Working With and Leading People

Working with and leading people



Human resource works with the employers and employee. Al instate have to appoint new employee to run the organization. Human resources work with that. Their job is to recruit new employee when it is needed. As business studies student we must know to work with and lead people. This teaches us to lead people effectively and make them work as the management wants. Every organization has to have a proper team management that can make the workers work efficiently. For this they have to provide training to develop their skill of an individual to become a good employee. In this assignment we will apply our knowledge against the given xyz ltd. to recruit new employee and achieve their mission.

Task 1

Documentation to select and recruit new member of staff:

Suppose xyz ltd needs to recruit 4 new employee, 10 driver and 3 administrators. Human resource department of xyz ltd have to prepare a documentation to select and recruit new member of stuff. The documentation is given bellow,

Approval of the recruitment:

Recruitment process of an organization is started when the authority of the organization approves the recruitment. When the organization need new employee they send a draft with a posting description and a document which describe the requirements. After approving the draft the authority of xyz will send it to the HR department. The copy of approval must include the electronic copy of the draft description and advertisement.

Position description:

No organization can change the post’s position after the advertisement. So before it gives the advertisement xyz ltd must describe the position of the post they are going to recruit. The authority of xyz ltd has to approve the position description. The description must include the responsibilities and duties of the position, all the works and the activities.


Advertising is one of the most important tasks to recruit new members. The advertisement of xyz ltd is required to be approved by the executive director of HR department of xyz ltd. There are many different media to give the advertisement of the job such as online media, print media, electronic media, open advertisement etc. The HR dept. of xyz ltd will choose the media. The advertisement also describe the vacancy announcement, skills required, terms and conditions, payment etc (Borrini, 2004). HR dept. has to obey the advertisement law before advertising. The advertisement of xyz for different post are given bellow,

For driver:

Closing date: 31/12/2014

Location: London

Vacancy: 10

Types of employment: Temporary

Working hour per week: 40 hours

Salary: XXX

Responsibilities for the post:

•Agree to go all the places of UK

•Positive response to changes in the organization

•Taking part in loading and unloading.

•Delivering goods on time to anywhere.

•Maintaining personal skill.

•Driving safely.

•Self-motivation, innovation, creativity.

•Working in as a team.

Skills and experiences:

•Basic knowledge of driving and in English.

•UK driving license.

For administrator:

Closing date: 31/12/2014

Location: London

Vacancy: 3

Types of employment: Permanent

Working hour per week: 40 hours

Salary: XXX

Responsibilities for the post:

•Meeting the target weekly, monthly and yearly.

•Monitoring cost of delivery

•Maintaining the SHE policies and health and safety regulations.

•Maintaining personal relations with superior, colleagues and sub-ordinates.

•Working in as a team

Experiences and skills:

•Degree in business discipline. MBA majored in management is preferred.

•Working experience for at least 10 years.

•Good communication skill.

•Must familiar with socio economic culture of England.

•Fluency in English.

For employee:

Closing date: 31/12/2014

Location: London

Vacancy: 4

Types of employment: permanent

Working hour per week: 40 hours

Salary: XXX

Responsibilities for the post:

•Maintaining highly professional manors with sub-ordinates, colleagues and superior.

•Dealing with different parties for xyz ltd.

•Monitoring the work of the employee.

Skills and experiences:

•A degree in business. BBA majored in management is preferred.

•Working license for UK

•Minimum 5 years of working experience.

•Fluent in English.

•Good communication skill

The impact of legal, regulatory and ethical consideration to the recruitment and selection process:

Impact of sex discriminatory act:

It is a mandatory to maintain the sex discriminatory act. No one can be discriminated by their group of sex. If a candidate fulfill the qualification xyz ltd is bound to recruit him or her no matter the candidate is male or female (Jones and Charlton, 2002).

Impact of equality regulation:

Both young and old people can participate in the recruitment process. The HR manager cannot give privilege to any particular group. If he/she does she will be breaking law of prevention of equality (age) regulation.

Impact of race relation act:

A person who has the work permit can apply for the job. If the advertisement is for any particular nationality, it will break a law, the provision of race relation act.

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Impact of law in advertising stage:

The HR manager has to make sure that the job advertisement doesn’t break any law and it is going obeying law. The advertisement can not contain any kind of sign of discrimination based on sex, race, age, nationality etc.

Impact of right to the employee:

The board of interview has to make sure that the applicant has the legal permit to work in UK. And they also should check the background of the applicant of any criminal activities.

Impact of law in interview stage:

The interview process must be abided by the law. No board member is allowed to ask any questions that can affect any of the applicant’s religious or national view. And disable persons have to be treated in a proper way.

Impact of the statement of employment:

The employee must be provided by the statement of employment including all the terms and conditions, salary, holidays, and working hours (Baxter Magolda and King, 2004).

