Development Of Library Management System Information Technology Essay

In this project report, it shows the process on how a Library Management System (LMS) works, which will be discussed in detailed on the following chapters. This project main purpose is to develop a LMS for library to manage their resources efficiently.

With the two powerful development tools, MySQL and the latest Java SE 6, it benefits Library staffs or workers which have multiples skills will be more useful in other places. The proposed system shall be presented as a Server Client distributed system where all clients’ data will be retrieved through one centralized server. To enable the proposed system functionalities, every single machine which uses this system needs a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Overview of Library Management System (LMS)

A Library Management System (LMS) is a tool to help any libraries which are still using the old way to manage their library. The old way like searching for a book using manual work is hassle, fast report generation is not possible, information about issue/return of the books are not properly maintained, no central database can be created as information is not available in database. But by using the LMS, user can overcome all the problems mentioned above. This system can manage all the happenings of the library. Book transactions including book searching, availability of the book, details and appearance of the book, personal book borrowing history and etc. can be very easily handled by this system. This system is suitable for small to big libraries including medical and legal libraries, colleges, schools, universities, corporate houses and other academic resource centers. However, I would like to focus on LMS for colleges or universities.

LMS has three modules which are Students Module, Staff Module, and Administration Module. First of all, Students Module allows students to search material by title, name/author, subject, publication, series, ISBN/ISSN and etc. it also allow students to find recently arrived material. In Staff Module, staff can issue book and receive book with bar code. Staff also can fine for books received after due date. Lastly, the administration module help administrator to register/reassign shelf and category, change book status, issue library card, configuration to register users, and database backup/restore. Overall this system can be very helpful and it can make things easier.

2.2 Features of Library Management System

Maintain any media

Can define a number of things that one wants to keep track of.

Can define the specification you want for that media, for book like pages, ISDN number, type, volume.

One can maintain media with its own specifications rather than common.

Powerful search engine

Includes searches for words, phrases and more within single sentences in a book, or the entire library.

Find media by any keyword typed in text box or by selecting the name of media author, publisher or subject also find different combinations of author, publisher, subject and sub subject.

Define search field and select particular fields to display the result.

Issue criteria

Set criteria for the group of members against the media type so that it is easy to maintain and track the criteria data and particular group.

Help and User’s Guide

It gives information help and makes it easy to understand.

Provides information help for each form of the system and also describes each field on the form.

Stack – period

Define the time duration for which the library is closed, so while calculating the fine of member those days can be subtracted.


Member wise report.

Media wise report.

Time duration and media name for which user want the report.

More specific report.

2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of LMS

2.3.1 Advantages

Improve efficiency and productivity

With LMS, it helps most businesses to increase efficiency on their daily work such as reducing man power and manual activities subsequently improve productivity.

Save time

LMS reduces manual activities, man power and paperwork. With this computerized system, people which have multiple skills can be used more efficiently.

2.3.2 Disadvantages

If the server is down, the whole system will down

The client is needed to be connected with the server 24 hours a day, 7 days week in order to retrieve the date from the database. If the client lost connection with the server, the whole system is not fully functional anymore.

2.4 Summary

A Library Management System (LMS) is a tool to help any libraries which are still using the old way to manage their library. The old way like searching for a book using manual work is hassle, fast report generation is not possible, information about issue/return of the books are not properly maintained, no central database can be created as information is not available in database. But by using the LMS, user can overcome all the problems mentioned above. This system can manage all the happenings of the library. Book transactions including book searching, availability of the book, details and appearance of the book, personal book borrowing history and etc. can be very easily handled by this system. This system is suitable for small to big libraries including medical and legal libraries, colleges, schools, universities, corporate houses and other academic resource centers. However, I would like to focus on LMS for colleges or universities.

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LMS has three modules which are Students Module, Staff Module, and Administration Module. First of all, Students Module allows students to search material by title, name/author, subject, publication, series, ISBN/ISSN and etc. it also allow students to find recently arrived material. In Staff Module, staff can issue book and receive book with bar code. Staff also can fine for books received after due date. Lastly, the administration module help administrator to register/reassign shelf and category, change book status, issue library card, configuration to register users, and database backup/restore. Overall this system can be very helpful and it can make things easier.

Chapter 3: Study on existing LMS

3.1 Overview

Most of the users are more comfortable to use a system which are already long exists and already have a certain reputation. Those people whom towards ICT; they may want to compare several existing systems before selecting one, as well as Library Management System (LMS). In this chapter, several features, functions and comparison among the both systems will be discussed to understand better how a LMS works and its main purpose to help out businesses and companies.

3.2 Library Manager

3.2.1 System Overview

Library Manager is a complete solution of all library related work. It will assist you and simplify your work by an easy interface. It has various features such as printing reports, checking for books not deposited in time, fine control over students, and many more.

