Reviewing The Airasia Online Booking System Information Technology Essay

Help management to maintain their information for business use

The management team can maintain their customer information for any emergency cases such as flight cancellation or delay due to the weather problem. They can also use the customer information to track on their preferences and travel pattern to keep them updated to a better plan that suits them. Besides that, it gives management the real-time information about the availability of seat on flight so that it will be all sold by not overbooking. The system is able to protect the customers’ privacy such as their personal information.

Enables customer have a better journey planning

The system provides customer a more flexible access mode as they can now make purchases by phone, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), and internet. So, customer can make the reservation in an easier and faster way. They can book their airline ticket not matter when and where they are as long as there are internet asses even if they are at the overseas. They can now easily check for their ticket status by website or mobile phone. The system also reduces the customer effort in rescheduling their trip as it could reduce the searching effort they usually need to take. It can show all the possible itineraries available for the pair of origin to destination cities.

Increase the company sales or revenue

Company can maximise the income as the system help to increase the customer awareness about the various special offers and discount available. It also increases by minimising the number of empty seats available on the flight and maximising the flight capacity utilisation. It can offer a lower price ticket on their website as they could skip the intermediaries such as agency. Besides that, AirAsia who have a competitive advantage than its competitor such as Malaysia Airline System (MAS) or Firefly as the company give a cheaper price for the airline ticket to its customer. Therefore, this system help the company to create a new sales channel that enables them to save the commission need to pay to the agency and at the same time, it increases their profit margin.

The users for the system above are:

Travel Agency

They selling travel related products and services to customers on behalf of suppliers such as flight ticket, accommodation packages and so on. Through using airline system, they will check various flight dates and times, arrange accommodation and then travel agent booking or group booking. Besides that, they will try their best to fit the tourist requirement such as providing meals on air. For travel agent booking, they must join Airasia as an authorized sales agent by having a valid license, also known as the SkyAgent .


This is a person who involved in the management of a company. Most of the time they travel overseas in order to meet their client. Their major concern is about the transportation cost for flight and they would prefer to pick a business seat which has premium flat bed because it provides maximum comfort and spacious. In addition, they will feel more refresh after long distance travelling. Through [email protected],They also can carter airline service for the purpose of meeting, convention and for leisure with Boeing 737-300 or Airbus 320.

Student and traveller

They are people who always purchase individually through online booking, group booking or mobile booking. Besides that, they also like to purchase low cost fare flight ticket because most of them are from average family. Therefore they will try to get cheap ticket by keep searching it or wait for the promotion period. In order to get cheap flight ticket, they would choose economy seat which have hot seat and standard seat. For those who want to get the plane first, they are recommended to get hot seat rather than standard seat.

Therefore, each user have different buying pattern such as group booking, individual booking and mobile booking. The differences from group booking and individual booking are the guest will need to pay a non-refundable service fee and deposit per guest. Secondly, the full guest list with identification card number and passport number must be extended to AirAsia one week before departure. For using mobile phone, you can book flight ticket, gets details on flight schedules and check in from anywhere.

Question 2 (a)

Function: Email as the communication tool

Base on the AirAsia airline system, the system have provide emailing function to their customer. E-mail is a system of creating, sending and storing textual data in digital form over a network. It can send and receive messages electronically over a computer network, as between personal computers. In this 21st century, e-mail has become the most preferred tool for communication.

AirAsia uses this function to advertise their promotion and services to their customer. If customer registers as a member of AirAsia, they can get some best perks from the AirAsia. Be a AirAsia member, they can receive their newsletters which make them have the first information about their latest low fares and other fantastic offers. AirAsia advertises this promotion and services to their members through the emailing .Through the email advertising allows AirAsia to grab their customer attention and interest immediately.

Customer of AirAsia can get the lasted news as fast as possible by the email. Email is by far the fastest form of written communication. Customer can first to know more detail with the lasted news or promotion of AirAsia. Email can distribute information quickly to many people for the time it takes to email one person. No other service matches the e-mail in terms of speed.

By the way, emailing is a fast and now the most popular business communication with customers, enabling us to reach an unlimited number of recipients at low cost. AirAsia using this function to delivered instantly, anywhere across the globe. It is because email is leverage. AirAsia are able to send out email messages to literally millions of clients. Recipients are able to receive the message and respond instantly by the email. The messages that send from AirAsia at a cost that is close to zero. They are able to mail a simple message to a few thousand individuals without any payment.

