Drawbacks Of E Commerce Information Technology Essay

E-commerce means buying and selling the items or products by using the electronic system. Every electronic thing or system which we use for buying or selling or use for other purpose are called e-commerce. For example,

Internet is best source of selling and buying the objects, The benefit of e-commerce in this era is so much. For example, You want to buy some cloth and shoes from any shop. You just go on website of store where you want to buy the cloth and shoes. After selection you pay the bill by your debit/credit card. The money automatically transfer from your bank account to shop account. This is the best and easy way to do shopping. Because you save your time to use this way and buy new things any day and any time. When we use the online shopping on websites, then we save money and time and buy any things.

Drawback of e-commerce is less then as compared to benefit. Because some time some shop sites are fake. When we buy anything from any site. And put your own personal information or debit/credit card Information on the fake site. Then the hiker use our information and money for black purpose.

E-commerce makes the business work very easy and fast. E-commerce is very useful in social activities. For example, e-commerce make the transaction is very fast and easy. Now a day e-commerce is every important role played in our life. And made our life is very easy and fast. E-commerce is very useful for us it makes our life very easy.

B ) Describe three different type of e-commerce entitle relationship? (P2)

(1) Business to customer

(2) Business to business

(3) Customer to customer

Business to customer:

Business to customer mean a customer want to buy some item from a business by using the e-commerce. For example, We buy some cloth from any shop and pay by debitcredit card.

Business to business:

Business to business is a very wide type of e-commerce. In this type of e-commerce a lot of transaction and a lot of payment used in it. And different type of business involved in it. For example, online banking, shares.

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Now a day mostly people want to easy way to deposit money and drawn money in bank. And for this purpose they used online banking and pay online and deposit money by using online machines. And save times by using online banking. And now a day company publish the shares on internet and people buy these shares by using online banking and pay the company who publish the shares.

Many companies doing business with each other by using e-commerce, such as manufacturers selling to distributors and wholesalers selling to retailers. Pricing is based on quantity and quality of order and it is often to negotiable.

Customer to customer:

In this type customer to customer some customer want to sell the useable or second hand items to other people. There are many sites on internet offering free classifieds, auctions and forums. Where individuals can buy and sell anything which they want. Mostly people want pay online system by using pay pal. Pay pal is a best company to use online payment system for anything. Pay pal is a company where people can send and receive money online with ease. EBay’s auction service is a great example of customer to customer business. Where we see person-to-person transaction. E bay is the best example of this type of e-commerce.

a) Describe the hardware software and networking technologies involved in E-commerce ? (P3)

In e-commerce hardware and software and networking technology as well involved the user how want to buy and sell something online. They used the different devices and use the internet facility and use the software which is very important for them. For example, We use the router for networking and use the different program to buy and sell something. For example, internet explorer we may use this is program and we use the different devices to that is hardware, on other end where the user buying the items and use the same technology of program, of e-commerce.

Task: 2 (M1)

Explain the potential risks to organization to committing to E-commerce?

There is lot of risk to do transaction by using the e commerce

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(1) Security risk

(2) Payment risk

(3) Fulfilment risk

Let we explain one by one,

Security risk mean to hack the system or someone cheat you or somebody steal your personal data and card information and used these information for black purpose, this could be very useful for hiker.

Payment risk mean when the payment is done over the internet by customer but the item could not be finding by customer this is called the payment risk this type of risk could be minimise by use the third party like e bay. When the third party involve then third party is responsible for any misshape.

Fulfilment risk mean some trade in your mind about other party you don’t sure about other party what they think about your business or organization that kind of risk are common in every business that risk can be minimise by putting trust on others.

TASK: 3 (D1)

Evaluate the use of E-commerce in “brick and click” organization that balances E-commerce with the continued high street presence?

The “bricks and clicks” model is when a chain of stores allows the user to order and booked the products online, but lets them pick up their order at a local store. Alternatively, a furniture store may have displays at a local store from which a customer can order an item electronically or use internet for delivery to their home.

The “bricks and clicks” model has typically been used by traditional retailers who have extensive logistics and supply chains. Part of the reason for its success is that it is far easier for a traditional retailer to establish an online presence than it is for a start-up company to employ a successful pure “dot com” strategy, or for an online retailer to establish a traditional presence.

In simple world we explain the brick and click is:

A lot of branches of a company that is brick if you do business online that is called click.

Task: 4 (D2)

Justify the choice of security techniques used to protect an e-commerce system?

Electronic Commerce (EC) has allowed the organizations to enhance their social and economic growth, reduce the barriers of market entry, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of e-commerce, keep the inventories small, and reduce the costs (Hof and Hamm, 2002). Research proved that e-commerce (EC) will continue to grow and that e-commerce will change every type of business and it will change the online and offline systems. If you want to achieve the most benefit, when businesses need to build security issues into their EC web sites (Gartner Group, 2005). Many security experts believe that Intrusion to Detection Systems (IDS) and implementing firewalls alone are not sufficient to detect the security. Security is a continues process and it needs to be addressed across the computer network system, the web host system and the application system.

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Recent searches show that the numbers of separate computer breaches of e-commerce (EC) applications have grown continual and the application system is a frequent point of attack by intruders in recent some years. Recently seen the magnitude of real and potential losses, there is a need to promote a systematic and new framework to address the security issues in web-based EC applications. Although some universities have either started to promote their books by developing the security issues related courses or to integrate the relevant security content into the technical courses in their IS degree programs, little has been done to emphasize the security within e-commerce (EC) application design courses offered at the universities. Nowadays some universities publish the books, arranged the security classes and promote the new security techniques. And the security issues are not more generate.

Different types of security techniques use companies. Some companies to interact the people toward there item they put the copy right certificate on site and firewall security techniques also use by companies. For example: e-bay use the pay pal for security and they update the program which they use for security purpose it could be easier to make the e-commerce safe, fast and easy. Security techniques are very important in the e-commence. Because people do not do trusty on fake sites especially in payment matter. Mostly people used pay pal for buying something.

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