Strategic Management and Leadership Personal Development


Personal development is about utilising skills acquiring knowledge and using experience for the purpose improving individual performance as well company in the coming time. This is a process which has a purpose to develop, identifying the skills to improve, utilising the opportunities, reviewing and evaluating the outcomes and benefits. Manger is a person who has leadership qualities to bring the change according to an environment and operate accordingly. As of now I think I have a small amount of managing capabilities which might not help me in the coming time but I believe this project can help me out in managing more efficiently because this project can help me and many more in improving their qualities and see themselves growing in the particular direction as well.

Personal development act as a strategic action in day to day business planning process where managers with leadership skills and necessary knowledge and practices to achieve strategic goals of the company.

Organisation on which I will be working for this project is DEW softech, Inc is a globally IT firm special in staff augmentation or selection, solution development, solution outsourcing and software development. DEW softech Inc assists their clients in defining, evaluating, selecting and implementing solution which helps them in an advance way to achieve their goals and objectives of their company as well as creating a competitive advantage. As a strategic manager of DEW softech Inc, I need to keep focusing on the skills are required and develop accordingly to support strategic direction as well as I should make ways to achieve strategic ambition of the company by using my skills.

In this assignment I intend to try and identify the personal skills required for a manger to achieve strategic ambition of DEW softech Inc then I will explain about the leadership development to support achievement of strategic ambition, effectiveness of the leadership development plan and I will also look forward to promote healthy and safe environment that supports a culture and quality finally I will conclude the work by summarizing the whole assignment.

Personal skills to achieve strategic ambition of DEW Softech

Strategic direction of the DEW softech

Strategic is a plan which is design to achieve specific goals. A clear strategic direction of DEW softech will help in identifying the personal competencies of a manager. This can be achieved by experiencing the effect of strategy on operational, business and corporate level and considering strategies would required in making decision and for bringing change. A clear picture what Dew Softech’s purpose is? This could be in the form of vision and mission statements of Dew Softech and which can be used as tools of internal alignment. At operational level I communicated effectively to achieve the strategic plans with my teams. E.G, By conducting seminars group discussions, meetings etc. At corporate level I undertook the strategic analysis to determine the strategic direction of Dew Softech, by asking questions to myself regarding the type of business Dew Softech is in? Is there any need of expanding business and its services in the new market and to attract new customers. Overall how to support DEW softech financially in performing above activities and at business level I determine specific sectors to offer the services E.X: transportation service.

DEW softech mission is to be the customer first choice of service provider by delivering the quality service at a competitive cost by working faster, simpler and together. To be most successful retail company by delivering best customer experience in the market they serve providing better return to stakeholders. Dew softech mission is to expand its business consistently providing quality services. E.G: to be in the list among top five rated as one of the retail store in the industry. Dew softech ‘s strategic goal is of expansion into the other country apart from its own country.

1.2 strategic skills required by the leader to achieve strategic ambition

Strategic ambition of the Dew softech is to become a global leader in the eservice industry and to be among the top 5 retailers in the market and to expand their business by using technology and generate revenue which is a common goal of every company. This can be achieved easily when there is someone good who can manage business very well like strategic leader or manager. Leader is well known for bring change for the organisations and elsewhere too their ability of forecasting the business for future and the capability of utilising the resources effectively. It is very important for the leaders of DEW softech to keep developing their skills at points so that the compant has competitive advantage over a longer time.

Leadership skills can be identified and can be evaluated from time to time and keep on improving to meet strategic ambition. Below listed the various objectives of DEW softech to meet their strategic goals

Mission: providing IT consulting and other software services with inbuilt and fresh ideas that help organisation to serve their customers better and smarter use of IT.

Relationships: As a leader I would like to deal with people issues by using leadership advantage this the way to build a team and achieve better results for DEW softech.

Teamwork: A group of people who work together to achieve one goal is known as team. Each member has different skills. Combination of people with different skills and making them work as a team. This is the thing I should learn as a manager.

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Coaching and development: helping others in developing their skills will be an important role for me as to encourage them to expand their capabilities. This is the mojor fastor to learn as a part of DEW softech.

Competencies needed to achieve strategic ambition:

Interpersonal skills: These skills can be developed easily when I will be a part of DEW softech less time and more efforts needed while working and practicing and in return it will pay positive rewards in both professional as well as in personal life.

Time management: they say time is money and people who don’t maintain time are worthless so it will be very important for me to maintain in the company and elsewhere as well. When I would plan everything accordingly to achieve strategic goals it will help in prioritizing the work and help producing quality of work which can keep on the right track to focus on the strategic ambition.

1.3 Relation between existing required and future skills to achieve the strategic ambition

At DEW softech the strategic managers posses skills to achieve strategic ambition those skills are infact are not enough to achieve strategic ambition skills that have is communication skills, developing others, motivational skills, interpersonal skills, guiding others and initiators these skills are good enough but less to achieve the goals. I think to achieve strategic ambition of DEW softech one should have skills like implementing the architecture role and empowering others, creativity, quick reaction, time management, flexibility, continuous learning, result oriented, self assessment, problem solving and many more, when analyzing the gap between current and required skills DEW softech came to know where and what skills are lacking. Then a personal development plan came into existence which results in he below outcomes for future to achieve the strategic ambition.

