Moving From Colleague To Supervisor

1. Managers can use the wrong type of leadership because each team must use the appropriate strategy for management and leadership, which will create the most favorable conditions of the collective work. I think that in this situation the companies have poor socio-psychological climate. So, the relations with colleges and socio-psychological factors are the most important for the selecting of leadership style. However, exactly this area of management, which is linked to manager’s relationship with his subordinates, plays a key position in terms of the success of the head as a whole. No matter how talented and hard-working boss is, but if his efforts are not supported by his subordinates – a result is unlikely to be particularly successful.

It is evident that each manager chooses the style that best suits him – for a specific company, and under his personality type. But here are some important tips that can be taken into account: the leader must understand that the company – as a single organism. It lives according to certain laws – both the general business laws, as well as their own, which exist only inside the company. It is therefore important to feel the unity of the company, and in accordance with this pick a style guide, which will be the most harmonious.

In our case of Chery Kahn, Rob Carstons, and Linda McGee, who were promoted into management positions , the leaders must take into account the psychology of people who work with the leaders and remember that first of all people do the business!

Any new leader faces with the question: what kind of management style to choose? There are different types of management: soft, hard, democratic or totalitarian. It is vitally important for the manager to choose the appropriate method of leadership in the particular company, taking into consideration the specific of the company and it’s team of employees.

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If the manager can not choose the style of company management, it means that he does not possess the necessary knowledge in the field of managing people. Such a person may be the best employee, but does not know the psychology of management and psychology of team leadership. Then the person can not become a member of the team and become its leader.

In such a case a person must pass training on the management of company and personal effectiveness. Some assistance can provide the model F. Fiedler, that help to choose the management style. There are different leaders: the head who is “task oriented”, and the head who is “focused on interpersonal relations”. Using special tools installed, future manager can decide what type of leader he belongs to. This and other training and techniques can help to select the desired style of management, and follow it. (Bennis, W 1998)


Leadership – is an art, it requires professionalism, intelligence and specific skills. There are such types as authoritarian style, democratic, passive and individualized. It is clear that each manager chooses the style that best suits him – for a specific company, and under your personality type. But here are some important tips that can be taken into account:

– The leader must understand that the company is as a single organism, it lives according to certain laws – both the general business laws, as well as their own, which exist only inside the company. It is therefore important to feel the unity of the company, and in accordance with this pick a style guide, which will be the most harmonious.

– It is important to remember that nothing stands still, everything is moving and changing. The head also should not stand still, he should grow up, get additional education, constantly learn new things and innovate in the company. Then it will keep pace with rapidly changing times and avoid stagnation. Therefore, the selected style guide should take into account the need for changes in the company.

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– Consider the psychology of people who work with the leader. Remember that business is people first, and only then technology. Therefore, for any manager it’s important to pick a team that everyone was not only in its place, but also successfully coped with their responsibilities and was able to more effectively reach their potential, because it depends on the success of the company. (Tittemore 2003)

So, I must conclude that when selecting the style of leadership, future leaders must take into account the psychological features of the team.  In the companies where work Chery Kahn, Rob Carstons, and Linda McGee there is some “conspiracy”, when people are polite, but there is no sincere relationship, people hide their views. In such a team leader Chery Kahn, Rob Carstons, and Linda McGee does not know how to resolve conflicts, reach consensus not developed loyalty to the staff team and the manager. Teams do not have mutual understanding and trust between employees, which means integrity and honesty with concern for the good of everyone.

Therefore, I think that when choosing the leadership style, managers first need to find common goals:

– To achieve personal understanding; 

– Seek opportunities for regular joint problem-solving;

– To establish trust between employees and teams. (Adams and Shields, 1994)

If to consider the current cases of Chery Kahn, Rob Carstons, and Linda McGee, who were promoted into management positions, I think they need to select a democratic style of governance, which is characterized by the distribution of authority, initiative and responsibility between the manager and deputy, the leader and subordinates. are the main characteristics of the style:

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– manager always seeks the views of staff on important industrial issues, but takes decisions as a body;

– communication with subordinates is in the form of requests, suggestions, recommendations, advice, rewards for quality and operational work, friendly and polite, if necessary apply orders;

– the head tries to stimulate a favorable psychological climate in the team, defends the interests of subordinates. (Tittemore 2003)

I think that this management style will help managers to improve relations in the team and become good leaders.


Promotion of employees to leadership position as well as a new outsider leader – can be important news in the company, and always a change in the team.

The staff and employees may not always well react on promotions of colleagues. In such a situation it becomes difficult to establish relationships between employees and the new leader. But if the new manager came from another company, it is even harder to become a leader, because he does not know the team, does not know the rules of the company and it’s climate. He needs to learn everything and adapt to new conditions, and choose a style of leadership.

So I believe that promotion within the company is more successful. First of all, the new head already knows his subordinates, he knows the psychological climate of the company. In this situation, head should better choose a democratic style of management, and to remain on friendly terms with the team, but do not become an authoritarian leader, that may spoil relations with the colleges.

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