Besides that, AirAsia using this emailing function in their customer service department. AirAsia have provide the 24 hour online service to their customer, especially is customer service department. When customers have some question or problem related with the AirAsia flight or their booking, it is able for them to ask by using the emailing function. Customer Service of AirAsia also have provide some simple question and answer which is divide into 5 main category. It is easy for customer to search and find out their answer. If customer can’t find what they want, they can contact the customer service of AirAsia through the email instantly.

Through the emailing function of AirAsia provided, customer are able to update their information .Trough the function of emailing, it is possible to send automated e-mails using special programs. Hence, AirAsia able to send automated e-mails to their customer or member monthly or when have some special promotion. Email advertising that send by AirAsia can keeping their customer up to date with their promotion. Customer can refreshes their information and also able to know more detail and promotion that provide by AirAsia through the email.

By the way, it is also easy for customer to do reference when customer needs to check back or reply their mail. There is a provision in the mailing system to attach the previous mails as references. This function can refresh the recipient’s knowledge, it also able for customer to reference back the important information. For the example like date for flight, their booking receipt number and some of the important data.

Question 2 (b)

Improvement on email function

For my opinion, AirAsia need to make some improvement for their emailing function. Although emailing has brought a lot of advantages to their customer, however it also includes some disadvantages. AirAsia have to make some improvement for this function to make their service much better.

Email is emotional responses. Some emails cause upset or anger. A reply in the heat of the moment can’t be retracted. Through the emailing, people easy misunderstanding with the message. Hence, AirAsia can provide a video call system to their customer. Through the video call function, people easy to get the message or information. Cases of misunderstanding of customer will be decrease.

With this video call function, customer service department of AirAsia are easy to get the message from their customer. They can easy get the message about the problem that customer facing, and reply their customer instantly. In the other hand, AirAsia can provide this video call function without any payment to their customer. Free video calling are able to attract more people to use this function. This function enables them to talk face -to-face with live video for free.

Besides that, AirAsia also can create a system for car rental to customers. Some of the customer of AirAsia may need a vehicle as their transport, especially is visitor. Some of the visitor will rent a car as their transport. Hence, it was functionable if AirAsia have provided this car rental system for their customers. The client can book the car rental service from AirAsia. It was possible booking the flight ticket with car rental in AirAsia.

It is very easy to booking a car rental through online. Customer just need to state about the pick-up and drop-off location, pick-up and drop-off date and car type. It was simple and easy to customer to book a car rental. With this function, visitor is able to save a lot of time and money to find the transport or vehicles. All of this suggestion can make AirAsia airline system better and complete.

Question 2 (a)

Function: Hotel booking, provide destination guide and book for tour activity.

AirAsia has cooperated with many hotels around Asia Country allow traveler to made hotel booking on the AirAsia website. There are many users of this system such as individual traveler, corporate booking, travel agent booking or government booking. This system makes traveler more convenience because they can straightaway to book for the hotel accommodation after they book a flight in the same systems.

Besides that, this system also provides users to make a comparison either in price, hotel rating or facility provided with other hotel booking website. AirAsia also provide traveler to search for better saving hotel accommodation as AirAsia having AirAsiaGo promotion such as mystery hotel and is lowest price guarantee.

Mystery hotel is means that traveler pay 3-star rates hotel for accommodate at 5-star hotel but with terms and condition that is the hotel name will not be revealed but hints will be provided, such as the location, facilities found at the Mystery Hotel.

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Lowest price guarantee is to guarantee to customers that booking hotels with is definitely cheaper price compared to elsewhere online. AirAsia can achieved this by refund the price difference to those customers that able to find lower hotel rates on any other website as compared to the booking made at (same time period and same hotel booking) and is subject to terms & conditions. Customers just need to send email to [email protected] to claim for the price different.

To book a hotel accommodation with AirAsia, customers can visit the home page ( in 6 easy steps as shown below.

Step 1


Browse for the hotel accommodation by select your vacation city or region.

Then, fill in the check-in and check-out date, select number of rooms that you want to book, select number of guest (adult or children) and stated the currency for the payment purpose.

After you have key in all this information, now you can click the search and there will be process your requirement.

Step 2


Now, the systems will be shown out the all hotels that meet the customer’s requirement.

