Working with and Leading People (A Case Study of Tesco)

Working with and Leading People

(A Case Study of Tesco)

Table of Content

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………3

Task 1………………………………………………………………..……….…….………….3

Task 2………………………………………………………………..…….…….………………4

Task 3…………………………………………………………………………….………….6

Task 4……………………………………………………………………………………….8




is grocery store UK has declined to its lowest level for almost a decade that British consumers have defected to the German discount chains and Lidl to save money.

Latest information on Kantar World Panel shows the market shares of Tesco rose from 28.7% in the 12 weeks to March 2. This is compared with 29.6% for a year and turns back the clock at the end of 2004, while the merchant was on the rise. “Big four “supermarket chains in the grocery market is facing pressure on the value of sales at the end of the while polarizes a flight discount started to clean. ”

Task 1: Be Able to use recruitment, selection and retention procedures


According to Barratt and Mottershead (2000), the part of the selection in the context of whether the candidate is suitable for the culture of the company. Even if a person demonstrates the social profiles of likes, dislikes and nature, it would be wrong to add, on the basis of the decision in an interview with a mere assumptions were collected in the profile. However, the interview is a quite acceptable, the question that is personality of the interviewee to match. To ask about your personal and professional values, they are in their career path and how they manage the values of the company in uncomfortable situations before shoot responses to match the vision.


The recruitment of a new candidate, the importance of legal and ethical regulations, cannot be ignored and it is wrong to believe that the employee has appeared on their first date, when recruitment is completed. Most companies require that satisfy the people that such a probation is for both parties, that there the employees pass. Recruitment is expensive and is designed to attract and retain the best talent, as soon as possible. A Tesco worker in your business processes and enables the individual to achieve the full productivity (and profitability). In addition, the registration should start everything before the employee’s? The welcome pack contains which is the need of a signature can be sent by mail, and current staff to develop a new employee is their first day-log-in on your computer, for example. Beyond expectations, workers is good for admission to the program will help the company meet their. If the employees of the company, the first impression is positive, they are more likely to remain happy in the job and has less tendency to seek other employment. (Brindley and Buckley, 2004).


Finally, maintaining the commitment of workers is to maximize the work is very important, and people feel like they are valuable to the company and to show them that their career development has an important role to play. If a person feels that there are opportunities for advancement, and their skills are considered to be not only they work hard to stay motivated, committed and productive. The three steps described here show that the recruiting never truly expires. In order to attract the best employees, companies must constantly raise the company profile. These all affect how you see and start to see training, coaching or mentoring role and how to be seen and are related to the person who is coaching or training and guidance. Your mission is to help the person to learn and improve, do not create another version of yourself.


Hire of unskilled labour and the qualified person, the company is very simple. Companies are participating, is the source of recruitment of candidates or to place ads in magazines and then waiting for the candidates to contact them. Recruitment is the most complex business processes. But the complex is not necessarily a difficult task. Properly managed recruitment, it is necessary to introduce in three stages, the first beginning before the company decided to make may be rented, and after that the employee has voltage. ; When employees are on board, they should be treated, so who will be encouraged to promote business contacts in their circle. Recruitment targets can be rented, but the choice of who to make a positive statement of the company for several years.

Task 2:Understand the Styles and impact of leadership


Theories of leadership in naturalist Tesco was the first to develop. An example of the exception was Boudicca, Queen of the Icene of ancient Britain. The default value is not belief or such amount would not have been able to learn to know, but was naturally part of their genetic heritage. It was probably hereditary (or so everyone believed)! It is one of the reasons for which a decision or aristocratic families. The scientific method has been applied in psychology, study of human behavior in a new naturalistic approach to leadership theories emerged – a trait theory. Trait leadership theory assumes that leaders born, does not. But he sought to identify the personality traits associated with the best leaders, will help you to understand the leadership and identify people who take the same traits could (assumed) make good leaders. Trait theory still has its supporters. Some are used to recruit leaders built the idea naturally or “built in” functionality (Charantimath, 2006).