Library Manager is library management software that has the interface that which is easy to use by everyone. It can be used personal information system for staff members and students. Books can be easily managed and arranged by using this software. Fine over late deposit of books can be maintained and if whenever require then fine setting and number of books to be issue can be change. Library database can be backed up in any time that the staffs want. It also has other facilities such as printing of different types of reports. Users can also issue/ deposit books, magazine, and others. The software is fully customizable, various setting and visualization can be changed as desired. In this software version, entries of only 100 books, 25 students and 15 staff members can be made. For making further entries, you may need to purchase the full retail version of the software.

3.2.2 General usage instructions:

To Issue and Deposit there is a common Window for both.

Use the Add Button to Add Students, Staff and Books to the database and Save Button to store it.

After making the changes remember to click Save Button to store it.

You can also display the Image of Your Company in the middle of the Main Screen.

You can also keep track of Book Agents and their Complete Transaction record.

3.2.3 Features of Library Manager Software:

It can keep complete records of a document; it can be a book, registers, files of any type etc.

It can be appended while got any new arrivals.

Any user can navigate through the database and locate a document of their choice.

A member or non-member can search a book without consulting library staff in a network environment, where in several PCs of different department which are connected.

It has enormous search facilities along with point search facility where, a particular item/string in a given field of a specified period may be search at finger tips.

Existing records can be edited only by an authorized person.

Authorized person/administrator has to change the password at any time to prevent people who want to hack the password.

New members can only be registered by the library administrator or authorized person.

Member’s signature and photograph can be included and may be verified at the time of issuing any document.

The software can give the following information at finger tips:

Issue/return records of any document

Issue/return records of a member

Details of all documents issued from the library on date

3.2.4 Testing and Screen shot

Figure 3.1 below shows the main screen on Library Manager. User can issue/deposit books by selecting the icon or menu bar.

Figure 3.1: Main Screen

Figure 3.2 below shows the function of each icon, and I had draw with red arrow and write down their function in details.

Figure 3.2

Figure 3.3 below shows to add new student. First, select the icon which I had circle with record colour and it will pop out a ‘Student Database Update’ dialog box. Then, fill in the Student’s information and click on ‘save’ button to save it to the database. Student also can put their photograph by right-click for menu and choose their personal picture.

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Figure 3.3

Figure 3.4 below shows that the Student successfully added into the database after the student have click on ‘save’ button.

Figure 3.4

Figure 3.5 and 3.6 below shows that user can check all student information by scroll the navigation bar to the next student.

Figure 3.5

Figure 3.6

Figure 3.7 below shows to add new staff member. First, select the icon which I had circle with record colour and it will pop out a ‘Updata Staff Record’ dialog box. Then, fill in the staff’s information and click on ‘save’ button to save it to the database. Staff also can put their photograph by right-click for menu and choose their personal picture.

Figure 3.7

Figure 3.8 below shows that the staff member successfully added into the database after the staff have click on ‘save’ button.

Figure 3.8

Figure 3.9 below shows that the user can add/remove books from Library.

Figure 3.9

Figure 3.10 below show that the book was successfully stored in the database once the user have enter the information of the book and click on ‘save’ button.

Figure 3.10

Figure 3.11 below shows that to search for book. User can search by different types of criteria.

Figure 3.11

Figure 3.11 below shows the details of book title

Figure 3.12

Figure 3.13 below shows that if the user enter wrong student ID which are not exist in database, then it will pop out an error message.

Figure 3.13

Figure 3.14 below shows that if the user enters the Student ID and Accession Number which is exist in the database, then the message box will pop out a message to make sure that the book title issue to correct student name. If correct click yes, or else click no.

Figure 3.14

Figure 3.15 below shows that if the user want to check the issued books record. First, select the Issual Deposit of Books for Student’s icon, then it will pop out a dialog box. follow by enter the Student Id, and then click on ‘List of Issued Books to Roll No. 1’ check box.

Figure 3.15

Figure 3.16 below shows that after the user click on ‘List of Issued Books to Roll No.1’ button, it will show the issued books record for the particular student.

Figure 3.16

3.3 Library Loan Management System

3.3.1 System Overview

Library Loan Management System was designed to be a useful program for something like a school library. Each student can have a login, from which they loan books. Keeps track of weeks loaned and will alert a supervisor of overdue books. It has mail merge facilities to produce letters to individuals or a list for a notice board. Also features backup and basic repair facilities for the database. It works on a structure of three user classes, user, teacher and supervisor. Users can only loan books and check their loaned books. Teachers can return books and check all loaned books. Supervisors can remove users and books, and perform extended database functions. Teachers can return books and check all loaned books. Supervisors can remove users and books, and perform extended database functions.

