The Evaluation For 3d Modeling Tools Information Technology Essay

Whether an architect, civil engineer, visualization specialist or designer, the 3D modeling tools able to provide a powerful and integrated toolset that able to help them to design a more higher-impact visuals 3D model. Meanwhile, what are 3D modeling tools? The 3D modeling tools are the tools that can used to build up the 3D modelers and normally used in a wide variety of industries, for example the medical industry can use to help them to create the human organs in detailed models. The engineering community can use to design the new devices, structures and vehicles. In addition, the architecture industry uses the 3D modeling tools to create the buildings models and the landscapes. The 3D modeling tools can also help to build up the real-world environments virtual reality modeling that combined with some scripting or coding that able to provide some interaction to let the users having the experience.

Aim of Research

There are lots of 3D modeling tools in the market, and each of the 3D modeling tool has provide different features and supports that can help the designer to design the 3D modelers. One of the aims for this seminar is to differentiate two 3D modeling tools which are Autodesk 3Ds Max and Google SketchUp. Another aim for this seminar is to evaluate which 3D modeling tool can be more effectiveness which can help the designer to design the 3D modelers with an easier way.


This seminar has several objectives that need to be achieved:

To identify the Modeling Technique that used in both modeling tools.

To evaluate which modeling tool is more effectiveness.

To implement into the Virtual Reality System.

Features & Modeling Technique

Some of the Features for the Autodesk 3Ds Max:

MAXScript – Can be used for the automate repetitive tasks, develop new tools and user interfaces.

Character Studio – Help user to animate the virtual characters.

Scene Explorer – Provides a hierarchical view of scene data and analysis with complex scenes.

Texture Assignment/Editing – Operations for creative texture and planar mapping.

Constrained Animation – Can animate the object with different control and able to collapsed into standard keyframes.

Skeletons and Inverse Kinematics (IK) – Characters can be rigged with custom skeletons using 3Ds Max bone, IK solvers and rigging tools.

Integrated Cloth Solver – Able to let user to turn almost any 3D object into clothing or build garments from scratch.

Integration with Autodesk Vault – Is a plug-in that able to let user to automatically track files, manage work in progress and also can reuse the 3Ds Max assets.

Some of the Features for the Google SketchUp:

Edges and Faces – In the Google SketchUp, every model is made up of just two things, Edges which are straight lines and Faces are the 2D shapes that are created when several straight edges form a flat loop.

Accurate Measurements – Able to do the measurements which help to build the more accurate building.

Groups and Components – Able to group the components together, so the users are easier to move, hide or copy the models.

Sections – Can temporarily cut away some parts of the models in order to view the parts inside the models.

Look Around and Walk – Able to using the first-person view to view the parts inside the model with some simple navigation.

Google Earth – Google Earth and Google SketchUp are part of the same product family, so the user able to upload the models into the Google Earth or view the models at the Google Earth.

3D Warehouse – A huge online repository for the 3D models which can let the user to search the 3D models that needed.

The Modeling Technique for the Autodesk 3Ds Max:

Polygon Modeling – The polygon modeling is most common modeling technique which easy to use and this polygon modeling normally use to control over individual polygons allows for extreme optimization.

Surface Tool/Editable Patch Object – To creating common 3Ds Max splines and applying to a surface modifier. The surface in a grid able gets 3 or 4 vertices by using the modifier and normally as an alternative to the ‘Mesh’ or ‘Nurbs’ modeling.

The Modeling Technique for the Google SketchUp:

Push/Pull Technique – A unique technique which can let the developers to Push/Pull the 2D model into the 3D model. The developers just need to click, move and click on the mouse to Push/Pull a rectangle into a box.

SketchUp Ruby – Able to support the “Rubies” software extensions which are written in Ruby programming language that can let the developers to doing some commands and methods for the 3D models.