Customers can sort this hotel name view in either price or star rating.

So, customers are required to click on the book now at the hotel slide that they choose.

Then, customers also required to choose the Room type Features.

Step 3


After that, customers also can add any additional activities to their itinerary such as airport transfer, our package and so on.

Then, customers need to confirm their itinerary and simply click continue to the next process.

Step 4

Travelers Detail

Customers are required to fill in the contact information.

Step 5


Customers can choose for the payment method either credit card or debit card and make the payment.

Step 6


Once the payment is processed, the hotel accommodation itinerary will be shown and send to your email address

Besides that, AirAsia also has cooperated with travel agent to allow travel agent to publish their tour package on AirAsia website. This system has beneficial for those individual that had book flight and hotel accommodation on the AirAsia website to browse for the tour package available and book for their prefer tour package. So, traveler no needs to find other travel agency to book for the travel package. Hence, this will reduce cost such as communication to travel agency and time to confirm the booking as this system can instant confirm on website.

Next, AirAsia also got provide destination guide to users for vacation purpose. This is beneficial to those who going to plan for vacation but no idea for the vacation place, then they can search for this systems on AirAsia website. This system will show all the interesting and famous place for vacation around the Asia Country. For example, is Ocean Park and Hong Kong Disneyland at Hong Kong, gold coast at Australia and so on. This systems is easy to use, traveler just need to click on destination guide under the travel info, then just click the destination place that their wan t to know more. User also can choose for detailed information on dining, sightseeing, culture, art & theater, nature & eco, shopping of the country. This will help travelers that plan for vacation to decide and choose their prefer vacation place.

AirAsia also provides a system that allows users to search for the event calendar so that they can plan to go to the event activity. This system also quite easy for the user as it just clicks on the event calendar under the travel info. This system is beneficial to those travelers who want to go for some of the special event activity such as Macau Food Festival, Halloween Hong Kong Treats, Hong Kong Sinfonietta Accompanies Hong Kong Ballet in The Nutcracker, Christmas in the Tropics, Walkerhill Show ‘Legend of Flower’ and so on because travelers can check for the time this activity happen on AirAsia website.

Question 2 (b)

Add new cruises booking

One of the services or functions that can be add to the current AirAsia website systems to provide cruises booking for users. Future users of this system might include individual, couple, family or group booking, corporate booking, travel agent booking or government booking. Couple may like to have a honeymoon cruise trip or having a memorable cruise wedding. Besides that, cruises is also one of the choice for family, friends or company trip as there have a lot of activities ranging from snorkelling and biking to sauna and spa treatments. This service would increase sales to AirAsia because this cruise package is in very high demand.

So, AirAsia should implement this service into the current system website so that users can book for the cruise package. The way of booking this cruise package system is almost same as the hotel booking systems.

Besides that, this system also can provide some theme for user to select such as family cruises, luxury cruises, holiday cruise, week end cruise and so on. User can book this theme cruise by click on the Cruise them promotion. If user is more likely to choose the destination and time by themselves, they can search by following steps.

First, user need to search for their prefer cruise destination and the duration time for the cruise. Then, user is required to fill in the departure month and date. Anyway, the systems would ask users how flexible are they for the departure date such as expand their search to include days before and after their preferred departure date because it is unlike flights, cruises don’t depart every day from every port. Next, user also need to select their prefer cruise line and cruise ship. Lastly, user required to select the cruise departure port and stated the currency for the payment purpose. Now, user can click search.

Second, the systems will process all the information and shown out all the available cruise. User can sort this cruise view in either price or ship rating. Now, user need to choose their prefer cruise and click on the select button at the cruise slide that they choose.

Third, user can search for the availability of the entertainment or activity on the cruise ship such as Bars, Clubs & Lounges, Casino & Gambling, Spa, Sports & Fitness, Shops, Leisure, Enrichment, Kids & Families and so on. This can help user to planning for this activity on the cruise. User also can view the cruise Itinerary at here such as time of arrive or departure at which place. Besides that, user also can look for the availability and the price for the dinning. After the user has know all about the cruise information and confirm for this cruise package then they can click continue for further process.

Now, user need to select the number of passengers (Adults or children). User also required to choose their dinning preferences either personal choice dining or second dining. Then, user need to select the table size either medium , small or large. Lastly, user must enter their contact information.

