Model of Educational Innovative System in Ecuador

Successful model of educational innovative system according to the socioeconomic context of Ecuador based on the success of South Korean educative model

Eddy Ricardo Andrade Chamorro


Suneeta Williams

November 22th , 2016


Education is a fundamental basis for a society consequently it must be the priority for countries and even more important to these countries in development. There are studies that demonstrate the relationship between quality education and economic growth of a country. That is why it is of the utmost importance to reconstruct the model of educational system of Ecuador. Currently this country has a very inefficient productive matrix and generate very low income. As a result Ecuador is a country underdevelopment and lagging technologically. In order to solve it the priority of Ecuador is to improve their industry by improving its educational system. A correct model of educational system according to socioeconomics condition, like South Korea model, led the country from poverty to be one of the most important economies of the world. Ecuador needs to educative system model strict and quality focused to the current needs of the industry to eventually improving it by technology and innovation and as a result develop the country and changing the productive matrix of Ecuador.

Educative model, productive matrix, South Korean success, innovation, socioeconomic condition.

Which is the best model of an educational system to Ecuador considering the socioeconomic context of the country? Since its foundation Ecuador has been considered an exporter of raw material to the international market. The constant and unexpected changes on international prize of raw materials, as well as also the increasing difference front to the price of products of higher value added and high technology have placed to the Ecuadorian economy in an unequal exchange under changes in the international market.

According to SENPLADES (2012), the way in which a society organize itself to produce certain goods and services is not limited only to strictly technical or economic process.  It is related with the whole set of interactions between different social actors that uses resources that have to their disposal to carry out productive activities. This whole set including products, productive process, and social relations resulting of these process is called productive matrix. The current productive matrix has been one of the mainly limiting factor to economy and society of Ecuador.  Overcome its structure and currently configuration must be therefore one of the priority objective of Ecuadorian society.

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Ecuador is a small country and does not have a huge quantity of natural resources. In consequence eventually the natural resources of Ecuador will run off. Therefore in order to survive Ecuador must change its productive matrix. From extractivist economic model to a model based on human resources, education, science, and technology. One of the most important axis of the productive matrix to be achieved is education. Ecuadorian educational system must change the traditional model to an innovative and creative model, focused on providing solutions to the current problems of the Ecuadorian economy and community.

According to International Monetary Fund (2012) nowadays Ecuador has a volume of exports of goods and services of 2.17 and a value of oil exports of 11.36 billions of dollars instead South Korea, a country with one of the best educational systems and with an industry of knowledge, science, and technology, has a volume of export of goods and services of 10.455 and a value of oil exports of 0.  Ecuador is currently a country with an economy strongly based on export of raw material mainly oil and its gross national income is 97,059.21 dollars. In contrast South Korea is a country with an economy based on knowledge, science, and technology has a gross national income of 1,388,988.42. South Korea percentage income from exportation of goods and services is equal to Ecuador percentage of incomes from export of oil. The most part of GNI of South Korea comes from manufacturing and services in contrast the most part of GNI of Ecuador comes from export raw material.

As a result of the development of an innovative and technologic industry the economy of South Korea is nowadays one of higher growth in the world. In contrast Ecuadorian economy does not show significant growth and even exist decrease in periods. As a result of an economy extractivist Ecuador is not growing and in order to improve its economy the country must change their productive matrix from educative system. Ecuador must stablish an educative system comparable with educative system of South Korea in order to develop the only one an industry and economy successful to tiny nations and without natural resources.  Industry, economy, and society of Ecuador must have a model of educational system according to their needs.

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According to The Economist Intelligence Unit (2014) the best educative system comes from countries with less natural resources than Ecuador: South Korea, Japan, Singapore and others. The success of education of these countries is the importance given by their society. According to Clark and Park (2009) the success of Korean education is mainly attributed to significant parental investment in after-school classes and other forms of private or additional tuition outside of the public school system. Education in South Korea is a very important topic in its culture. This country is an excellent country to compare and contrast with Ecuador because fifty years ago South Korea was a very poor country mainly agricultural and without science and technology. With correct government politics and with a very strong nationalism and culture of preparation and overcome. South Korea nowadays is between largest high-income economies. South Korea has an enormous investment in education leading the country from mass illiteracy to a major international technological nation. According to International Monetary Fund this country had one of the world´s fastest growing.

 Ecuadorian economy is weak and strongly dependent on natural resources and on exploitation of them. This added to lack of interest of study has created a society poorly academically prepared. Therefore Ecuador has a poor industry. There is no a high prepared human talent capable to develop an industry of science and technology. The economy of Ecuador is the result of a set of causes mainly related with an inexistent culture of preparation, education, and investigation. Ecuador must transform the patron of specialization of economy in order to create new ways of generation, distribution, and redistribution of richness. Therefore decreasing the vulnerability of Ecuadorian economy and creating an industry of high technology.  Currently educational model of Ecuador is not providing the required human talent to develop an industry of high added value, goods, and services. Education in Ecuador is lack of quality as a result of the low interest among people to prepare themselves. New model educational system of Ecuador must supply the needs of industry increasing the quality of education focused to issues that are critical to the country development. Equally important creating a culture of nationalism, preparation and improvement of each one and the whole country. In order to develop the country and change the productive matrix.

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Education must be innovative. According to Aguion et al. (2001) the innovation makes intensive use of highly educated workers while imitation relies more on combining physical capital with less educated labor. Ecuador in order to develop an innovative industry eventually will need highly educated workers. Presently Ecuador does not have the human resources to stablish an innovative industry in consequence the country must resort to imitation. Ecuador has physical capital sufficient and a less educated labor. Ecuador must currently follow a patron of imitation of successful models of the world and eventually the country will have the needed human capital to begin to develop its industry and innovate.

In conclusion education is the fundamental basis for a society and must be accord it. Ecuador educative system must be reconstructed in order to improve the economy, society, and industry.  There are models of successful educative system that were establish in other countries with a socio-economic context similar to currently one of Ecuador. These educational systems were establish with correct government politics creating an attractive and quality model to students.  As a result the interest among people on education has increased. As a result of a success educative model, countries like South Korea nowadays have important economies and present high growth rates.

Ecuador is strongly dependent on its natural resources but eventually the country will run off of natural resources and if until these time the productive matrix has not been changed the country will be impoverished and country economy will suffer a very important decrease.  The country needs an educational system according to its socioeconomic conditions, considering currently failures and giving creative and innovative solutions in order to improve the society.


Aghion, Boustan, Hoxby, & Vandenbussche. (2009, March). The Causal Impact of Education on Economic Growth: Evidence from U.S.

Clark, N., & Park, H. (2013, June 1). Education in South Korea. World Education News & Reviews.

Hanushek, E. A., & Wößmann, L. (2007). Education Quality and Economic Growth.

International Monetary Fund. (2012, April). World Economic Outlook Database

SENPLADES. (2012). Transformación de la Matriz Productiva

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