Explanation For The Area Of Interest Information Technology Essay

A literature search involves reviewing the readily available materials like newspapers, publications, annual reports, company literature, magazines and on-line data bases, any other published materials. It’s a complete search of the various formal and informal publications used to disseminate academic research in order to find items relevant to area of interest. The more informal methods of include technical reports, working papers, preprints from recognized individual researchers or research institutions – some of these are included in the bibliographical databases but most have to be traced through other means.

The main theme of the literature review is to develop the research and technical Communication skills. These methods will helps us to find and gather the valuable information of respected subject area and to update our knowledge also.

Critical appraisal is the process of systematically examining the research papers to asses the results of the published research papers. For this we need to conceptually analyze and identify for the valid and relevant mistakes of the information .as this critical apprising we can decide the paper, whether it is good or bad. By criticizing the paper we can improve our decision making skills.

Literature survey as I think is the important thing we have to do before starting a project as it helps us to gain knowledge how to gather various information from the most available forms like from internet, journals etc .

Firstly I came to a decision on which topic I should take up. I carried my literature survey on the topic of my interest in different steps. As I am much interested in Communication field I went through a field of wireless communication, I found Wireless Sensor Communication, the most interesting where multiple sensors of different Sensory data comes from modalities in distributed locations. It is during my under graduation days I heard about Wireless Sensor Communication. When I started browsing the internet I came through www.ieee.org where I found some interesting research going on Wireless Communication. I went through it and find if there is any paper published by the organisation. Finally I found an research paper “Bluetooth Device Control System” written by W.Stalling. As I gone through the abstract I found it to be interesting which made me to select this paper.

Explanation for the Area of Interest:

As I came through various fields during my under graduation days and for my Master program of Telecommunications Engineering, as I have interest in the field of wireless Communication which always attracted me. As I believe it’s the interest which ignites our mind I normally excelled in this field and it’s the reason I did my engineering project on and this time I am interested to do my literature search on WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS which is very interesting. The reason why undertook this research paper: discovery of the applicable quantities like monitor, collection of data, assess evaluate the information, also to formulate meaningful user displays performing decision-making and alarm functions are enormous.

When I went through the paper it gave me complete information where I can find the real life applications of this new technology and its future importance. The researcher is very clear in the objectives from immediate future to the foreseeable future and their willingness to make the product successful. I surely think this paper can surely fetch me the latest technology in the field of networking and communication.

Searched by Institute Of Electrical and Electronic Engineers:

I used IEEE magazine which has 143 leading magazines, journals in today’s technology including electrical engineering, computing power, telecommunications and many of other fields. With the information that continues to lead the research technology, it also publishes the highly visited journals in several technology fields and offers access to the up coming articles from selected publications which are posted before the print issue is available.

IEEE supports more than 840 leading conferences every year in cutting-edge technologies, and the collected proceedings are known worldwide as the most important collection in electrical engineering, computer science and related fields. IEEE journals and conferences have received not less than than102,000 patent citations i.e. (nearly 4 times the figure of citations of several other publisher)

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The Reason Why I Have Choosen This Paper:

There are many reasons for why I have preferred this research paper as course work

The first and foremost thing for me to select this topic is when I am pursuing my under graduation from Electronics and communication engineering I have done my project on BLUETOOTH BASED DEVICE CONTROL SYSTEM from Electronics corporation India limited in INDIA its recognised by the government and now I am truly interested in extending my knowledge in this paper. This project gives the overall description of how the devices are controlled using Bluetooth. In this project we are sending the signal through mobile. So, we are not using any wires, it comes under wireless communication. We are having two modules. One is the transmitter which is used to transmit the signal. Here the transmitter is nothing but mobile phone through which we send commands to PC. To receive the transmitted signal (command) a Bluetooth dongle is attached to pc which acts as receiver. So I have selected this paper by reviewing several books, journals, newspapers, magazines, inference proceedings, master’s theses, government publications IEEE journals.