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Leadership functional theories are based on very different assumptions. They focus on the leaders Here it is a short leap of faith that if someone can do something like this, while others can learn how do… we are now world leaders are made, not born.Free team-building policies and game ideas can help you to plan and use the games and exercises for training sessions, meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences, adults, youth and children, work, education, or clubs and social activities and Team building activities, games, exercises and also to improve the organization of the project and the results expected and the benefits. We cannot accept responsibility for any liability, which is due to these ideas, free team or the games – see warning below. Always make sure that games instead of team set up, which takes place of insurance and be especially careful when working with games for children, children and young people.


Theories situational leadership was developed to find the good ways to adapt to the needs of the management actions in a variety of situations and conditions. The classical model of leadership is the situational capacity (or skills) and will (commitment and motivation) will lead to and then specify that the governing body following the best style. Other approaches suggest lifestyle management continued. Leadership style in this refers to a broad approach. Director of leadership style is often based on the beliefs of the Director, personality, experience, work environment and the situation at the time. Some of the leaders in the style of management jobs. Others are more flexible and adapted to the needs of different situations in the management of these theories of leadership became a management style, the notion of style. However, they focus a lot on the leader and the followers of the balance of powers. (Armstrong, 2008).


Autocratic leaders tend to make decisions and put them in others. They often believe that they are best placed to make decisions for the other power. These leaders have certain personality traits, such as the need for control of situations. Autocratic leadership is suitable for certain situations, such as in emergency situations, or time critical circumstances. But they tend to feed other people or to get the best results from your supporters, who are capable and motivated and Leaders participatory to consult and involve them in the decision-making process. They can make the final decision, but they are showing respect for the account of other consulting services, as well as the ability to listen. Starting points, the default value is that he appreciates generally supporters who reciprocate by being loyal and committed and participatory leadership to develop others and build a common direction leading to a common vision and common goals.

Participatory leaders accept leadership as often facilitation style. In other words, they empower and encourage others to make decisions, Act and to function normally within the defined limits.

Task 3:Be able to work effectively in a team


Important team Tesco work can be neglected for the team, building games, exercises and activities available on this site Web.Construire of games, exercises and activities to help build the team, motivation, develop, improve group communication and is fun for consortia, organizations, children and even a celebration of children’s development and team building games, exercises and heats of action in meetings, conferences, training and make it easier to improve. (Armstrong and Baron, 2002)

Free team-building policies and game ideas can help you to plan and use the games and exercises for training sessions, meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences, adults, youth and children, work, education, or clubs and social activities and Team building activities, games, exercises and also to improve the organization of the project and the results expected and the benefits. We cannot accept responsibility for any liability, which is due to these ideas, free team or the games – see warning below. Always make sure that games instead of team set up, which takes place of insurance and be especially careful when working with games for children, children and young people. To the extent possible, the development of a ‘top – up’ by providing mentoring and promotion coaching (drawing-mis), which is very effective with excellent, a part of the production. With an appropriate guidance and counselling is used in the formal structure of the training anyway, but support can also be a great help to the development of the whole person, especially if the mentor or coach is regarded as a role model, special efforts.

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It is important that the leader to understand yourself well before the coach or train or mentor others to:


Working in the Tesco is dependent on the leader and good team workmakes things happen, more than any other organization. Teamwork is encouraged to respect, encourage, inspire and management. The teams come from big clubs, when they decide to do it yourself, not because someone says so. Something to inspire them, perhaps, but ultimately decided the team. It is a team thing. It must be. The team says: ‘OK ‘. We will not be able to tell the difference. We have the best in what we do. Find each other and prosper in the American team. And we make sure we have a lot of fun with the whole team starts to move mountains. People are motivated by the best, if you can get them to plan and decide on action-ask-them. Second, you can get the front in the Organization, if the purpose is to develop your own possibilities – to find exactly what they are doing and learning. Games can be boring or condescending to many people – they want action that will help them to learn and to develop in areas that interest them without worrying about work stuff – please ask. When you ask people in general, you have a number of proposals which can be put in place a set of experiences that people or participate in turn during the day or in the team (, 13) (James, 2008) and (Armstrong, 2000 )).


