Rdbms Oodbms And Ordbms Information Technology Essay

The study is done to find out the best database management system for the organisation to be used among the three DBMS system – RDBMS, ORDBMS and OODBMS. All DBMS has advantages as well as disadvantages. No one to be said the best one but some has more usefulness over others.

All the pros and corns of different DBMS are discussed briefly in this study and then try to make a comparison among the databases. Also the technical issue, ease of use, compatible to the real world, future value are discussed in this study. The illustration of advantages and disadvantages gives the overview of usefulness of different DBMS. The comparison discussions of DBMS help to make the best choice among the three systems.

The best DBMS is proposed according to the organisational requirement to be used and reason behind the choosing of the database is discussed accordingly. The necessary discussion is done to support the decision. All the advantages and disadvantages are considered to find out the best database system.


Database Management System helps the efficient and effective use of company database. A company, small or big, has to deal with huge amount of data of client, user and other internal and external data. It is not easy to create, update or modify the huge data more professionally unless an effective database system is used. DBMS makes the database easy to manage, more productive, enable newer and more intelligent systems, and provide higher quality of information.

There are basically three types of Database Management System – Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS) and Object Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS). RDBMS works on the relationship among the database and use relational data model. ORDBMS is similar to RDBMS. ORDBMS works is based on objects, classes and inheritance in database schemas and also in the Structured Query Language (SQL). It is also said the middle ground between RDBMS and OODBMS. And finally in OODBMS, the databases are represented in terms of objects as like as Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

The advantage and disadvantages are going to discuss in the following section. Also a comparison will be done to find out the best database system. Finally the best DBMS will be proposed for the organisation to be used.

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS):

A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a database system that makes available access to a relational database. The database system is a collected works of database function that helps the end user to build, keep up, supervise and utilize the database. A “relational database” is a database controlled based on the “relational” data model. Data are store up and accessible in a tabular system, structured in combination of rows and columns containing with one documentation per row.

Advantages of RDBMS:

Data Structure

The tabular presentation is trouble free and uncomplicated for database end users to identify with and make use of data in the database. RDBMSs make available of data right to use using a natural structure and association of the data. The different queries of Database to search any column within the database in a given condition or matching criteria are possible.

Multi-User Access

RDBMSs agree to numerous databases user rights to use the same database at the same time. Integrated locking and communication management functionality permit end users right to use database as it is being transformed, put off collision stuck between two users modifying the data, and maintain users from processing to some extent restructured records.


Access control and privilege control characteristics in an RDBMS agreed to the database administrator to limit access to allowed users, and allow right to individual users according to the types of database activities they require to carry out. Authentication process can be set up based on the address called remote client IP address, in grouping with end user permission, limited use and modification to precise peripheral computer systems.

Network Access

RDBMSs allow access to the main database all the way through a server daemon. The server daemon is a dedicated software program that response for user requests on a network, and allows database end user to connect to and access the database. All the users do not have to be capable to log in to the user computer system to access the database, providing ease for the end users and a level of protection for the main database. The access to the network permits system developers to build desktop outfit and Web applications to communicate and transaction with databases.

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The relational database model is not the best database system. One of the advantages of RDBMS, as like simplicity, makes the slower swiftness a reasonable transaction. The optimizations put together into the RDBMS, and the aim of the databases, boost performance, permitting RDBMSs to carry out more than fast enough for most of the applications and data set. Technological improvement, evaluation and development of processor speeds and diminishing memory and storage expenditure permit database systems administrators to prepare extraordinarily faster systems that can triumph over any database act inadequacy.


The characteristic of RDBMSs maintenance utilities that allow the administrator of the database to use easily maintainable tools, test, and repair and make a back up the databases stored in the system. The functions can be made automated by using built in incorporated automation technology possessed in the RDBMS, or the automation implements existing on the operating system.


The powerful genetic language called “Structured Query Language” (SQL) is supported by the RDBMS. The syntax of SQL is easy to understand and use, and the language basically use the Standard English language as keywords and manner of speaking, making it moderately spontaneous and easy to learn and use. Some of the RDBMSs use non-SQL, specific database special words, functions and characteristic to the Structured Query Language.

Available on www.ehow.co /list_6121487_advantages-relational-database-management-system.html#ixzz0r1asdrqw

Limitation of RDBMS:

In RDBMS, database Normalisation (Database Normal Forms and Functional Dependencies) may lead to some relationship that has no existence in database, or correspond to entities in the practical database. This makes confliction on the use of ‘join’ method in query dealing out.