Critical appraisal:

The research paper describes the concept of BLUETOOTH DEVICE CONTROL SYSTEM which has been made viable by the convergence of wireless communications and digital electronics. In our project we first explore the transmitter and receiver part because the transmitter and receiver which we are using here both are Bluetooth devices and a review of factors influencing the design of the system is provided.

Significance of this research paper:

This paper presents the growth of a system for controlling the desired devices using Bluetooth. The need for a physical connection to the PC is removed by using Bluetooth wireless technology to provide a link from the appliance to the PC and a Bluetooth dongle to provide a data link between the PC and a mobile phone. The paper describes the hardware and software design considerations system and discusses possible future developments exploiting the wireless technologies.

Why Bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a wireless short-range communications technology facilitating data transmissions over short distances from fixed mobile devices, creating wireless personal area networks (WPANs). The intention behind the growth of Bluetooth was the establishment of a distinct digital wireless protocol, capable of connecting multiple devices and overcoming issues arising from synchronization of these devices. Devices such as cellular phone, laptops, printers, computers, GPS (Global Positioning System receivers), cameras and unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) having a frequency of 2.4 GHz provides a way to attach and exchange information between short-range radio frequency bandwidth.

Bluetooth is the means of standard communication protocols initially designed for low power consumption, through a short range like (1m, 10m and 100m) based on low-cost transceiver microchips in all devices. It enables these devices to communicate every one with in the range. The devices used in radio communications system, don’t need to be within line of sight with each other and even in other rooms, as long as the signal received for transmission is powerful sufficient.

Bluetooth was conceived initially by Ericsson, the Bluetooth standard has been adopted by many companies worldwide. A Bluetooth chip is designed to replace cables by taking the information normally carried out by the cable and transmitting it at a special frequency to a receiver Bluetooth chip, which will then give the information received to the computer, phone, etc.

Interest in Bluetooth has been increasing over last few years and consumers may expect to encounter an abundance of Bluetooth-enabled products as many companies have invested in this technology. Companies such a Toshiba and Sony are planning to build Bluetooth into most of the products they manufacture, including consumer electrical home appliances, for example toasters, video recorders and microwave ovens.

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Maximum effort was spent on the Bluetooth technology that aimed at promoting interoperability .To the end of Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has produced over 500 pages of profile (published in volume 2 from the version 1.1 specifications). So, due to the wide usage of Bluetooth in many applications and also considering the security factors in Bluetooth we choose this project using Bluetooth.

Functional Description:

In this project we are sending the signal through mobile. So, we are not using any wires, it comes under wireless communication. We are having two modules. One is the transmitter which is used to transmit the signal. Here the transmitter is nothing but mobile phone through which we send commands to PC. To receive the transmitted signal (command) a Bluetooth dongle is attached to pc which acts as receiver.

Block Diagram:

The above figure represents the block diagram of Bluetooth device control. The detailed explanation of each block is described below.


Here the transmitter may be a mobile phone or any other device which has Bluetooth support. The transmitter is used just to transmit the command from the user.

The specifications of the transmitter:

It must have Bluetooth support.

It must support text (.txt) format to write the command.


Here the receiver should be a Bluetooth dongle. The Bluetooth dongle looks as shown in the fig.

The Bluetooth dongle is small in size which acts as Communicator between any other Bluetooth devices to the personal computer.

A typical Bluetooth USB dongle is shown in the figure. An internal notebook Bluetooth card, a computer which has a Bluetooth adapter in order to exchange information between other Bluetooth devices (for ex: cellular phones, mice and keyboards). Though, some desktop computers and recent laptops are in built with Bluetooth adapter, others require an external form of a dongle.

Personal Computer:

Here the personal computer feed the command received from the user to the M.C.U (Micro Controller Unit).In the pc one supporting program is written using “Microsoft .net” which takes the command from text file from the Bluetooth dongle and gives it to the microcontroller. The program in the pc is written such that it should refresh for a particular duration of time, so that if any changes in the obtained text file then it gives it to the microcontroller. So the personal computer also plays a key role in this project.