Future skills that are required to achieve the strategic ambition of DEW softch

Strategic manager should have the skills to achieve the forecasted vision and a high level of decision making should be able to bring the change whenever necessary ability to build teams to deliver the best services and to consider unexpected opportunities ability to integrate strategy with corporate culture. The Personal initiatives to go beyond boundaries able to manage the business on behalf of all stakeholders. Monitor and control operation with special references to finalize the result, productivity, quality, customer services, and to provide guidelines and policies managers to facilitate both the management of operations and changes in competitive and functional strategies.

Personal leadership development to support achievement of strategic ambition of DEW softech

2.1 opportunities to support leadership development

As a leader I should identify what position I hold in the organisation today this can done through self assessment, feedback forms which can help me in achieving the strategic goals of DEW softech. This can donewith a very simple and familiar development tool like appraisal method, 360 degree feedback form, Swot analysis, psychometric assessment, interaction session, coaching and more. Performance appraisal is one of the vital tool to identify the performance of the employee in an organisation it provides an organisational diagnosis and development facilitate communication between employee and senior management. 360 degree feedback can be distributed to all management, sub ordinates, Colleague to give feedback for the work I have done. Another tool which can considered as important is self Swot analysis the basic use of this method for strategic planning but can also be use for personal development tool.

Opportunities can be used by DEW softech to support leadership development are follows.

Educational opportunity: teaching the people in DEW softech to understand the procedure of systems which they will in the organisation. To make people understand the better use of tools and software’s this is lead to qualification degree and career direction as well.

Training opportunities: the purpose of training people to make them aware about the specific things for a particular period and place with result oriented objective. Training people to improve their skills and performance more effectively to meet the strategic aims of the Dew softech.

Development activities: number of activities witha possible learning based personally in the form of seminars, workshop, and etc. Activities like this help people to know themselves better and learn new things.

Career planning opportunities: it is a long term strategy for any individual in their career they has to plan, design, and work according for next 3-5 years.

2.2 personal leadership plans to direct leadership development

Personal development planning is defined as ‘a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development.’ (Source: The University of Edinburgh website).

I made a SMART objective based plan to direct leadership development of DEW softech which was specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic and time bound.

Skill audit: take a skill audit assessment in a multi rated questionnaire with the option of making changes and facilitate 360 degree feedback by face to face discussion.

Measures to record progress: training and practicing is the important factor of personal development which can be recorded for the future use. Simple methods to be use like copies in the seminar room and development rooms where training is provided for personal development. After the training is given it has to be recorded in the forms which we will be carrying.

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Activities to improve the skills: there are many thing required to improve the skills but common activities to improve the skills of leaders at DEW softech by including sessions on training and workshop. To make sure these training and workshop schedule properly there will be a need of suitable seminar room with in a budget of the company.

Required skills needed: bringing change, decision making, and time management, considering unexpected opportunities and managing business on behalf of other and more to be improves and develop to meet the strategic ambition of DEW softech.

Time bound: the entire plan based objective to be susses full it should have a time period. This can be done by maintaining the records of the employees who are performing during the training sessions. The objective direct the leadership development for DEW softech can be achieved within two months

2.3 implementation process for the development process

As a leader of DEW softech with the strong aim and desire to make this personal development plan success full using a development log initially I identified

Key development goals: appraisals the performance of the employee can result in more dedication of staff towards work and training sessions for sales team to improve their sales figure.

Collecting feedbacks: collecting feedback from my colleague about the way am carrying out the processes which can act as a strength to my contributions toward work and sometimes the unexpected opportunities whether I can utilise them or not. I can see the positive response from the colleague telling that a good leadership skills which are my strength. This strength as a opportunity I can cope up with the future opportunities.

Planning steps: I intend to plan everything according to the step by step

What might get in the way to carry out the process

What are thing I have to accept and leave according to the time

What resources required or available with me

What I have to do achieve this development goal

Recording process

The key component of the organisation is having expected sales and to get that the training sessions has to be provided to improve the performance of the sales figure. To make my employees realize the importance I need to give my time with sales team to teach them skills to improve for getting better sales which can result in extra work pressure, more time to prepare processes, conduct more meeting with the sales team. Organisation should have budget to promote such an activity. Need feedback to present the situation to the board regarding the process.

Monitoring progress: after the completion of training for the sales team I started monitoring the progress of the sales team. Comparing their efforts to sell the bench candidates of DEW softech to different clients and getting them placed.

Continuous reviewing and refining my approach to deliver better performance:

I need to have face to face to interaction with every employee of sales team regarding any queries they have any problems they are facing to achieve the task or anyway I can help them out. I keep carrying this activity about three times a week to deliver superior performance.