Taking part in the selection process:

After advertising, comes the selection process. HR manager plays a key role in the process. It is a series of some sequential task. How HR dept. takes part in the selection process is given bellow,

Selecting a recruitment and selection board:

The HR dept. selects a selection and recruitment board to select the new employee. The members are selected by the director of HR dept. of xyz ltd. xyz ltd. is going to recruit tree types of staff. For this the HR dept. has to select three selection and recruitment board. In every board the respective director of the department in which the new employees are being recruited. This board takes the interview of the applicants.

Short listing:

The selection board makes a short list of candidates by different listing method after receiving the applications. Some popular method of listing is MCQ exam, written exam, IQ test etc. Then the board gives the shortlist to the HR dept. Then HR dept. arranges an interview to select the final ones from the shortlist.


The selection board of xyz ltd. then calls the applicant from the shortlist to face the interview board. They want to see who can satisfy the board. In the interview the board inquires about various things like the background of the applicants, their knowledge, their experience and their cultural background etc.


The board then recommend for the applicant who satisfied the board. Then the HR dept. appoints the selected candidate those who are recommended by the board.

Evaluation of my own contribution to the selection process:

According to the instructions given I took part in preparing the documents necessary to select the employee and gave the advertisement. I was also a member of the selection and recruitment board of xyz ltd. I helped them to make the short list and I was present at the interview room. And finally I prepared the necessary documents to appoint the new recruit (Hepple, Coussey and Choudhury, 2000).

Task 2

2.1 Skills and attributes needed to be a leader:

The quality to lead a team depends on some key skills. Some of them are given bellow,


We know honesty is the best policy. When a leader is responsible for a team one has to be very honest. Because if the leader is honest and makes ethical value important the team will also follow the leader and the team will be an honest team.


The leader knows what he is going to do and have a great idea about something, but he cannot make the team members understand that. Then it is a very big problem. The leader must know how to communicate with the team members. Communication skill is one of the most important skills leaders have to have. If any leader does not have the right skill to communicate properly with the members of the group he might want to consider focusing on honing communication skills. Good communication skill for leader is like a blessing for the team (Burke and Cooper, 2006).


There is no greater motivation than seeing the leader working hard alongside with the general members. If the leader expect his team to perform fine, work heard and produce finest content the leader is going to need to set an example. Hard working leader generates the want to work hard and bring some good result among the general members. The leader is to show commitment to hard working but also to the promises he made. It is important to be a fair leader as well as a hard worker (Burke and Cooper, 2006).


The leader has to be very creative. Otherwise he cannot expect the team members to be creative. The average time the leader has to make clear-cut decision. But some times that the leader have to make a flying decision. This is the time when creativity is vital. In this type critical situation when the team will look on the face of the leader for guidance. That’s why the leader have to think outside the box. Sometimes it is not wise to decide the first thought comes to mind. Those decision needs to give some thoughts. Even it is right to ask the team for guidance. The leader has to utilize every possible resource.

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Ability to inspire:

Sometimes the team needs to be forced, especially at the beginning. Then inspiring them becomes vital. The leader has to make the team want to work hard and effectively.


Confidence is the key to success. The team leader has to be confidence to be a successful team. There may be time when the task may be worrisome and the plans were not going to work, the leader has to be confident. Otherwise the team will not be able to overcome the situation.

Some other skills are ability to delegate, sense of humor, positive attitude etc (Saracho and Spodek, 2005).

2.2 Difference between leader and manager:

Manager and leader may look similar but they are not the same. We know from the definition of manager that manager have subordinates. On the other hand leaders have no subordinates he have followers. The difference between leader and manager is given bellow,

Attribute of a manager:

•Manager is the administrator.

•Manager has to be pragmatic in accepting events and trends.

•The focus of a manager is to control, the structure and the systems of the organization.

•Manager has a linear perspective

•Manager manages his subordinates

•He perceive threats

•He minimizes weakness

Attribute of a leader:

•The leader has to study, develop new idea and principles.

•He has to be innovative

•A leader have to be resourceful he should look of the solution of the problem.

•Leader emphasizes on the focus of his team members

•Inspires the team

•Leader has to understand the big picture

•He generally looks for opportunity to develop skills and efficiency (Saracho and Spodek, 2005).

2.3 Comparison among different types of leadership:

Different types of leadership exist in the business world. There are some advantages and dis advantages of each and every type of leadership. The environment and the situation of a particular firm determine which kind of leadership they are to adopt. Three kind of leadership is given bellow,


The autocratic style allows the leader to make decisions by himself without communicating with other. Every manager poses impose their will and authority over their employee. No one can challenge his decision.


In this style of leadership the manager laces direct supervision and regular feedback. Highly experienced and skilled employee needs a very little supersession and guidance. But not every kind of employee is feet for this kind leadership (Haddad, 2002).


In this system a leader listen every input from the employee and member of the team. And then it is up to the leader to make the decision. Most often the leader supports the majority. It is often called as the democratic leadership. This style boosts the employees morally because it shows that their opinion is considered.


