Introduction And Study Of Training And Development Management Essay

Training is learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge , sharpening of skills concepts rules or changing of attitude and behaviour to enhance the performance of employees. It is a part of an individual’s professional development. It helps the person to do something better and develop specific skills for particular task.

There are five stages in training process the sequence is:

Set the “goals and objectives

Identify the” key topic’s” that need to be covered.

Select the” training flow”- that is, the optimum sequence to present the topics that you think will be most successful.

Design the training material to be used

Create a strategy for evaluation and designing the evaluation tool

T&D is subsystem of the organisation. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioural change take place in structured formant.


Development is a process of planed activities that help the individual to develop their full potential. If focus on enhancing learner self esteem and sense of identity. Development is concerned with growth and advancement of employees. It is long term process and utilizes systematic and organized procedures.

Objectives of Training and Development Function in IT Sector

The training and development function in the IT and ITES industry should meet the following objectives:

Scalability: The process lends itself for scaling up proactively to meet the accelerating growth of an organisation, in a multi- cultural global environment. Most of the growth in this industry is through increased staffing, generally form the base level. Organisation should continuously maintain the necessary talent pool serve the opportunities for expansion and diversifaction.

Reusability: It takes enormous time and investment to create learning assets. These assets should be dynamically updates and converted to repositories for reuse and customization where necessary..

Return on investment: The learning and impact to the business should be measurable overtime and should lend it to assess the return on investment in financial term.

Training for Development

Training aims at lasting the improvement on the job. training for development focuses on training not primarily as a source of new information, but rather as a means for changing behaviour for lasting improvement on the job training is most effective when viewed as a system of interacting betweens trainers and trainees and between work organisation and institutions providing training the following is analysis is done as to why training is need and what are its importance.

Training is responsibility of three partners the participant’s organization, the participant and the training establishment it encompasses preparatory, pre training phase and a subsequent post training phase all the phase are paramount importance to the success of training. Following is model given which tell what the training for development comprises of:

Participants Training Improved participants Improved training



Greater organization Improved

Organization System Effectiveness Organization

There are basically three phases in the process of training which helps in the development of employees:

Phase 1 Pre training- the process starts with an understanding of the situations requiring more effective behaviour what performance is to be improved the 1st basic step is to delineate the task to the people who perform it the primary task group as it has come to be called included here are the people involved in the resource input and product output functions and in planning and managerial functions requite for keeping the effort together and focused. 2nd key aspect of the situation to understand is the organisation’s receptivity to more effective behaviour on the part of the people to be trained.

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Phase 2 Training- participants focus their attention on those new impressions severally and in combination that seems useful stimulating and engaging in training process. The participants explore in a training situation what interests them and training institutions basic task is to provide the necessary opportunities.

Phase 3 Post training-when training is concluded the situation changes participants once again give attention to work, colleagues and families they return prepared with some anticipation of these encounters.


Sony Corporation of America, based in New York, NY, is the U.S. subsidiary of Sony Corporation, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Sony is a leading manufacturer of audio, video, communications, and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. Its motion picture, television, computer entertainment, music and online businesses make Sony one of the most comprehensive entertainment and technology companies in the world. Sony’s principal U.S. businesses include Sony Electronics Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., and Sony Music Entertainment. Sony recorded consolidated annual sales of approximately $78 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, and it employs 167,900 people worldwide.

Training and development In Sony

Sony strives to further enhance motivation and encourage growth through on the job learning and as well as to access to a variety of programs tailored to different regional needs , management skills , improvement training and training aimed at enhancing the ability and skill of individual employee.

Sony has established human resource department in its head office to promote cross business initiatives, department is charged with planning developing training programs.

Sony recognizes the importance of evaluating talented employees with leadership potential as well as international outlook and appreciation for diverse culture and working environment .

3. In 2008 Sony appointed 13 global talent directors from among its regional human resources. It has also organized various training programs for employees of all level from new graduate to senior executive. it offer more than 300 training programs , it also enhance these training programs by inviting the outside expert in various fields.

Effect of Recession

The year 2007 had very much effect on the company and to get to the best level of the adopted to the environment, so the company had changed the policies and the company had changed the techniques such as the off the job training and many of the other techniques which had very much effect on the company budget and such the company has also changed the duration time from 1 year and it was set to 2-3 months short the senior employees.


LG’s innovative technologies, unique products, and cutting-edge designs are an investment in the future.