Then, user need to specify what type of stateroom category that wants to book such as Suite, Balcony Stateroom, Oceanview Stateroom and Interior Stateroom.

Fifth, user need to key in all detailed information. User are required to check the billing information and the contact information. Now, user needs to pay for this cruise package either in debit or credit card.

This system can generate more sales for the AirAsia and get more users to use the AirAsia website to plan and book for vacation.

Question 2 (a)

Functions: Payment methods, 1-Click Card and multi currency pricing system

From the system that we have chosen, I would like to discuss about the payment function that are available for AirAsia booking system. Every traveller who purchases their ticket from the website or mobile phone is requiring making the payment prior their purchase. After they have entered their guest information and the additional service that they needed, they are require to choose which payment option and method they would like to use. The payment options are VISA, Master Card or American Express and they can use credit card or debit card, e-gift voucher and direct debit to pay it. Let look at them one by one to see how to use this method to make payment.

For the credit or debit card payment, it is the same as the normal way of payment that we use to pay for things that we purchase online. The travellers are required to choose the type of card that they would like to use to make their payment. Then enter their card details on the screen and billing address. They must ensure that the information is the same with the credit or debit card information. Before click on the word “Pay” to make the payment, they must double check whether the final amount and guest name are correct. After that, be patient to wait for around 45 second for the system to process the transaction. When it is successful, their travel itinerary will automatically appear for them to print and it is also email to them.

Direct Debit is another method where the travellers can choose to make their payment. First, they must click on the “Direct Debit” tab and choose their preferred Bank for payment. There are Maybank, Public Bank. CIMB Clicks, AmOnline and BankRakyat. After selecting the bank that they would like to use, there will be pop-up windows on their preferred bank. They are required to login to their bank account in order to process the payment. To perform the transaction, they must select the account and confirm the payment details by clicking “Next”. Verify the account by key in their Identification Code (IC) or Passport Number and click “Confirm” to precede the transaction. Before log out from the page, they must print their payment details for future reference. Once all this is done, the travel itinerary will be display.

Traveller can also pay using the E-Gift Voucher (EGV). They can get the EGV by purchasing it online or get it as a gift from AirAsia. They can use it by key in the E-Gift Voucher Number and password. If they have more than one voucher, click on “+” to add the next voucher by key in the number and password. When there are any remaining balances after deduction from the voucher, they need to pay it using credit or debit card. So they must click on the “Credit / Debit Card” tab to proceed. Then they must do the same process as the credit or debit card payment explained in the second paragraph. After all the payment, the travel itinerary will appear for print.

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In additional, there are this new features added to bring convenience to travellers who always purchase flight ticket using the credit or debit card. This is called 1-Click Card. It will change the way they can complete their payment as previous. Now, they do not need to fumble and rush to key in their card details. Before they are able to use this 1-Click Card, they must add their favourite cards into the list on their account. How can they do so? They must login their account in and go the “My Profile”. Then move the mouse to “My 1-Click Card” and select “Add/Delete details”. They are required to add on their card details for all the mandatory fields and save it. However, they can only add a maximum of 3 cards in this feature. So whenever they need to book any ticket online no matter through web or mobile, they can just click on the card they want to use for purchase without key in the details.

Besides that, AirAsa has currently cooperated with The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) to provide a multi-currency pricing system to it online system. These systems enable the travellers can immediately get the actual price that they are paying according to their country currency. This could enhance the company online sales by eliminate the uncertainty of exchange rates fluctuation. For now, the currencies available for online sales are US dollar, Singapore dollar, Hong Kong dollar, pound, and Australian dollar.

Question 2 (b)

Improvement on the payment system

There are many customer complaints that they face problems when they are making payment for their flight ticket. When they have finish entering all their card details and click “Pay”, some of them may even get a page stated that “our site is experiencing high traffic, please try again later” after they key in the payment details especially during promotion period, facing an error or connection problem. Some may also face problem when they tends to make payments for two different routes flight. For example, there are these customers who plan to help his friends to purchase the flight ticket using his account. For the current system, he can only make the booking by finish the first booking before book for the second flight. But there are these chances where he has successfully paid for the first ticket and when he purchase for the second ticket, he now face an error that state that the payment was unsuccessful.

Therefore, as an improvement, I would like suggest to AirAsia that they should upgrading its payment system that enables the customer to book two different route tickets with just one payment with his credit or debit card.