The requirements of personal computer:

Processor should be greater than 600 MHz processor, recommended is 1 gigahertz (GHz) processor.

The Read Only Memory RAM should be greater than 192 MB, Recommended size is 256 MB.

Available Hard Disk space should be at least 1GB.

Operating System has to be Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows2000 Service Pack 4, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or Windows Vista, Windows 7.

The pc must have a pre installed Bluetooth dongle and Microsoft visual studio (.net).

It should have a serial port to connect the circuit to the C.P.U.

M.C.U(Micro Controller Unit):

Here microcontroller unit is the heart of the project. This M.C.U is connected with the personal computer through serial port of the C.P.U. The M.C.U takes the command file (.txt file) from the Personal Computer and gives it to the Micro Controller. The microcontroller used in this project is ATMEL 89C51 (AT89c51).

Micro Controller Unit is the combination of Micro Controller, level converter, a bunch of relays, capacitors, resistors, a heat sink, a voltage regulator and diodes. All the above components are connected in a particular manner to form a Micro Controller Unit.

Contribution To Knowledge:

As being the electronic student I am very much interested in improving knowledge in my subjects accordingly I am doing my course work on BLUETOOTH DEVICE CONTROL SYSTEM, as this project is made up of different components like Bluetooth device, Microcontroller, Relays and Diodes. So the foundation on the fundamental knowledge gets stronger while searching or gathering the best information about these components and also gained knowledge in the subjects like Microprocessors and Interfacing, Embedded engineering etc. I have come to know many of websites, journals, newspapers, magazines, journals, articles etc. Embedded systems play vital role in everyday life it has enormous demand in the social market in providing well-built control and security system, gaining increasing attention in these days. The process of learning or studying in on campus learning resources and off campus libraries can be used effectively. By criticising, we can analyse the paper and can increase decision making skills which are essential for our future prospectus. We can develop our technical skills by doing such type of literature search and critique.

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Practical Applications:

This paper has ample of applications they are used in worldwide today. They are used for controlling any electrical device with in a Bluetooth range. It is also capable of controlling electrical devices at homes, banks, commercial shops.

Bluetooth has a technique to change people live in your own habitat. Some of them say that it’s just a device to shackle us to our sofas. When looking on the advantages: The resembling would be much easier if the presentation is set up. One can just sit in the institution and the printer would automatically deliver printouts and the viewers would be able to consecutively observe the appearance on their own Bluetooth enabled laptops. There is one more example which shows the importance of the Bluetooth working: “You may possibly have a pair of mufflers i.e. the headphones over your ears and walking in the lawn outside, while listening to the music when your mobile rings inside, it automatically stops the music and indicates you to take a call.” Depending upon your PDA voice capabilities, you can even check the calendar while you are on call and add an appointment or make significant changes. “Once your call is ended, which will simply revive the music again from where you left off and then if you finish moving on the lawn, this implies that all you’re talking and noting an appointment without using your hands off the mower. With loss of cables, the future would have an idea of a particular gadget to which a specific job will not have any importance. Mobile phones will be doubled accordingly as your walkman could end up like a CD ROM drive for your laptop and TV remote control units.

Objectives and Conclusions:

This paper has provided very clear and unambiguous objectives like it has well organised abstract and he explained about the paper overviews best of Wireless Communication. Future applications and capabilities may also include the development of a Web based home automation system that provides simple on-off control and monitoring from a remote location using a WAP phone. The pilot set-up could be extended to many other ways of controlling home appliances. The connection of appliances to the Internet opens the door to many creative ways of enhancing the quality of our lives through convenient and flexible control and co-ordination of these appliances. We anticipate that our system will be able to work in conjunction with other existing technologies in the near future

Methods Of Improving The Paper:

This paper can be improved by following ways:

Here in our paper we can control any electrical device only with in a Bluetooth range (i.e. 10mts approx). These devices can be controlled from a remote location with the help of WAP technology known as “Wireless Application Protocol”.

The conclusion is not so effective. So the Conclusion can be made more effective regarding the technical part.

The paper can be more effective if the communication language is better.

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