LG Electronics, Inc. is a global leader and technology innovator in consumer electronics, mobile communications and home appliances, employing more than 80,000 people working in over 115 operations around the world. With 2009 global sales of 55.5 trillion Korean Won (43.4 billion US Dollars),LG comprises of five business units – Home Entertainment, Mobile Communications, Home Appliance, Air Conditioning and Business Solutions. LG is one of the world’s leading producers of flat panel TVs, audio and video products, mobile handsets, air conditioners and washing machines.

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LG has signed a long-term agreement to become both a Global Partner of Formula 1â„¢ and a Technology Partner of Formula 1â„¢. As part of this top-level association, LG acquires exclusive designations and marketing rights as the official consumer electronics, mobile phone and data processor of this global sporting event.

During Recession

Surveying and contacting existing customers 

When business is bustling, it is often difficult to stop to sharpen the saw to determine what the company is doing correctly and to ask customers how service can be improved; how products can be improved; and, if customers had a wish list, what new products or services would benefit


Likewise, it is also difficult to take the time to initiate a phone call and add the personal touch to build loyal relationships. If through surveying and personal contact, a disappointment is discovered, there is no better time than now to correct perceptions and deliver over the top customer service, which can result in new orders. 

2. Building new sales and customer service opportunities 

once surveying and customer connecting is under way, building relationships gives team members the opportunity to discover from the customer’s perspective what the customer’s next growth strategies and service requirements will be. Team culture companies can then refine or research additional niches if it makes good strategic sense for collaborative growth benefit. 

For example:

One internet company is taking the time to train client employees on how to use social networks to build business during the recession. The goal is to build ongoing website and internet marketing business growth. 

3. Practicing employee skill building with client companies 

The same internet company that is teaching social networking to client companies is also training newer team members to train and mentor new employees. But since the company is not currently hiring and their training and development motto is “Use it or loose it”, they are using new skills to help client companies grow during the recession. 

For example:

Training and mentoring is a strategic on-boarding procedure the internet company uses when hiring new team members. However, the most horizontally trained team members will be needed to serve the next rapid business growth stage. Therefore, training junior team members on how to train and mentor future employees while practicing the skills they learn on existing clients helps the company reinforce systems, procedures and customer service for future rapid growth. 

4. Investing in succession leadership training for key staff. 

Often the first thing individualistic companies cut during a recession are training. The next thing is employees. 

Leaders of team cultures know how difficult it is hire new employees who fit well with existing teams. Therefore, these leaders do everything they can to keep existing employees and to promote from within. 

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For example:

One public relations company recently launched a vigorous 360 performance review to determine which senior team members are best suited for partnership status in preparation for the CEO’s planned retirement. 

5. Combining business planning with problem solving for rapid growth positioning. 

Team culture leaders are focusing on basic team systems and processes that grew on their own without much guidance when business was good. By reviewing and refining those processes that drive the business and culling those that do not, companies are improving operations. 

There are many more tips that we will be sharing with our TIGERS Inner Circle Team Members. For now though, recessions can serve business expansion when leaders take action on common sense strategies that build customer relationships, explore new niches, refine systems, improve procedures and develop team members. 

Analysis of Sony & LG

From the above compared companies Sony and LG I come to the conclusion that the companies were having the good reputation among the eyes of corporate and the employee training and development , and this is the main area under which the employees are made or brought up to the standards, so they can give their full potential of the company , so the Sony as per the mentioned is the good in providing the training techniques and they had also implemented the many techniques , so that they can overcome the recession period and which has very less impact on their status and on their work culture . so and now also they changed some of their strategies so that they survive and still today there are moving with the meet status and with the best training facilities .

As Sony had used OFF the job training methods during the recession time to their employees which is highly beneficial for Sony company because during this period of training employee give full intention towards their training and development programs. In OFF the job training trainers show the situation of recession period that how to overcome from recession in future. OFF the job training is more practical and employees are not pressurised from their job. As we had seen that LG company did not provide this type of training to their employees so according to me LG should give OFF the job training it will be good for the organisation.


Recognize individual difference: – Employees should recognize according to their different skills or capability.

Match people to job: – At the time of selection employee should be according to the grade or division with required qualification.

Use goals: Employees work should be goal oriented.

Individualize rewards: – For the good performance of employees, company should start a reward kind of system by which motivation level increase in term of work.

Link rewards to performance

Check the system for equity

Don’t ignore money.

All these suggestions directly or indirectly will help the employer to motivate their employees in a better way and can understand their needs in a better way.

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