How to do so? First, AirAsia should meet with the bank officer that that they have relation on the system and those IT management team to discuss on how to apply this function to the current booking system. After all the discussion, they must design the system to apply. They can put an extra box in the booking section where they can tick on whether they are purchasing more than one ticket. If they tick it, they will be shown with two columns for them to enter the destination and date they are going. After entering it, they will be shown with two fare prices for the different route tickets and they are required to choose. Then they have to enter two type of information. One is for the first trip guest information then another for the second trip as they may be different guest.

After all the booking details, they come to the page where they need to make the payments. Now the system must be able to sum up the total price for both of the ticket purchase and the additional charges on other services. Then the customers choose on the payment method that they wanted to use and click “Pay”. So they are now able to make two ticket purchases with just one time of payment. For the bank site, they must enable the customer to make their payment online although it might be a huge sum. Their customer service centre can also call the customer and confirm on their purchases. With this planning and designing, they must test on this system to see which one is more workable or not on the current system before implementing. It must also be user friendly for the customers to use.

So with this new function, the customers can now book ticket from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok and ticket from Melbourne to Taipei with one payment with their credit or debit card. It is now easier and time saving for the customer as they can save their time to purchase it two times. It is also reduce the chances for them to get the error problem.

Question 2(a)

Functions: Skybus, Skyvan, advertising, Help and Info

Airasia creates airline system to provide useful and convenient for the users. Through the website, we know that Airasia provides a variety of services including skybus, skyvan and advertising. Skybus is a transport that offer low cost price in addition to quality service. Besides that, point to point shuttle service is provided from KL Sentral or One Utama to low cost carrier terminal and vice versa. There are 40 seater air conditioned coaches and also provides adequate space. The time taken from One Utama or KL Sentral to LCC-T is estimated at 1 hour 15 minutes and the ticket charged for KL Sentral is RM9 and One Utama is RM15.

Skyvan provides door-to-door van service that will get you to the city such as LCCT, Genting Highlands, Port Dickson, Cameron Highlands, Melaka and so on. It is available from 9am to 9pm.But if u gets a ride between 6 am to 9am and 9pm to 11 pm, you will be surcharged rm20 per van. You will also be charge extra 30 percentage of total cost if it is in the middle of the night. At the same times, the prices are charged in different way which depends on sharing or charter.

Advertising is also available on airline system. We learnt that there are few companies that have collaborated with skybus such as Airasia, Maxis and Digi. There are three types of advertisement for allowing companies to advertise including bus painting advertisement, on board advertisement and websites advertisement.

The airline system also added few tabs at website including schedule, photo gallery, newsroom and help and info. As we know skybus schedule, it operates daily throughout the year, including public holidays. During peak-season, bus ran at a 15 minutes interval and 30 minutes interval off peak. Therefore, it is convenience for us to get ride straight away and no time is wasted.

One of the tabs of Airasia is photo gallery at airline system. We could have a look at various type of Lcct opening, new buses1, new buses 2, skyvan and award. Besides that we could at least figure out the image of the skybus and skyvan from the front view and back view. The photos also prove the awards they have received.

In order to let many users know about the latest event, Airasia will updated the advertisement on the home page. For example, they provide bus services to Sepang circuit from 8 April to 10 April 2011.The airline system also provide the detail of skybus schedule and price ticket.

Furthermore, airline system also provides newsroom. It has posted lots of articles about skybus from newspaper such as news trait times, star metro and the edge Malaysia. It can enhance people knowledge and increase the reliability of Malaysia.

Moreover, Help and Info is provided by Airasia. For enquires and customer services, user can contact them by reaching+6(016)-2176950 from 9 am to 10p.m.Another choice is sending a letter or email to them. In addition, it also provides FAQ and term and condition. In order to improve the service, t hey also created online feedback on online system so that people will give more opinion and Airasia appreciates the compliment from the users by posting them on the wall to share it with everyone.