Chapter 2: Introduction

2.1 What is Autodesk 3Ds Max?

Based on Menezes, Lima (2009), Autodesk 3Ds Max is an integrated environment to creating the professional quality 3D models. Photo-realistic still images and film-quality animations can be created on a computer by using these models. Autodesk 3Ds Max supports the construction for various kinds of the 3D objects. Meanwhile, the landscapes of any type can be created from these objects and characters too. All of these objects able to arranged in the settings and environments. These environments form the basis of the scenes. The characters and objects can be animated, such as setting them in motion like making them speak, sing and dance and kick. The whole virtual world can be captured as a film sequence.

Besides that, Brooker (2009) also mention the Autodesk 3Ds Max is a rich modeling environment that supports a wide range of modeling techniques from low polygon modeling to modeling with compound objects to mesh modeling which all the way to NURBS modeling. Once the basic models have been constructed, the users enable to assign the different textures in order to improve the user’s perception of realism. In order to complete the scene, the different light sources can be added in for illuminate the scene. The cameras are also can be added for capture other parts of the scene at the different time intervals.

According from Alessandro (2010), “The Viewport Canvas Slate node-based material editor and Quicksilver Hardware Renderer help me work faster and better on everyday work.” The tasks able to work more faster and better by using the Autodesk 3Ds Max because the Autodesk 3Ds Max having some research and the feedback from the consumers in order to build a more better 3D modeling tools.

2.1.1 Strengths of Autodesk 3Ds Max

Smart Data Workflows

Autodesk3Ds Max able helps the developers to manage the resources better, save time, and deliver with more higher-precision results with new workflows. Developers also able to refining the 3D models that created by using other Autodesk modeling tools, such as Autodesk Revit, Autodesk FBX, Autodesk AutoCAD and etc, which mean that the Autodesk 3Ds Max is able to compatibility with other to save the developers time and resources. Besides that, the Autodesk 3Ds Max also having new technique which call Autodesk Materials Library that can help to simplify data exchange with other Autodesk modeling tools and also the model files from Google SketchUp. (Autodesk, Inc, 2010)

Refine Your Design

Alessandro (2010) stated that productivity enhancements in this Autodesk 3Ds Max mean more time to iterate on the design, enabling the developer to produce higher quality results with more creative designs. The Expanded Graphite and Viewport Canvas toolsets deliver intuitive new brush-based interfaces for the 2D or 3D painting, object placement and the texture editing, while a new in-context direct manipulation UI able to helps to make the polygon modeling faster. Meanwhile, the enhanced ability to view most 3D texture maps and materials in the viewport, so that the developers can make interactive decisions in a higher fidelity context which can helping to reduce the errors and saving time.

Higher-Quality Presentations in Less Time

The developers able to use the Autodesk 3Ds Max to doing the presentation for their 3D models design even still in the design process. In this Autodesk 3Ds Max having some tools that able to create some interaction like the lighting effects, model viewing and movement that can help to let developers more easily to present their design. (Autodesk, Inc, 2010)

Modeling and Texturing Enhancements

Based on Pergamon Press, Inc (2010), the image textures can be created easily but it is hard to produce the image textures that lookalike real textures and it is important to produce the lookalike real textures images when doing the virtual reality models. Pergamon Press, Inc mentions that with this Autodesk 3Ds Max able to using the toolsets that extend the Graphite and Viewport Canvas to easily create and editing the texturing for the 3D models.

Google SketchUp Importer

Alessandro (2010) stated that after the Autodesk 3Ds Max able to import the Google SketchUp sketching files, the more projects able to getting from the markets because some of the clients able to create some 3D models concept design that in their mind. Besides that, Autodesk, Inc (2010) also stated that the main entities inside the Google SketchUp able to work with this Autodesk 3Ds Max, such as layers, groups, cameras, daylight system and the components materials.

2.1.2 Weaknesses of Autodesk 3Ds Max

Time consuming to creating complex models

Machinimart (2010) described that if want to create the credible visual model that having a lot of different lighting will consume a lot of times to done. Although the Autodesk 3Ds Max has provided some lighting tools, but those tools still not intelligent enough for the developer and some of the lighting might need combining with different camera angle in order to create a better lighting for the 3D models.

