the word. There are two elements that make up the process of reading comprehension: vocabulary knowledge and text comprehension. To achieve the target of writer, readers have to have many word repositories enough for understand and comprehend the context. Readers may use many different strategies to develop reading comprehension. These include monitoring for understanding, asking and answering the questions during reading, taking notes and draw a linking map of topics, even if paraphrasing in his or her own word about what he or she has read. [7]

The way which was adapted by the majority of readers for reading is vocabulary-bank boosting. That means, the more you know the words, the more you understand the context, or vice versa. You can either increase your vocabulary level by choosing to read the materials those which are beyond your vocabulary level. Whichever methods you choose could make you reminisce about what you have read. Reading to improve vocabulary level is not a short process you may reach in one day, but the long term process which you have to practise until being an excellent reader who has high vocabulary level. People having a large repository of words in their brain are considered as the proficient readers, they could retrieve their bank of vocabulary easily whenever they need [1].

Reading Comprehension

How is Reading Comprehension important? It involves the processes of looking at documents and perceiving data from literacy materials, then interpreting this large deal of information. Moreover, these processes maybe entail populating all skills during reading. Unless you use the proper methods for reading, you may not achieve your goals unbeknownst to the materials.

It is noticeable that person reading in the right way be the effective reader. Reading Comprehension can extend the base of knowledge, including assist to understand the exact meanings hidden within. Moreover, readers can access many literacy materials contributing in the Internet. How many ways to approach these sources and how many types they are, will be provided in the following section.

Literacy Materials for Reading

Many a document has its own uniqueness, and so do the degrees of language and styles. Nowadays we can access a lot of information in many ways. The Internet seems to be the most popular source, although books and printings may track back far trendier than in the past. Moreover, magazine, news, textbook, research journals, or even more complicated forms such as codes of Law or contracts, are the choices of materials for reading. On the Internet, some web sites may suggest and grade the level for each reader. Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced readers are the categories most popular level how many classes are classified. Some web sites divide a kind of books you can choose to read. You could browse from the library or book store, and if you feel interested in them, buy them. Or else, if you cannot afford due to their high price as often found in many textbooks, you may go to the library and borrow them. This method looks fairly cheaper than the former [6].

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After availing to the materials for reading, the next obstacle is how the materials are organized and written. Degree of language and style of writing are taken into account and will be discussed in the next section.

Degrees and Varieties of Language

Degree of language is another factor affecting how well readers understand the materials. For this concern, we can classify the degree of language into 2 main categories, as follow;

Informal Language

This style we usually find in many local news reports and magazines or in the materials that are written not so official in regards to the context. Most people today can reach these sources owing to their convenient accessibility. Simply written styles and less complicated word choices are dominant in these materials. Such these materials could capture most interests of people.

Formal Language

This style we often meet in many rather official documents. Textbooks, Research Journals or Periodicals are the general examples for this type. Moreover, the more formally official documents such as Codes of Laws or Contracts, even if in Official Correspondents are the most formal style. These materials are usually in the matter accounting for official connection.

British English and American English

The varieties of English used today are roughly divided into 2 classes: British English and American English. The difference between them is rather small so that we can assume that it is diminished. However, some aspects still left between two of them. Spelling is a distinguishable attribute for this difference. British still conserves the spelling from the influence of French word, whereas American English tries to adapt and spelling by the words pronounce. Another aspect is the grammatical usage. Subjunctive form of verbs, for example, British English becomes more popular for use the equivalent structure of Present Subjunctive, on the other way, American English prefers to use the genuine Present Subjunctive form. Others are such as vocabulary, pronunciation and stress [9].

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Vocabulary seems to have effects on reading significantly. The degree of vocabulary designates how readable the materials are. Generally, the vocabulary can be considered in 2 groups as following;

General Words

General words are the words that can mostly find in all materials. These words have general meaning and are often used in daily life. This group hardly causes the difficulty of reading materials. Several dictionaries listed the common words that should be recognized by readers. These words can be compound into the sentences in materials found in daily. These words are reconsidered as having correlation to the informal style writing.

Academic Words

Academic Word List (AWL) was initiatively compiled by Averil Coxhead in New Zealand. Academic vocabulary was populated from the 4 main disciplines, i.e. Art, Commerce, Law and Science. As a result, 570 academic words were listed, divided into 10 subclasses dependent on their frequency. The subclass 1 is a group of the most frequent found words, whereas the subclass 10, the rarest. She suggested that these words could help many students answer or write in academic style better whichever majors they attend [5].

Academic words may refer to the words mostly found in special materials, for instance; textbook, codes of Law, contract etc. These documents have been written in the formal style. In dictionaries, these words were designated by the degree ‘formal’ or labelled with the branch of their field meaning, such as ‘Computer’ or ‘Food Science and Technology.’ In this group, people normally include the words called ‘technical terminology’ as well. For the definition and the example, follow up to the next topic.

What is Technical Terminology?

Technical terminology is the words used specifically in some field of studies. It can be called ‘jargon.’ These words have specific meaning for their branches. Even in the general words which used in this aspect, have the specific meaning regarding to each study. Fore example, the word ‘lozenge’ when regarding in the meaning of plant anatomy, it means ‘the type of vessel shape which appears in oval’ whereas the general meaning is ‘a shape with four corners. The two corners that point up and down are further away than the two pointing sideways.’ So, why compiling the technical terminology would rather be important. Without understanding well about the terms can cause the ambiguity of the context to many people. Anyway, you will now see clearly that without understanding and remembering many more necessary words cannot you achieve the reading comprehension proficiently. The following topic will explain and give word recognition strategies how they work and how important they affect on reading comprehension, respectively.

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What is Word Recognition? How Interesting Does Word Recognition Affect on Reading Comprehension?

Word Recognition is concerned about how people can remember the word they found during their reading. This consists of many theories and strategies. Each method is proper for each person who has different learning style. This may compose Sigh word, which is the word that readers can immediately remember without any hard effort. This can be used to indicate how the proficient readers are. Phonics is the strategy that uses the sound-symbol technique for decipher sound into word patterns. This technique is rather more pragmatic than the first one. Word Patterns is another skill used by many readers. This technique uses the relationship between how often the letter collocating in the pattern forms. Context is the interesting technique. This style helps readers guess the meaning the hard word by the surrounding context, topic or the keywords appear in those articles. Another is Word Part. Word part is the applying of knowledge of word-roots, prefixes and suffixes to evaluate and guess the meaning without checking the exact meaning from the dictionary. These two last strategies help more readers interpret the passage effectively in the practical style [2], [4], [8].

A large deal of research refers that there is a straight correlation between the circle of vocabulary and a number of books you have read. As mentioned above, the more you remember the word, the more you capture the key points on the literacy materials. If you can apply the word recognition strategy which suits you the most, it would yield you to understand the context easily and effectively, then, you can read more comprehendingly.

What Is Corpus and How Does It Work for Linguistic Research?

From the Wikipedia, it defines the Corpus or Text Corpus as “a large and structured set of texts (now usually electronically stored and processed). They are used to do statistical analysis and hypothesis testing, checking occurrences or validating linguistic rules on a specific universe.” The process used in compiling the corpus based on the annotation, which is defining its parts of speech or POS-tagging. Corpus linguistics has its basis on the important knowledge, Corpora. A subject of computational linguistics, speech recognition and machine translation share the same character of their work in studying the analysis and process of various types of corpora. Corpora and frequency lists, in addition, derived from them are beneficial to language teaching as well [3].

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