From the above information, users can compare among the airline services (Airasia, Mas airline and firefly )which are more convenient for them. For example, they may find out that Malaysia airline do not provide low cost transport such as skybus. For people who are of average family, they are not willing to spend on expensive transportation fee. Due t o economic crisis, most of people try to do research for the cost and make a budget for themselves. To determine whether is it worth or not, they may want information about flight ticket and transport fee charged by airline and also include the time taken from airport to their destination

Most of the users using the airline system are travel agency, businessman, traveler and employees. They interact directly with the system. Travel agency helps their customer to book their flight ticket or prepurchases the ticket and then offers attractive package to their customer. Whereas, businessman is a person who is a workaholic and need to fly around the worlds in order to meet their client. As for traveler, they would like to travel overseas when they are free. Therefore, they are end users who interact with system directly. Besides that, employee manages the system by replying generic question or providing further information to their customers.

In order to purchase tickets, first and foremost, you must select your departing and arriving cities. Select number of guest (adult or children) and stated the currency for the payment purpose. After you have key in all this information, now you can click the search and there will be process your requirement. Next, you will need to select flight schedule which will be displayed with fare and travel time. The following steps are user must key in their contact detail and personal detail. After that, you will be asked whether pre-purchase ticket or not. If you choose to pre-purchase, you will need to choose your destination (One Utama/ KL Sentral). Finally, you made the payment by using credit card or debit card.

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Airasia also provide information about bus service to Melbourne: foreign country Skybus information center of Melbourne airport provides a combined Metcard-Skybus ticket that is available as a 2-Hour or Daily Zone 1 fare plus the Skybus Adult single fare ($13.00) to or from Melbourne Airport. Skybus has its own ticketing system. The rear of the ticket has the Skybus barcode must be swiped past a reader which is visible in the driver’s ticket issuing console on Skybuses.

Apart from that, user may want to know whether the skybus provides seat especially for disabled person or not. Through service info on, The Skybus fleet is Equipped with kneel-down suspension, for wheelchair passenger access. In fact, Skybus fleet is Australia’s first fleet of 100% mobility-enhanced rapid transit vehicles. In addition, The SkyBus Hotel fleet is also installed wheelchair lifts.

Step 1:In order to purchase bus ticket for Melbourne,there are three steps are shown below:

Confirm the tickets you want and don’t need to specify a date or make a reservation-

from the date of purchase, SkyBus tickets are valid for 3 months. Then, you key in your

contact detail and put a tick at term and condition. Now, you can click purchase ticket.

Step 2:

Pay for your ticket online with credit card by providing your credit card information.

Step 3:

Print out the ticket

Question 2 (b)

Add new system which is enable redemption of points

By keeping pace with competitors, Airasia opted for adding new services to the system. They try to promote exchange plan which are buying flight ticket by redemption of points. At the same time, they can also promote go green campaign due to disaster happened frequently. By applying an airasia card, users can collect points by purchasing any items up to RM30 at shopping centers in Malaysia..Besides that, Airasia can collaborate with several top vacation spots such as Genting Highland’s casino and theme park so that users can collect there as long as you spent money.

Most of the users using the airline system are students, housewives and senior citizen. Housewives always buy grocery thing at shopping center. At the same time, they would not use plastics because they can redeem their points. Whereas, Students usually will go to Genting Highland’s casino and theme park for fun during their sembreak. Besides students, senior citizens also like to go casino oftenly for leisure during either week day or weekend.

In order to let users know the method for booking tickets, there are few steps shown below:

Firstly, login as a frequent flyer by keying in your membership number, pin and the membership tier that you are in. If you are not a member of airasia, you can register it. Then, click the award tab on the homepage and select departing and arriving cities and preferred dates. If your requested travel dates is flexible, select the’ flexible with date’s button so you could choose the available seats for 15 days before and after your requested date. it also will display the price of flight ticket.

Secondly, it will provide available seat for economy class. If you want to know about other travel classes, you just click the seat as you wish. Then it will display the calendar with the available seats, selected travel classes and price stated. Lastly, you are required to select the available flight departure and arriving date.

Thirdly, all availability of flight ticket are shown. Then, choose you desirable flight. After selecting your flight, it will display the total point needed for the flight excluding taxes and charges.

Next, it will ask you whether want to add other item in such as car hire and travel insurance. Now, user just needs to click the optional box. Those users who want to hire car, they need to provide contact detail for one passenger in case we need to contact you about your booking.

Then, review the flight you have selected including flight dates and times, destinations, flight number, travel class, baggage information, departure terminal and so on. If you made the decision to book, tick on the small box beside the terms and conditions if you agree with it.