The effectiveness of the work of the team is to reach the objective is very important, and those who have specific skills or interests is, in fact, that among the workers they enjoy sharing with others activity good team can be built with many hobbies and interests. If you are planning a full day of activities throughout the day, ‘games’, the construction of the spirit of the group is the waste throughout the day. Find ways to offer an attractive combination of action and help them achieve and learn more about – and perhaps the accumulation of forests focuses on one or two real challenges or the . Maybe a little of your leadership in the planning of the day workers (or according to applicable ) for the benefit of their development and it (Deb, 2006).


Team building exercises and offers a wonderful opportunity of consciousness raises and the participation of ethical organizations. “These and concepts for the sustainable development of the” trade fair ‘social responsibility’, ‘triple bottom line’, , etc. is yet to be defined or understood: people are not aware of what has all means for them one at the time and the Organization as a whole, even if most people instinctively interested in the principles. Group tasks and discussions to help bring clarity and idealistic concepts, such as the ethical and social responsibility more effective than the theory of reading or trying to come up with a new idea of business to embrace the airy fairy, person, place and issued orders. A fundamental change is coming, with support from the top, of course, but the success is, at the end of an account successfully, because people recognize and see the change, it is not.

Task 4: Be able to assess the work and development needs of individuals


The importance of planning and follow-up, Tesco cannot be ignored and there is no limit to the development of training – this is something that will help the person with ability in skills, confidence, tolerance, commitment, initiative, interpersonal relationships, understanding of self-control, motivation to grow (if you look at the really powerful people, perhaps they executives technicians, operators, attributes, in any role, which is particularly important in the properties are likely to be more inclined to good students. And skills, as well as available to the public, in order to ensure that processes are much more helpful Attitude includes features that require a different training and learning methods. The attitude is due to his thoughts, beliefs, emotional maturity, self-confidence and experience. It is the largest formation and the challenges of development, and there are better ways to achieve change and development, which has brought the people to the class room, or produce more than normal business or education, which may see a chore.

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For this reason, the teaching and learning has expanded well beyond the traditional courses of follow up the course. Be creative, innovative and an open mind, and you will see, learning, itself, is almost a new group or organization. If you want to make a difference, think about what helps really people to change. Managers and leaders in the education and training of their peoples and to develop the people, it will improve performance, raises morale; training and development of people with more health and productivity of the Organization and the effectiveness of the company.

Director of ethics and behavior of the people at the top, that determines how productive, they will use their knowledge and skills. Training is nothing without the motivation to implement effectively. Strong ability to plan and manage your knowledge and skills, motivation and attitude, the acquisition, largely determines the way in which working people. To ensure that important, skills, techniques and knowledge have been trained, but to remember him is after most efforts of ‘education’ and the resources to focus on these tools and processes to stop the training. Go after the help people grow and develop people as human beings humans.


The Foundation of all that are experienced by all employees take for granted: the changes are; At the announcement of the grid. What is the holiday routine, a disease where the canteen; what is the dress code; the work is. New employees are also the mission of the Organization, objectives and philosophy; personnel practices, health and safety at work and, of course, they need eliminate methods, annexed and expectations. Administrations shall ensure that due to plan regular induction training is to provide to each new employee and all parties concerned, so that they can see what is happening and everything which is associated to the. Prepare and give the plan of induction, which is required for each of the new starter.


We can easily deduct from above to know its role is not defined as a human being or an organization, and because the company’s policy could be developed for each of the reasons, to take their work and ask for the role, in addition to the requirements of the public authorities and, in addition, separately.

You have insufficient skills? Companies need help or advice in areas of importance is to educate, coach, mentor for others? What is a style? How can communicate. These all affect how you see and start to see training, coaching or mentoring role and how to be seen and are related to the person who is coaching or training and guidance. Your mission is to help the person to learn and improve, do not create another version of yourself. When you understand your self, you understand, how can you understand the best way to communicate and how best to help others to grow and learn and develop.


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Mohamed Siraj

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