3.3.2 Features of Library Loan Management System:

Various privilege groups to control access

Automatic Loan and Card Checking

Export to Text files for easy reference

Full Search Capabilities

Mail Merge

Backup and repair database

Easy browsing of database

Auto complete, Fills in info from a partial name

Easy Login

3.3.3 Testing and Screen Shot

Figure 3.17 below shows the Login screen while I run the program. And I login in as supervisor.

Figure 3.17 – Login Screen

Figure 3.18 below shows that the supervisor menu and we can see that it is a lot function for the supervisor.

Figure 3.18

Figure 3.19 below shows that the supervisor is able to change the setting.

Figure 3.19

Figure 3.20 below shows that the User Menu interface and user can only allow to browse currently loaned books, borrow book, browse books, and check their status.

Figure 3.20

3.4 Comparison of the systems


Library Manager

Library Loan Management System

Various privilege groups to control access

New arrivals can be appended to records

User are able to check their status

Have database

Able to backup and repair database

Are able to change fine setting

Existing records can be edit by an authorized person

Easy browsing of database

Full search capabilities

Able to add the student photography

User friendly

3.4.1 Summary on the comparison

Library Loan Management System is the good system software compare to the Library Manager. Their main features, functions and user interfaces are well developed. Library Loan Management System is flexible enough to provide a variety or workspace management solutions for any business facility. On the other hand, their system is also quite user friendly and easy to use by everyone. Not to say that the Library Manager is not good enough, it still able to complete effectively with the library management, but they are lacking in some other functions such as no backup and repair database, the flexibility of their system, and it’s not user friendly enough. Library Manager should improve their user interfaces and some major functions in their system. In addition, Library Loan Management System also needs to improve to make it to be able to add in the student photography, and most of the functions are well developed and covered.

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Chapter 5: The functionality of the system

4.1 Overview

Mostly, requirements are divided into two types, which are functional and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements are relevant with specific tasks, functions or behaviors the system, but non-functional requirements are constraints on several attributes of these tasks or functions. So, the functional and non functional requirements can applicable to the Library Management System (LMS).

4.2 Functional Requirements

Functional requirement specifies what should be done by the system and it also means that a requirement specifies a function of the system must be able to perform. Example below shows the examples of LMS functional requirements:

4.2.1 The Library Staff

Check Out Article

To issue any article must be checked out.

Check In Article

After receiving any article, system will reenter article by checking.

4.2.2 The Administrator

Add Article

New entries must be entered in database.

Update Article

Any changes in articles should be updated in case of update.

Delete Article

Wrong entry must be removed from system.

Inquiry Members

Inquiry all current enrolled members to view their details.

Inquiry Issuance

Inquiry all database articles.

Set User Permission

The administrator can give permission categorically, and also enabling/disabling of user permission.

4.2.3 Member


User must authenticate before accessing the system.

Search Article

User can search any article.

Request Article

After successful searching, member can mark this book as requested article.

Check Account

User can used to check account details.

4.2.4 Guest

Register user

User must full fill all application form for registration

4.3 Non-functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements describe how well a system performs its function; it’s called qualities of a system. It is one that to makes it clear for everyone on the system, including user or someone who really understands what the user need. Non-functional requirements are any other requirement than functional requirements. It can be categorized as three types which are Data Requirements, Constraints, and Quality Requirements. Example below shows the examples of LMS nonfunctional requirements:

Safety Requirements

If the database crashed at any certain period of time, it is because of the virus or operating system failure. Hence the database is required to backup in sequence.

Security Requirements

Develop a secured database for the library management system. There are different categories of users namely administrator, library staff, students and lecturers. Depending upon the category of user to decide the access right. It means that if there is an administrator, then he has the full access on the system such as modify the data, delete, append etc., Library staff are able to check in/check out the book for the user. Besides, all other users have the rights to check the information about the article.

Software Quality Attributes

Maintain the quality of the database so that it is user friendly to every user.

Hardware Constraints

To store persistent date, the system requires a database. So that the database ought to have backup capabilities.

Software Constraints

The availability of required software will be constrained for the development of the system such as database and development tools.

Design Constraints

The system will be designed to make the system usability and it is to let users easy to use on the system.

4.4 Summary

In summary, a functional and non-functional requirements in any system always exists, there two requirements will be carried out in the system development. With these two requirements properly documented, and evaluate it in a proper manner, the system will be quite successful. Same goes as Library Management System, the functional and nonfunctional requirements are properly documented before the development starts. With these information gathered, the author able to review back these two requirements and try to evaluate again to check whether the requirements objectives is done.


The author had successfully completed the objective and study the information about the author’s Library Management System (LMS). The author also learned that the knowledge about the functions of the system. Each category of user has its own functional. So in order to make the author’s Library Management System much better, study on the existing system for LMS is needed so it can improve the author’s Library Management System.

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