Among all the style the democratic style suits for every kind of organization. Because autocracy is not praised every one. Besides it gives an impression that the leader is a special person and no one can challenge his opinion. Then lassies-Fair is not applicable of every organization. It is appropriate for only the organization where every employee is highly skilled and capable. So it is safe to say that democratic system is the best. And for xyz ltd. democratic system is appropriate (Mackey and Jacobson, 2010)..

2.4 Ways to motivate stuff:

There are motivational theories to motivate employee to achieve objective. Some of them are given bellow,

Communicating with the employee:

It is a basic point but very important one. The stuffs must know that they are listened, understood and valued. Perhaps they need to know they are the most important. If any of the stuff any concern about the organization he need to know that the channel of communication is available and he is listened. That will make them feel more comfortable and will motivate them to do more for the organization.

Good salary and rewards:

Everybody have their needs. To fulfill the needs they have to earn. The employee work to earn their lively hood. A good amount of salary is their right. And that will motivate them to act highly and effectively. Moreover rewards for their good performance in needed. If the performance of employees is good they should be rewarded. This may be in form of additional pay, bonus, simple gratitude etc (Carnwell, Buchanan and Carnwell, 2009).

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Involving employees in decisions making:

Many different decisions are made every day in a company from the ground level to the enterprise level. Major decisions will be made in the boardroom but that does not mean that the employee is not allowed to choose their method of working. They must be allowed to make small decision like the approach to accomplish the work etc.

Offer training and development:

Employees need to train to develop their skills and ability. They want to know that every day they are developing their ability to perform more accurately and learning new skills. Every individual have their own goal and ambition. And to maintain their skills they need to provide necessary training.

Define the employees’ role:

Every employee should have their opportunity to move up their ranks. If they don’t then they might think that their contribution to the company and organization is not noticed and that in not good for organization. If they employee are promoted as their performance they will know that their work in not going un-noticed. Then they will want to perform more (Carnwell, Buchanan and Carnwell, 2009).

Task 3

3.1 Benefits of team working for an organization:

The primary benefit of team work is that it allows the organization like xyz ltd. to achieve that is quit impossible to achieve for an individual working alone. The advantages of teamwork is given bellow,

High quality outcomes:

•High efficiency: As the combination of individual makes a team, a team can do more than an individual can do alone.

•Faster speed: As team combines the effort, they can accomplish the task consuming less time.

•Innovative idea: each individual working in the team may bring many different information and knowledge which makes the task lot easier.

•Effectiveness: Combination of effort brings more effectiveness.

Better context for individual:

•Mutual support: Because of working together team members become supportive to other member. That helps the team to overcome bad situation.

•Greater sense of accomplishment: Because the members collaborate and take responsibilities they can feel the greater sense of accomplishment.

From above we can see the benefit of team working. If the management of xyz ltd. can provide good motivation and make efficient team then they can overcome some of the great problems they were facing lately (Glasby and Peck, 2004).

3.2 Demonstration of working in a team as a leader and member towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations

Xyz ltd faced many difficult situations in their regular organizational tasks. Usually they solve their problems as a team working together just like they should be. In their teamwork they are very team oriented. As a member and as a team leader they are very efficient and effective (White and Harris, 2001).

3.3 Effectiveness of the team at xyz ltd. in achieving organizational goal:

The team of xyz ltd. is very much effective and efficient in competitive world. To work in a team in any other environment the team needs some diversified knowledge. The team of xyz ltd has that knowledge. And they help one another to overcome problems. To be in a team the members have to be respectful about other members’ opinion and have the respect for other. This team has them all. Thus the team overcomes many difficult situations. The team of xyz ltd is very effective (White and Harris, 2001).


Leadership is one of the most important factors to perform in a difficult and new situation. A good leader can bring massive change in the organization by leading people up front. The leader has to face many new situation and new challenges every day. A good leader can solve all the problems and face every challenge if the employees follow the leader and behave in a proper way.


Borrini, G. (2004).Sharing power. [London]: Natural Resources Group and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods Programme of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).

Jones, K. and Charlton, T. (2002).Overcoming learning and behaviour difficulties. London: Routledge.

Baxter Magolda, M. and King, P. (2004).Learning partnerships. Sterling, Va.: Stylus Pub.

Hepple, B., Coussey, M. and Choudhury, T. (2000).Equality. Oxford: Hart Pub.

Burke, R. and Cooper, C. (2006).The human resources revolution. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Saracho, O. and Spodek, B. (2005).Contemporary perspectives on families, communities, and schools for young children. Greenwich, Conn.: Information Age Pub.

Haddad, C. (2002).Managing technological change. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Mackey, T. and Jacobson, T. (2010).Collaborative information literacy assessments. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc.

Carnwell, R., Buchanan, J. and Carnwell, R. (2009).Effective practice in health, social care and criminal justice. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill/Open University Press.

Glasby, J. and Peck, E. (2004).Care trusts. Abingdon, U.K.: Radcliffe Medical Press.

White, V. and Harris, J. (2001).Developing good practice in community care. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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