In RDBMS, the “Many to Many” relationships between entities are complicated to put across.

The RDBMS has dependencies like domains, keys, multi-valued and join dependency.

Object Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS):

The Object-relational Database Management System (ORDBMS) has some similarities with Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). But in ORDBMS objects, classes and inheritance are directly supported in database schemas and in the query language. The extension of the data model with custom data-types and methods is also supported by the ORDBMS. An ORDBMS can also be said as provider of middle system between relational databases system (RDBMS) and object oriented database system (OODBMS). Same essential approach is used in object-relational databases and the relational databases that is the data exist in the database system and is collectively manipulated with different queries in the Structured Query Language; on the other hand is OODBMS, where the databases are fundamentally a unrelenting object store for object-oriented programming language oriented software writing purpose, storing and retrieving objects of API, and some other specific supportive querying purposes. DATABASE SYSTEM A practical approach to Design, Implementation and Management Fifth edition P-923-925

Object Relational Database http://kona.kontera.com/javascript/lib/imgs/grey_loader.gif

Management System (ORDBMS) is a Database system http://kona.kontera.com/javascript/lib/imgs/grey_loader.gifof the same kind to a relational database, but with an object oriented database model that allows custom web development professionals to combine the database with custom data types. It bridges the gap between relational databases and Object-Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS).

Traditional RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) focused on the efficient management from a limited set of data-types. Object relational DBMS allows web sites development experts to combine their own data types and methods.

The limitations of RDBMS have led to the introduction of object-relational database management systems ORDBMS systems occurred in the early 1990s out of research. One of the most notable research projects, the Postgres introduced two products Illustra and Postgre SQL. The mid-1990s saw many commercial products appearing. These included Omniscience, UniSQL and Illustra 2.

Object Relational Databases Objectives:

To make an operational relationship between object relational mapping and the conceptual data modelling mechanism.

To build a relationship to minimize the operational lacking between object oriented database modelling mechanism and the relational database system. The object oriented database modelling is basically used in object oriented programming languages such as C++, C# and Java.

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Advantages of ORDBMS:

Large storage capacity is offered by Object Relational Database Management Systems, which is an essential and important component in web based application and development.

It supports fairly quick speed.

Scalability is substantial in ORDBMS.

Data manipulation capability is show off in ORDBMS of object databases.

By associating different APIs and server system ORDBMS allows object functionality.

Database engine has been redesigned completely by ORBDMS.

By adding a new object oriented layer, ORDBMS supports rich data types more easily.

Limitation of ORDBMS:

Along with the above advantages, there are some drawbacks of object relational database management system. Limitations of ORDBMS are described below –

Incapability of high speed internet application is the major disadvantages of ORDBMS. on the other hand, ORDBMSs are deliberate to deal with huge amounts of database which is an significant feature in the expansion of the website.

The ORDBMSs approach has the obvious disadvantage of complexity and associated increased costs.

There are proponents of the relational approach that believe the essential simplicity and purity of the relational model are lost with these types of extension.

There are also those that believe that the RDMSs is being extended for what will be a minority of applications that do not achieve optimal performance with current relational technology.

Instead of discussing object models, terms like ‘user-defined data types’ are used. The terminology of object-orientation abounds with terms like ‘abstract types’. ‘class hierarchies’, and ‘object models’. However, ORDBMSs vendors are attempting to portray object models as extensions to the relational model with some additional complexities. 

This potentially misses the point of object-orientation, highlighting the large semantic gap between these two technologies.

Available on http://www.articlesbase.com/programming-articles/ordbms-or-objectrelational-database-management-system-objectives-and-advantages–821908.html

Object Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS):

In Object Oriented Database Management System (OOBDMS) data and information is represented correspond to the form of objects just like as used the software development in object oriented programming language.

Relational database management systems (RDBMS) dominate the broader market of DBMS where Object databases are functions. Object databases have completed miniature impact on conventional business related data dealing out.

Object database management system (ODBMS) is composed of database capabilities and object-oriented (OO) programming language capabilities.

At present objects are important factor in programming languages. The Object Oriented programmer takes OODBMS as their ideal because product can be developed and stored as a form of object, and can be modified and duplicated the existing objects to make new object in to the OODBMS. In the real life access, information system contains complex data like audio, video, still image, graph, motion picture etc. Relational Database Management System is not capable to handle these complex data types. As the OODBMS and programming language use the same model of representation, the programmer able to maintain the database consistency within one environment by integrated them with the programming language. To handle complex data type the Relational Database Management System divided the task into two parts as the database model and the application.