Effectiveness of the leadership development plan

3.1 outcomes of plan against original objectives

After the successful implementation of leadership development plan now it is time to access the outcome of plan against original objectives of DEW softech

Development need: identifying the development need of DEW softrch is an aspirational and visionary style (which is to give a new direction to DEW softech before entering into the new market)

Objective: objective is to give the new vision to the DEW softech by consulting the stakeholder and presenting this at the upcoming annual general meeting in the next 2 months.

Outcomes: I intend to attend the workshop and training sessions and design a new vision statement after consulting stakeholders and present it to board

Yes. The development need is well received by the stakeholders and they agree to invest in the training programme as well as the board approved it as future tool. Most of the thing went well and were in the favour of the development plan.

Things which went well: focus the group with different stakeholders was helpful and cooperative in gathering data and feedback and was ready to invest in the training programme.

Things did not go well: it took more time for to explain the board as few they asked to explain in depth about the proposal.

What would I do unique the next time: I wish to distribute handouts to all the board members so they will have a clear idea about the project and my thoughts as well this would save time for the board as well as mine.

3.2 Impact of the achievement of objectives on strategic ambition

Development need: identifying the development of DEW softech is an aspirational visionary style (which is to give a new direction to DEW softech before entering in the new market).

Objectives: is to give the new vision to DEW softech by consulting the stakeholders and presenting the idea in the upcoming annual general meeting in the next two months.

Strategic ambition of DEW softech: strategic ambition of the Dew softech is to become a global leader in the service industry and to be among the top 5 vendors in the market and to expand their business aggressively through technology an degenerate revenues.

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Relevant strategic ambition: a new marketing strategic plan which aims to promote the services of DEW softech in the growing market helping them in becoming a market leader in the service industry. This plan help organisation in becoming the market leader but also attract more people to become the stakeholders of the company improves the present process to be more effective and efficient in the future.

Impact achieved: after the implementation of new vision statement more number of customers added to the list they were also impressed with the new vision and values of DEW softech and the revenue is generated three times more compare to last year and the company listed in the top 5 vendors in the market, 20 % of increase in the employee performance sales increased to 40 % performance of the team increased by 60%. Now new shareholder started to shoe their interest in the Dew softech.

3.3 review and update the new leadership and development plan

Aspirational visionary style of development need was met within the time I have for making the future strategy for Dew Softech as it was going to emerge into new markets. A new vision statement of Dew Softech was designed by consulting the stakeholders and presented in the general meeting held. Outcomes of this new vision statement were appreciated when I attended the workshops and training sessions. Yes, the impact on strategic ambitions was evaluated and many things were in favour of the development need and the objective behind it. It was well received by stakeholders and members of board, built relationships with new clients, new shareholders were been identified, new business from this campaign resulted in huge profits.

And on the other hand present development of DEW softech and customer relation style as well as existing development objective of the style of leadership and development. The leadership style is about maintaining the quality relation between the employees and clients of the DEW softech also customer, shareholders, community members, suppliers and all those who have public image about the service rendered by DEW softech.

Other development needs of DEW softech identified which are human resource style, financial engineering and analysing style of leadership development with the objective in providing supportive environment. This can be done by giving power to the employees to take decision on their own to produce the output in their own style respectively.

Be able to promote healthy and safe environment that supports a culture of quality

4.1 Impact of corporate and individual health and safety responsibilities on the dew softech

Health and safety is one of the important factors in the organisation which is concerned with protecting the health of the employee and looking forward to secure them with external forces which tries to threat employee’s near the work place. This policy confirms each and every individual in the organisation for the health and safety issue and welfare of the employee’s. The aim to promote health and safety program is to promote a safe and work free environment. This program also protects co- workers, family members, customers, suppliers, nearby communities who are impact by the work place environment.

Health and safety responsibility of DEW softech

Setting health and safety policy: DEW softech has a policy in written consisting of statement of intent with an arrangement section. Health and safety policy of Dew softech has influence all the activities including selection of people, equipment and material it explain about the hazards and risks assessed and controlled in a creating safe working environment. They keep upgrading their policy on health and safety to make sure all there employee’s work in a secure environment.

Culture of DEW softech: The role culture has a benefit for people to specialize their stream in the organisation. The employees of the DEW softech has a focus on a particular role appointed to them as well other task where they have skills which will help in the greater productivity in DEW softech.

Development and implementation of health and safety plan: Senior management of the organisation have experience for what to be aware of risk being entertained by the company now board of DEW softech happy to with the develop policy of health and safety. The aim to protect people of the DEW softech a proper management system was introduced to ensure risks dealt sensibly and responsibly.

Monitoring evaluation and reviewing of plan

A proper system should be introduced to check the health and safety of DEW softech but continuation of reporting problem making thing worse now board should take necessary actions to bring the change in the plan. After reviewing the implementation plan it is started working properly and meeting the strategic ambition as well this has done by collecting forms from employees asking for their assistance in improving the system.

Impact of health and safety responsibilities on DEW softech

This plan leads to good health and safety performance which later resulted in less employee absence, number of accidents reduced and money, better position against suppliers, shareholders and partners of the company. Later indirectly produced new clients and projects as well.

4.2 Estimation of an organisational culture of quality on the achievement of strategic ambition

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