The Business Organisation And Environment Of Devices Information Technology Essay

Internet is one of the best communicating and information device that created by human it is used in a global scale for faster communication research in data and also online business, there are many type of companies around the world provides the telecommunication service.

As regarding the information above our group has selected a company which is currently the leading telecommunication company in Malaysia that is called Telekom Malaysia berhad which owns a capitalization over RM11 billion and total work force of around 24,000. Before moving on to the points that we researched which are related to the company we would like to explain the history and achievement of the company with the information we gathered.

The history of the Telekom Malaysia Berhad . The company was established in the year 1946, developed rapidly from the year 1995 where internet was first internet age began in Malaysia. According to the Malaysian internet survey which was conducted by Mimos and beta interactive services on 1995 one out of every thousand Malaysian had excess to the internet. As the company develop step by step with the partnership with the national building it helped the Malaysia country and the company itself with the latest technology and transform its network infrastructure from analog to digital and now moving on towards an IP base.

Moving on towards the points that we choose and found the information related to the company is business organization and its environment, individual at work and lastly organization structure of Telekom Malaysia Berhad.

Business Organisation and Environment

As every Malaysian knows, Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) is currently a leading telecommunication company in Malaysia which provides internet services, voice services and also entertainment services for each of everyone of Malaysia. TM Company obtains the success today due to the outstanding leadership of the CEO. TM Company’s aim is to become Malaysia’s top leading of new generation communications provider and to fulfill customer’s needs by their cutting-edge technology and excellence performance. The reason that pushes TM Company to the peak is because that the vision and mission of the company is clear and distinct, which gives their worker a general idea of what is the purpose of working there. Despite that, various types of problems from both internal and external environment still arise in the TM Company which affects the performance of the company.

Malaysia is famous for its multicultural races, no doubt inside TM Company also a multicultural organization. Personalities and behaviors of workers in the organization are crucial to the company because they are the one who keep the company’s profile high. For sure there are tons of types of personality and behavior inside the organization; therefore it is necessary to maintain the order of it. Human resources policies and legislation had been enacted for this purpose. Example such as Employment Act 1955, among the content, it is prohibited for women to work at around ten o’clock in the night and five o’clock in the morning, and also women are not allowed for underground working. Furthermore, TM Company also provides training for the new employees to be developed into various levels of staff for the company and also its subsidiaries in their own TM Training Centre.

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In every field of business, competitors are unavoidable. Same goes to TM Company, other company like Maxis, Digi, P1 W1max, Izzi and others are improving from time to time, which gives TM Company the pressure to upgrade them furthermore. At first, these types of companies had only made a slight impact on TM, but as business industries are affected by the globalization later on in 1990s, the competitive forces increases and forces TM to change its organization in order to cope with it. TM had no other ways but to re-organize their organization that majorly focus in improving and enhancing their productivity in order to keep surviving in the telecommunication industry with these much of competitors.

Other than that, knowledge management also affects TM Company’s performance and organization. The business today has moved into a rapid-changing and knowledge-based environment compare to the time before. Thus, many believes that running the business based on knowledge is crucial to the organization in order to survive. For TM Company, changing the organization style is keeping their performances remain outstanding among their competitors in telecommunication field. Leaders in TM Company use knowledge management method to keep the organization in shapes and in conjunction with that, they can fully utilize the intellectual capital. This enables the intellectual capital to grow from the aspects of skills, attitude and behavior of employees thus increasing the overall performance.

Organisation structure

TM Company is a big company in Malaysia. Therefore, TM company has its own unique structure and system which in bureaucracy style.

Diagram 1.1 : structure of TM company

Six key elements such as work specialisation, departmentlisation, chain of command, span of control ,centralisation and decentralisation and formalisation are used in designing the structure. According to the diagram above, work specialisation do exist in TM Company. For example, there are some workers who are specialised in certain tasks. Workers like technicians will repair all the systems and infrastructures of company. When lot of the specialist work together in an environment, it will form a department to perform certain similar tasks, which is a form of departmenlisation. Another element is span of control. From Diagram 1.1, span of control of each layer can be seen easily. For example, the board of directors got narrow span of control because under him there is only one subordinate, which is the chief executive officer. On the other hand, the chief executive officer got a wider span of control compare to the previous one. Under the CEO is another layer which consists of different department managers and a wider span. This sequence is continued until the lowest layer of the structure.So, the chain of command will pass from the higher layer to lower layer for delegation of jobs.