After that, airline system will show that how many point you have and how many point do you need to redeem by referring to the point table, the point is calculated based on the miles taken between the journey departure and arrival. User can obtain flight with a mixture of point and money. Point level start from 2000.If there are missing bonus point required for a bonus flight, you can only purchase the limited amount of points depending on the membership tier that you are in. There are few payment methods such as debit card and credit card. After paying or redeeming the ticket, you just print out the itinerary.

Question 2 (a)

Function: Online booking the flight ticket

AirAsia system provides service for customers to book for the flight ticket online. User can click on the booking button to make their booking, then user need to specify either they are booking for personally, group, corporate, government and travel agent. They also can book this ticket by using mobile booking.

AirAsia Mobile service is use of the mobile application or channel that lets user to access on AirAsia website easily using personal handphone. Using mobile, user can search and book their flights ticket easily, and enjoy the lowest fares for the reservations booking. Here is the step to download the AirAsia mobile booking ticket systems for different mobile.

For iPhone, visit the App Store via iPhone and key in ‘AirAsia’ as the search word to download.

For Blackberry,

Method 1: Visit BB World and key in ‘AirAsia’ as the search word to download.

Method 2: Direct installation by keying in the links below using Blackberry phone: (for non-touch screen phones) (for touch screen phones)

Method 3: Download it from appworld:

For Android phone , visit the Android Market and key in ‘AirAsia’ as the search word to download.

For booking flight on AirAsia online, customers can be done by in 5 easy steps as shown below.



Fill the search flights include

select the origin to destinations cities,

depart and return date,

select number of guests, child or infant,

stated in what currency

stated either is 1 way only or return

Choose a departing flight with the available fare and time. There also got stated the flight cost breakeven .



Login AirAsia user ID and enter guest information


Guest and contact

Name of the guests will displayed out, and need to verify the total price of the flights. Customers can choose one of the payment methods either credit card, or debit card.



After the payment, the flight itinerary will send to your email address



AirAsia systems have one function call manage my booking. It can make users more convenient as they can manage their itinerary from one place – change flights, add-on items, find out status of their flights, trace baggage and even check status of online bookings. This can be found at under my flight and click manage booking. Under manage booking, it allow user to view, change or send their itinerary. User also can paid for unconfirmed bookings, Change flights, Supersize/Add baggage allowance, Upgrade class, Purchase/Re-select meals, Purchase/Re-select your seats, Purchase AirAsia Insure, Update your away phone number and so on.

Question 2(b)

Improvement on the current booking system

This currently online booking flight systems is cannot support too many users. Especially when AirAsia having promotion like the one million seats offer to all users, there is a problem of booking for the users such as cannot connect to the AirAsia network or need to wait a long time and the more worst is there have some users who already finish all the booking procedure and just left for the payment part but suddenly disconnect net work at the payment process. This make many users get angry and some comment that they will be more prefer other airline company although AirAsia offer a better saving then others airline company but it has wait for so long buffering when got promotion. So, these give a bad image for the user to AirAsia. Conclusion, AirAsia should implement or upgrade its systems so that it can support all of the users when there have a promotion. So that AirAsia can retain they current users and attract more users. Another way is user save their booking for the flight first on the saving information systems but not actually booking for the flight. This is useful for the students or out station workers because students that study abroad will come back to their country often. So if the AirAsia systems have this saving information systems then student just need to open this file and made the booking for the flight and no need to do so long procedures and less time consuming. This is same for those out station workers who always need to work on other same country.

Question 3

Interview Question

How deep is your understanding about the functions or systems provided in Air Asia website?

Is that self check in by web check in, kiosk check in, or mobile check in will be beneficial to you, why?

What are the problems that you will encounter when booking flight tickets during our Air Asia promotion period?

Have you received Air Asia email before about the promotion for flight ticket? Did you read or ignore the email? If you have read it, did you make any booking plans due to the promotion price? And why you ignore it?

In what ways can the Air Asia website system help you plan for your vacation?

Why do you choose Air Asia as tool to plan or book for your vacation?

 If Air Asia launch a new function called cruise booking, would you book for vacation purpose and is this function beneficial for you. Why?

Do you think that the procedure to book a flight is too complicated? If yes, please provide a simpler procedure for the booking.

Do you face any problem during your payment when making the booking? What kind of problem are you facing?

If AirAsia have this redemption point service, will you use it?

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