Corporate Social Responsibility In Sustainable Development Management Essay

Corporate social responsibility is an essential element of present and future social policies. The strategy is to develop the multinational economic and financial groups that is needed in global market economy or firms that going through serious of internal crisis. The strategy is a replacement for many socially and ethically irresponsible practices to avoid or lessen the possibilities of bankruptcies, fraudulent actions, and even disrespecting for the basic working values.

People being brought by their values and attitudes in work are guided by the core values and reflecting the moral principles. These values affect the situation in facing the issues and problems on one’s perceptions in relation to their choices and actions (Fry, 2005). Corporate social responsibility does not exist in isolation from the society in which companies operate. It is another way to response the needs in different societies with different expectations. The corporate social responsibility is not only obliged to the business strategy, partnered the willingness of management to deliver it, but also people who are prepared to accept the kind of responsibility in their personal career and action. The corporate social responsibility is more effective with the communication and readiness to learn more and using their skills efficiently.

Upon reflecting on the concept of corporate social responsibility, the firms can use this type of strategy basically y to strengthen the organization’s relationship with the market, government, and all the stakeholders. Obviously, there are numbers of corporate social responsibility that are available for the company that is flexible in the business actions and circumstances. The extent of corporate social responsibility for the company has practical limits that influencing the different functions and operations. Therefore, there are interrelated problems identified.

In what ways, do organizations see the corporate social responsibility as a solution to bring the companies to see solutions and value the good practices and promotion of their own values and key initiatives?

How can the corporate social responsibility contribute in developing the competitive marketplace?

The significance of the study is somehow related in determining the literature gaps in both academic and business context regarding the CSR. The corporate social responsibility is widely added term of the organizations in order to build the relationship towards the community. It is obviously important for both organizations and communities to have relationship in order to promote growth. However, the CSR methods being applied by the organizations seems focused only in promoting the organization’s competitive advantage. Through tackling the various areas and factors that contributes in structuring the CSR, the students might recognize the study as another idea in emphasizing the importance of CSR.

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The scope involved in the study are the programs or projects that are applied by the organizations – either successful or not. These are important factors in which the study can focus and deliver the necessary information that may help complete and satisfy the research objectives. The study is identified the limitations in terms of the inability of the respondents in clarifying the questions which might find difficult for them to answer or they might find the questions unclear. In addition, the response rate for the study might be low which might affect the shortcoming of the study.


The main aim of the study is to recognize the corporate social responsibility towards the organization’s sustainable development and environmental protection.


In order to facilitate the investigation, the four objectives can be used as the guidelines in completing the study:

1. to determine the essential contents of the CSR of the organizations.

2. to tackle the organizational theories that might fit right to the CSR implementation.

3. to assess the effectiveness of CSR through comparing the CSR practices of the various organizations and relate it towards their success and commitment in the social and environmental developments.

4. to formulate recommendations in order to facilitate the effectiveness of the CSR methods.

Research Approach

The proposed method in the study is through the use of qualitative method and gathering the data is possible through the interview. This is promoted in the study because of the contribution that can be provided by the participants, making it appropriate in the study. The participants or subjects, in general, were chosen through the means of accessing the respondents with a population of 15-20. The participants that are involved in the interview are the managers or project supervisors that are responsible in their organization’s CSR projects. Through inviting the representatives from different organizations, the study can compare their CSR actions and thereby relate it towards effectiveness. Furthermore, there is a relevant application of theories and academic findings are also applied in this process, which is suitable to provide the explanations in terms of comparison of experiences or situations.

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Existing Literature and Data Sources:

The concept of corporate social responsibility accommodates a wide variety of achievements and initiatives that covers the moral and ethical concerns such as the code of conduct and good governance. The aim for corporate social responsibility is to have an overall positive impact on society through a socially responsible conduct. It also includes the voluntary integration by the companies of social and environmental concerns towards the commercial activities and the relationship with stakeholders (Fonteneau, 2003).

The corporate social responsibility is an important way for organizations to increase their contribution to society and to sustainable development. The strategy covers the things and organizations have an impact beyond its immediate operations and legal obligations. Because of corporate social responsibility that goes beyond legal obligations that involves the issues of health and safety in the workplace, employment policies and environmental protection (Noon, 2008). A business recognized the role of the corporate social responsibility in contributing to the development of the communities in which the business operates. The application of the responsibility is common in pushing the initiatives for the business (Perigot, 2003). Ethics is primarily concerned in exploring the question of what are the values and principles of good behavior and well-being that may affect the decision-making. The fundamental needs emphasize the issues of standards criteria of behavior, ethical and spiritual well-being (Vasilecu, 2008).

An ethical process reflects the requirements for being a leader, as well as leaders can influence the follower empowerment to facilitate the values across the proposed strategies. Corporate ethics and social responsibility overlaps the concepts the positive human health and well-being through the human existence and their relationships to values and attitudes. The development in a workplace’s spirituality, character ethics, and positive leadership to incorporates the social responsibility. The business ethics and corporate social responsibility had drawn interest for decades as it became a major principle or guideline in a business society. It is a call from the ethical missteps done by a company that results in many allegations as it continuously expressing the responsibilities in business (Sims, 2003).

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept wherein companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. The important aspect of this responsibility is voluntarism. Businesses are expected to recognize the opportunity and the responsibility to set high standards for protecting the natural, human and economic environment of the citizens in their areas of operation (Singh, Kundu, & Foster, 2006).

For the customers, the CSR is important to ensure that the organizational policies add value to the customer satisfaction and earn their loyalty. Aside from the broad commitment to social welfare, there is an assurance that the products and services offered to consumers are of the highest quality and that these products and services are provided with due regard for the welfare of employees (Britwum, Enu-Kwesi, & Akorsu, 2006).

For stakeholders, the company provides training for small scale artisans as part of its responsibility. This is helpful but it will be even more helpful and educative to all stakeholders including the academic community if the results of post training evaluations or tracer studies are publicized. This will allow society to reflect if the money being invested is yielding desired results. It may also lead to suggestions for modifications where necessary (Britwum, Enu-Kwesi, & Akorsu, 2006).

Corporate social responsibility is an essential element of present and future social policies. The strategy is to develop the multinational economic and financial groups that is needed in global market economy or firms that going through serious of internal crisis (Okafor, Hassan, & Doyin-Hassan, 2008). The strategy is a replacement for many socially and ethically irresponsible practices to avoid or lessen the possibilities of bankruptcies, fraudulent actions, and even disrespecting for the basic working values (Heugens & Otten, 2005).

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