When all the information are gathered or jobs are completed, the final decision and approval will make by the board of directors.That call centralisation.Under some specific situation, decentralisation are used. Board of directors will pass the authority of making decision to lower layer to handle the project.Rules made by the company are call formalisation, that need all workers follow it when they are joined the company. From these elements, a tall structure can seen.

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Diagram 1.2 shows that a tall structure and the span of control of TM Company

Beside that, there are some determinants of organisation structure such as technology, environment and strategies issues. Nowadays, technology are improved rapidly and it is a key success factor for TM Company.Technological advancement can lead TM Company competitive with other firms. In Malaysia, 2 types of telecommunication technologies, wired and wireless are applied. In field of wired internet, data communication technology like Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) being ultilizing via connection of copper lines to households.Therefore, TM company is controls the virtual DSL market.In other side, High-Speed Broadband(HSBB) are invented by TM Company using the Fiber-to-the-home ( FTTH) technology to enhance the wireless internet connection.

In this modern era, a huge population of office workers are using internet to do research for their tasks. So, broadband penetration in Malaysia is getting bigger due to citizens are shifting towards knowledge-based nation. Another fact is broadband can carry easily to anywhere. Due to limitation of quota in broadband, those worker rather use wired internet connection in their home and workplaces. The demand of internet is become greater and it is a chance for TM Company to lead the market.The branches of TM, TMnet Streamyx is major choices of workes choose for internet connection.Workers can choose either using wired or wireless connection, unlike Digi, Celcom and Maxis broadband are running in wireless connection.

Individuals at work

In what specific ways that an individual influences an organization

There are three important leadership skills that an individual should have to be able to climb up to the management position. For example, goal settings, attitude and procedure management. According to (Maryellen Gibson’s blog ) a manager that has a positive attitude will effect an entire team or company in an encouraging manner and a manager which has a negative attitude will affect the organization in a not so optimistic manner. Other than this, procedure management will help an organization to stay orderly and organized. For example, when there is a new project or task to be done, there’s no need to make a whole new procedure just for that project. With proper procedure management an organization can save precious time and become more efficient. Lastly, the third leadership skill is to have a goal setting. A manager which has a clear mind set for his or her company is great for benefiting their company or organization because if there is a project the manager and his company will be able to know the result of the project. A really effective manager will need to let his team contribute to the success of the project so they have ownership in the final result.

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Individuals at TM Net

DATO’ ZAMZAMZAIRANI MOHD ISA is currently the managing director and the group chief executive officer of TM Net. Aged 50, a Malaysian, has been appointed managing director of TM since 25 of April 2008. He holds a Bachelors degree in communication engineering from Plymouth Polytechnic in the United Kingdom. He is very experienced in the telecommunication field.

DATUK BAZLAN OSMAN is presently TM Net’s executive director and group chief financial officer. Now at age 46, he was appointed the role of executive director of TM since 25 of April 2008. He started of as an auditor with a public accounting firm in 1986 and finally joined the Celcom Axiata Berhad in 2001 as chief financial officer of the company. Now, he also oversees the operations of Global, Wholesale and Support Business.

Interview questions


If the job is offered to you, how long do you plan to stay in the job position given?

(This question is use to test how high the worker is aiming for and from what can be predicted from the worker’s performance for the company in the future)

What is your expected salary range?

(This question is to test the worker’s deservedness to have the expected salary)

What do you know about the job position you have enquired for and what duties do you think this job requires you to do.

(This question is to test the worker’s knowledge about the company)

What kind of challenges do you think you will encounter in this job position?

(This question is to test the worker’s thoughts on how to overcome a problem if handling with one)

What separate this from our competitors?


Business organization and its environment is how the organization and business of the company affected by both internal and external environment. From time to time, usually the company’s organization structure will be changed as the competitors in the same field increase and to avoid problems occur towards the internal environment which will lead the company to a downfall. TM Company’s organization structure was reorganized to overcome problems in both internal and external environments and to stabilize the economy of the company.

Organization structure can be determined by six key elements which are work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization & decentralization, and formalization. Based on all these key elements in organization structure, the leaders in TM Company can manage the organization better and produce a result higher than what are expected.

Every individual in the company is crucial to the company, their personality; behavior and every single commitment are keys to success in the future. Each and every individual in the company have their own roles which can be carried out on their own only, thus they should bear the responsibility and to accomplish their duties either as leaders or subordinates.

To improve the company status they use the various methods to achieve their specific goal in the business field.

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