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Longer learning curve

Meanwhile, Debbie Law (2009) mention that for the novice who want to learning the 3D modeling by using the Autodesk 3Ds Max will require more efforts and time to learn how to use it compare to the Google SketchUp which is more suitable for those novices. There are a lot of the shortcut keys which call hotkeys that can help the developers to calling the functions faster, and for those novices might need to take some time to remember those hotkeys in order to be more efficiency to design the 3D models.

2.2 What is Google SketchUp?

Google SketchUp is a 3D modeling tools that developed by Google. It is designed for the architects, civil engineers, filmmakers, game developers, and related professions. It also includes features to facilitate the placement of models in Google Earth. The Google SketchUp also designed to be easier to use than other 3D modeling tools. (Google, 2010)

According to Daniel Tal (2010), Google SketchUp was initially embraced by the architecture and construction industries, but over time it has become an indispensable tool for the product designers, landscape and gardening designers, urban planners, interior designers film and theater directors, inventors, game designers, and many other professions where visualizing objects is key.

Meanwhile, Google (2010) also mention that the Google SketchUp has the experience of years of designers packed into its design, and with these smarts Google SketchUp can often guess pretty closely what the users trying to do. Google SketchUp also automates many of the manual processes for the users, leaving users free to play with the design.

Mancini and Gyan (2009) stated that the Google SketchUp is quite unique compared to other 3D modeling tools. Google SketchUp can makes the accessible to all users works which similarly to sketching the ideas on a simple piece of paper. Mancini (2009) also mention that tried to sketch on the share of paper scraps before, but it is easier to keep those models organized in Google SketchUp than littering in the study room.

2.2.1 Strengths of Google SketchUp

Easy To Use

The Google SketchUp able to draw and design the 3D models that wanted to design, because the Google SketchUp is simple to use and provide some design suites that allow the developers to sketch the 3D models with simple lines, colors, shadow, lighting and so on. Besides that, Google SketchUp also is good for doing some 3D models concepts which easy to use and save up a lot of times. (Prem, 2009)

Import, Build, Test

Nimai (2009) noted that sometime will import the Google SketchUp file to other 3D modeling tools to continue modify the 3D model design, and also able to import other 3D model files that created by other 3D modeling tools too. Besides that, RemodelingMySpace (2010) also mentioned Google SketchUp is easy to build or redesign the 3D models and view for checking the 3D models which also can ask the clients to test and check the 3D models whether correct or not.

Higher-Quality Documents in Less Time

Based on Pergamon, Inc (2010), “The well-designed documents for the 3D models are also important during the presentations.”. Mean that the layout of the document for the 3D models must be well designed before start the presentations. Meanwhile, Nimai (2009) also support that with Google SketchUp LayOut feature, developers can create the multi-page document with the different styles that users wanted, measurements for the 3D models, view and the perspectives for those high-resolution digital presentations. Besides that, those entire documents will automatically update when modifying the 3D models.

Smart Modeling Conversion

Suresh (2009) mentioned that by using this Google SketchUp able to print the build designs for doing the presentation. Google SketchUp able to help to convert the 3D models design into the 2D prints, and also able to add the text, annotation, measurements, whatever information that wanted to add, and it able to help to make the presentation look more professional.

Self-Paced Tutorials and Support

Google SketchUp is very simple to use and the support also easily accessible because Google SketchUp having a blog that user can sharing their experiences and always can get help from there. Besides that, Google SketchUp also is open to developers that would like to add some value, like provide some analysis data for the 3D model designs. (Google, 2010) Meanwhile, Jose (2010) also noted that if the user is learning by self doing, then the Google SketchUp Help Center has become the best place to get some basic tutorials.

2.2.2 Weaknesses of Google SketchUp

Limited In Design

Chandra (2009) stated that the Google SketchUp might not able to build some complex 3D model designs which Google SketchUp does not provide the features. Although the Google SketchUp can easily to build the 3D models, but most of the complex parts that needed still need to use other 3D modeling tools to done the designs.

