Exploring What Makes A Successful Leader Leadership Essay

A leader is destined a person who is leaded by the other persons. On the other hand, a leader is also must consequential to motivate security to get followers a leader hence they should to have concentrate, aim, and guidance and improve them with some expressions, opinion and action. Leadership is a mostly about a management activity which like communication and personally will control it and will be afford to achieve the company s goals. Other than that, the leader is knowledgeable to make people satisfied with themselves by accretion their self esteem. It is important to shatter down hurdles and create links, which is to demonstrate hurdles among departments, organisations, employees and customers. The leader s challenge is to build and spend in relationships and also makes a communication environment to his followers. The leadership s actions must help the team to get done the objectives, and fulfilling needs. A leader has to classify about the human nature life, and be skilled to express people reducing the team s doubts about ensuing. A few people assume that a leader is born for that way and there is no any additional way to practicing or learning to create a leader. They are thinking in the wrong way because inside of all human being there is a leader waiting to be awake and holding on a prospect to appear.

The characteristics of a leader

A few extraordinary characteristics are wanted to be developed inside the body of an individual, which no disbelief, have got to build a person good leader by outlook, gesture and performs. Different leaders have different kinds of natural characteristics and give the consciousness of being either energetic, proud, angry, kindly, soft natured or emotional. However there is something wanted to be overcome by all as common characteristics of a leader. Each one of the leaders happens to be honoured with some unique idiosyncrasies, called as a special characteristic of a leader. We are presenting over here a few obvious characteristics needed to be developed inside the individual as the general characteristics of a leader.

One of the strange characteristics of a leader is he/she admitting his/ her disadvantages, weaknesses and failures. Such kind of characteristics expose respective leader s willingness to believe in high standard, victory and activity, which gives him/her the pleasure, praise and esteem or support from all walks of life.

A leader should have a power of intuiting and taking precautionary steps in order to tame the challenging situations efficiently and successfully. Intuition, being one of the best characteristics of a leader, forecasts everything waited. It helps the respective leader to apprise public, in advance, a situation to cause its vigorous impact on the people perilously or constructively. In other words a good leader can arouse the sentiments against as well as in favor of individual, regime and power.

An efficient leader should be equipped with a characteristic of predetermining the actions needed to be taken, in the time to come, in order to cope with contrary situations efficiently. Great ability to evaluate appropriate timing for the course of action is one of the crucial characteristics of a leader.

Ability to develop a data of information on administrative structure, management, defense, budget, economy, relations, bureaucracy and analyzing them prolixly for their utilization are some of the additional characteristics needed to be developed by a leader.

Managing, controlling and motivating/ persuading the arm forces or the public also are the required characteristics of a leader.

Instead of asking the people to do something special, a good leader is needed to present an example before the public. It is a important characteristic of a good leader.

Good leader should control his emotions and anger in public. He should motivate the public through his words and deeds without causing an impression that it may hurt common person as well.

b) Seven personal qualities found in a good leader

1. A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader “walks the talk” and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.

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2. A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause. Although the responsibilities and roles of a leader may be different, the leader needs to be seen to be part of the team working towards the goal. This kind of leader will not be afraid to roll up their sleeves and get dirty.

3. A good leader is confident. In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to appear confident as a person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. A leader who conveys confidence towards the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members.

4. A leader also needs to function in an orderly and purposeful manner in situations of uncertainty. People look to the leader during times of uncertainty and unfamiliarity and find reassurance and security when the leader portrays confidence and a positive demeanor.

5. Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a cool head.

6. A good leader, as well as keeping the main goal in focus, is able to think analytically. Not only does a good leader view a situation as a whole, but is able to break it down into sub parts for closer inspection. While keeping the goal in view, a good leader can break it down into manageable steps and make progress towards it.

7. A good leader is committed to excellence. Second best does not lead to success. The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

These seven personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership. Some characteristics may be more naturally present in the personality of a leader. However, each of these characteristics can also be developed and strengthened. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role.

Overall, leadership involves being an effective communicator, being trustworthy, and being ambitious. The leader needs to be able to connect on some level with his followers. His followers need to be able to depend on him. Lastly, he needs the inner motivation to want to lead the group of people

Leaders know how to make people function in a collaborative fashion, and how to motivate them to excel their performance. Leaders also know how to balance the individual team member’s quest with the goal of producing synergy ( ) an outcome that exceeds the sum of individual inputs. Leaders require that their team members forego the quest for personal best in concert with the team effort.9

An important measure of a leader’s own success is the success of his or her followers. The strength of a leader is measured by the ability to facilitate the self-leadership of others. The first critical step towards this goal is to master self-leadership. If leaders want to lead somebody, they must first lead themselves.

Successful person

Success is the achievement of a desired aim, fame, wealth or social position. So a successful person is somebody who has been able to achieve an aim, fame, wealth or social position. A successful person is somebody who has been able to start a project (no matter how small it is) and see it to the end and should also have guided quiet a number of people to bring their own projects to completion. I believe this is a complete definition of success.