To handle the complex data types all the organisation have a vested awareness in the use of OODBMS as in the web based technology the implementation of intranets and extranets is increased day by day.

Although some of the object oriented databases are designed to operate directly with real life object oriented programming language and some others are works with their own programming language, the Object Oriented Database Management System use the similar model of object oriented programming language. OODBMS must satisfy database functionality, support object identity and provides encapsulation. DATABASE SYSTEM A practical approach to Design, Implementation and Management 2nd edition. P-756


Example of Object-Oriented Database Model.

Advantages of OODBMS:

Enriched Modelling Capabilities.


Removal of Impedance Mismatch.

More Expressive Query Language.

Support for Schema Evolution.

Support for Long Duration Transactions.

Applicability to Advanced Database Applications.

Improved Performance.

Disadvantages of OODBMS:

Lack of Experience.

Lack of Standards.

Competition from RDBMSs.


Lack of Support for Views.

Lack of Support for Security.

Pearson Education Limited, 2004 [Chapter 19. Page 29-30]

Comparison of RDBMS, OODBMS and ORDBMS:





Standard Definition



SQL3 (in process)





Supportive object oriented features

Not supportive in RDBMS; It is not easy to map the database with program object.

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Extensively supported

Allow only inadequate support; The new data types mostly






It is uncomplicated to use

It is well basically for the programmers; End user can have access to the SQL.

It is easy to use except some extension.





Complex relationships supportive

Abstract data types is not supported

Complex data type with inter relationships and other complex data type is supported.

Abstract data types and complex relationships are supported here.






Performance is very good

Performance is comparably less.

Performance is very well





Product maturity

Comparatively older and it is very mature.

Relatively this concept is older and mature.

It is immature as it is still in development stage.





SQL usability

Features of Structured Query Language are extensively supported.

SQL and OQL are mostly similar, with some additional features such as Complex objects and object oriented features.

SQL3 is incorporated with it, which is being developed with Object Oriented characteristics.






Structured Query Language dependant, query optimization is relatively simple hence it has good performance.

Complex applications can be handled easily, also code reusability is possible so need less coding.

Large and complex application can be handled easily. Also complex query application is possible.






Not able to handle complex applications

Performance is low due to complex query optimization, Not able to support large-scale systems

In case of web application performance is Low.





Support from vendors

The market size is very large as it is well thought-out to be highly doing well. But unfortunately now a day, merchants are having more interest towards ORDBMS.

Due to present vast market of RDBMS, it is continuously lacking vendor support.

It has very good future as all vendors are moving towards RDBMS leaving all other DBMS system.

Source: International Data Corporation, 1997 available on http://lankaforum.net/english/doc/tutorials/comparisonofrdbmsoodbmsordbms.php

Proposed DBMS:

From the above discussion of advantages and disadvantages of different types of Database Management System I have set up my mind to choose the ORDBMS as a best system. I have chosen the ORDBMS because it relatively easy to use and understand. It is also dynamic and able to handle complex data type and complex application is also possible. In ORDBMS, for data definition, manipulation, query and other query related operation is still based on Structure Query Language. Also the SQL3 usability is in development and SQL3 is supportive of Objective Oriented Characteristics. All the new complex data types are supported by ORDBMS although it has low performance in web application but it ensure large storage capacity which is very important in case of web application. The Objective Oriented features like object, class, inheritance etc. are directly supported by ORDBMS. Most of the database vendors are starting to move to RDBMS therefore it has great and tremendous future value.

Every system has limitation over advantages. The ORDBMS also has some limitation over application. In fact the limitations are low and neglect able comparably to other database system. On the other hand, the future is run towards the use and application of RDBMS and we have to compete with present towards the future.

Therefore based on present application and market, the ORDBMS is the best possible solution by any means. In order to be dynamic, compete to the future and also for existence there is no alternative with the use of ORDBMS. So I am strongly support ORBDMS as the Database Management System for the organisational use.


Organisational activities are grown with the time, so we have to think about the future not the past. We have work with present towards future dream and prepared ourselves compatible and dynamic to compete with others. Therefore I think the ORDBMS must be best and appropriate choice for the organisation. The above discussion also supports the decision with any question. So the authority should take immediate steps to make the ORDBMS system available for the organisational activity and golden future.

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