Not able to get the accurate modeling

Preston (2010) described that to create an accurate 3D models, the Google SketchUp might not a suitable tool because Google SketchUp not able to accurate as other 3D modeling tools like Autodesk 3Ds Max. The measurement tools inside the Google SketchUp is not like other 3D modeling tools, it provide some basic measurement for the 3D model design, if want to make the design into more accuracy, need using other 3D modeling tools to import the Google SketchUp files to done it, like Autodesk 3Ds Max.

2.3 Chapter Summary

Both Autodesk 3Ds Max and Google SketchUp 3D modeling tool has own strengths and weakness. The user may be varied for different scenario to decide which type of 3D modeling tools should be used. The Google SketchUp is always the best choice for the novice which just starting to learn about the 3D modeling, because the Google SketchUp is more easy to use than the Autodesk 3Ds Max. Meanwhile, The Autodesk 3Ds Max is highly recommended for those except and professional level developers which need to design the more complex 3D models.

In next chapter will look into the Modeling Technique that used by the Autodesk 3Ds Max and the Google SketchUp and will doing some comparing for those Modeling Technique.

Chapter 3: Comparing Modeling Technique

Both 3D modeling tools, Autodesk 3Ds Max and Google SketchUp is using different type of the modeling technique to let the users to create and design the 3D models. According to Autodesk, Inc (2010), the Autodesk 3Ds Max is using the Polygon Modeling and the Surface Tool/Editable Patch Object modeling techniques to build the 3D models. Therefore, Google (2010) stated that the Google SketchUp is using the Push/Pull Technique which is a Patent that holds by the Google SketchUp, and the SketchUp Ruby.

3.1 Introduction Modeling Technique

For the modeling techniques that used by Autodesk 3Ds Max are:

Polygon Modeling

The polygon modeling is most common modeling technique which easy to use and this polygon modeling normally use to control over individual polygons allows for extreme optimization. The Autodesk 3Ds Max using the ‘bevel’ and ‘extrude’ to adds the detail for the 3D models and also to refines the 3D models. Besides that, the latest version able to edit the polygon object which able to simplifies most of the mesh editing operations and provides the subdivision smoothing for the user at the customizable levels. (Autodesk, Inc, 2010)

Peter Ratner, J. Rodriguez (2010) mentioned that the polygon modeling technique used in this Autodesk 3Ds Max can easy to let the user to control and modify the polygon in to complex and high details models and the users also can handle while to modify some polygon which inside the another polygon model because the Autodesk 3Ds Max doing well by using this polygon modeling technique to let the users more easy to design the 3D models.

Surface Tool/Editable Patch Object

With the new Surface tool, the users are able to creating common 3Ds Max splines and applying to a surface modifier. The surface in a grid able gets 3 or 4 vertices by using the modifier and normally as an alternative to the ‘Mesh’ or ‘Nurbs’ modeling. Therefore, the surface tool/editable patch object is still lacks of the surface properties that able to let the user to maintain the original parametric geometry which able to adjust between the faces. (Autodesk, Inc, 2010)

Based on Campbell (2010), the surface tool able to help the users to doing a job surface on the 3D models which the selection for creating the surface on the grid is much easier and there are a lot of properties setting to let the users to doing some changes for the 3D model surface. Therefore, Morsi, Jackson (2010) also stated that the editable patch can let the user to select and choose the surface that wanted and place on the 3D models, and the users also able to modify if the surface still not in the details that needed yet.

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For the modeling techniques that used by Google SketchUp are:

Push/Pull Technique

Google (2010) stated that the Push/Pull Technique is a unique technique that user can Push/Pull the 2D model into the 3D model by click, move and click on the mouse. This technique also had become a Patent for the Google SketchUp in September 2003. Meanwhile, this Push/Pull technique is a system and a method for the 3D modeling, work similar like a pencil and a paper that allow user to draw the outlines or the perimeters of the object in the 2D manner, after that the user just need to push the planar faces that created and pull to turn the 2D model into 3D model.