A successful individual is the most powerful force for change and happiness on the face of the earth or in all of existence. A successful person achieves their goals no matter what they may be. Sure, success can be anything though, as long as it is a positively achievable ideal. Genuine achievement comes down to a positive ideal in every way that counts. Negative ideals are failure, and the ultimate failure is a dead psyche, not necessarily physical death so much. A dead psyche with a living body is an obvious failure because of the fact that potential is wasted being a conscious failure.

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Successful people also are strong believers. They believe in themselves and also in God. Successful people are also very self responsible. They realize that they have a choice in life and that they are responsible for whatever outcome of their effort. They don t blame anyone or anything for their mistakes but make a positive choice to change their style of approach for better outcome in the future. Don t blame anyone for your failure. Just learn from it and move on. Usually this is how the successful people think. Successful people are also very committed to their goals. They don t give up on their goals whenever things go wrong. They do whatever within their resources and turn the problem into opportunity leading to their success.

a) The Qualities of Successful Person

Different person value success differently, but you would be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn’t want to be successful by their own definition of the word. Like anything that is worth your time, success doesn t come easy and it will most definitely not come without effort. Regardless of the arena in which you want to succeed, there are qualities that all successful person possess. When you want to be great, you should look up to great person and apply elements from their road map to your own life. There are six of the qualities to achieve success:-

1. Master your craft

Becoming a master in a field does not necessarily mean that you obtain a Master’s degree in your profession. Mastering your craft will be a continual process because there is always room for improvement. Learn everything you can about your field and become an expert. Always be open to learn new things and make the effort to gain and fine tune your skills.

2. Be consistent or Stay focused

Stay focused on your goals; let them become the air you breathe. Work on your craft consistently. Be sure to give whatever you set out to do ample attention so that you yield desirable results. Whatever you give your attention and that is what will grow and to achieve success, you have to stick with it. Remember that if you’re working five times as hard on something, there is someone out there, likely your competition who is working 10 times as hard. Even if you’re not able to dedicate every single day to a project, be consistent with the time and effort you can put toward your goals.

3. Take responsibility

Take on the responsibility of accomplishing your goals and being successful, because no one else will do that for you. Your goals are your own and you have to be the captain of your own ship if you want to be successful. This means, that you cannot blame anyone for anything and you should also not make any excuses for anything that doesn t happen or that goes wrong; take responsibility for yourself and your dreams. Try to enact change and control to some extent over your project(s).

4. Perfect your time management skills

All you have in this life is time and you determine what you will spend your time doing. At times there are many factors that take up your time, and this is where time management comes in. Successful people know that there is a time for everything. Once you’ve set aside time to do something, be sure you spend your time doing just what you set out to do because this is the only way to make sure you accomplish your goals.

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5. Plan

You have to plan for your success. In every aspect of your life you will have to make and follow through on your plans. You have to plan your daily life and you have to set short term and long term goals in order to gage your progress. See where you want to be and create a road map (plans) to get there.


7. Surround yourself with positive and motivating people

As sure as the guarantee of moving company insurance the company you keep will affect when, how, and if you achieve success. It’s imperative to surround yourself with people that will bring you up and not pull you down. This doesn t mean that you have to cut off your friends, but spend time around people who will motivate you to help you stay focused and motivated on your goals.

b) The characteristic of successful person

Successful People certainly share a set of common personality characteristics. Here s a checklist of personality characteristics shared by Successful People.

1. Always dream big – Successful people always see the big picture . It takes the same effort to dream big as it does to dream small. You have to believe it s possible.

2. Have passion – Successful People are passionate about all they do. They jump right in and do what they do with panache and style. They don t do things by halves.

Do what you love and love what you do Success is more than just money it s being challenged, happy, and passionate about what you do, and the success and money will follow.

3. Have clear vision and focus – Keep your Vision clearly focused before you. Live your highest Vision, and affirm it every day with joy and fun.

4. Maintain powerfully supportive positive beliefs – Successful people always see the positive. It s vitally important to your success that you cultivate positive Beliefs. When we try to make changes, our brain and ego goes for a search in our inner filing cabinet of beliefs to support the status quo. When opposing beliefs show up people tend to cave in.

5. Maintain a deep conviction that you will and deserve to achieve the success you desire

True winners know they deserve. Don t waver because the Universe will pick up on your equivocation and think you re really not serious about wanting it.

6. Know how to work with the law of attraction to achieve success

– Access and put into practice Law of Attraction principles to help you Get What You Want

One of the most important traits of successful person is their integrity. In my opinion integrity is what a person would do without anyone watching. A person with integrity will always go the extra mile for others and do what is right. They do this because they themselves know it s the right thing to do. Their actions are not based off of what society thinks or individuals around them, but from their own moral character.

A successful person with integrity outshines all others. They go the extra mile to help people, and their moral character never sways. They have strong beliefs and will do whatever it takes to accomplish the goal at hand. The trait of integrity builds long lasting relationships because a person with integrity is always true to themselves and others. People of integrity also make great leaders because people can count on that person to always do what is right.

On the journey to success and while influencing others we must always keep our integrity in check. We must have strong moral commitments, and never let them waiver. Believe in our self and believe in others. Integrity is the wind against our sail. The stronger our integrity the faster we will get to what we desire and we will not only accomplish much, but will also have a long lasting effect on others.

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