Gregory R. Baden (2010) also mentioned that using the Google SketchUp to create the 3D model with this Push/Pull Technique is become more easily and saved a lot of times, because the Push/Pull Technique is easy to understand and use, and the learning time for creating the 3D model inside the Google SketchUp is more shorter compare to other 3D modeling tools. Meanwhile, Georgeta Pop (2010) also support that when teaching the students to create the 3D models by using this Push/Pull Technique, most of the students able to catch up and create the 3D models that wanted easily.

SketchUp Ruby

SketchUp Ruby is an interpreted scripting language that Google SketchUp able to understand by using the SketchUp Ruby Appliction Programming Interface (API). Besides that, the user can use this ruby script to write some plug-in for the Google SketchUp and to develop extra functionality of new tools or components. User also can use this ruby script to boost up the modeling speed and some assistance to create the complex object by few clicks. The SketchUp Ruby API has includes the sample code for each of the SketchUp Ruby method that the users able to refer to the sample code in order to create the custom drawing tools. (Google, 2010)

Ryan and Donn (2010) stated that by using the SketchUp Ruby Scrambler that produce by Google, the users are able to protect their 3D models and the plug-in IP which able to sell to other. Mordatch (2010) also mentioned with this SketchUpRuby, a lot of extra tools able to plug-in into Google SketchUp and be use to help to create the 3D model designs by more easily ways. Meanwhile, Lam, Oisze (2010) also support that this SketchUp Ruby API have contains a series of the SketchUp-Ruby modules which like the classes in the object-oriented programming (OOP), and those commands methods are also almost same with the OOP.

3.2 Comparing Between Autodesk 3Ds Max & Google SketchUp

3.2.1 Polygon Modeling Technique VS Push/Pull Technique

According to Furuta and Fukui (2010), the Google SketchUp Push/Pull Technique is much more easy to use which compare to the Polygon Modeling technique that used by the Autodesk 3Ds Max, because the Push/Pull technique easy to understand and no need that much skill to create the 3D models, but the Polygon Modeling Technique in the Autodesk 3Ds Max need some skill to using to create and design the 3D models. Meanwhile, Chen (2010) also mentioned that the Autodesk 3Ds Max technique that used is not really easy to understand if the user is just started to learn about the 3D modeling, but using the Google SketchUp will be more better because of the Push/Pull technique that the user can easily to understand and is more suitable to let the novices to use. However, Rivers and Durand (2010) stated that the Google SketchUp Push/Pull technique is easy to use than the Autodesk 3Ds Max Polygon Modeling technique, but the Google SketchUp Push/Pull technique not able to control well when compare to the Autodesk 3Ds Max Polygon Modeling technique because the Autodesk 3Ds Max can let the user to handle well on each of the polygon that created and modify the model into more details and accuracy.

3.2.2 Surface Tool/Editable Patch Object VS SketchUp Ruby

Bischoff and Pavic (2010) stated that the Surface Tool in the Autodesk 3Ds Max is a nice technique to let the users to edit the model surface and also can create some complexity surfaces on the model too. The Surface Tool also provided some properties to let the users to doing some changed on the surface. Therefore, RepublicofCode (2010) mentioned that the Surface tools can be use to create some vertices on the grid for the 3D models and those surface also able to do some changes or redesign by using the properties that provided. However, (2010) also support that the SketchUp Ruby will be more useful because the users able to create some functions tools for the Google SketchUp if having the knowledge for the Ruby programming language. Those extra can be customized and able to help the users to saving more time to create the 3D models if using those tools. Meanwhile, George Maestri (2009) also mentioned that the SketchUp Ruby also can help the users to earn money by making the custom tools, and the Google also provide the IP to help to protect the tools which design by the users.

3.3 Chapter Summary

Both Autodesk 3Ds Max and Google SketchUp 3D has own strengths and weakness on the Modeling Technique and that Modeling Technique able to help the users to create and design well in the 3D models. However, after done some comparing, the Google SketchUp is Push/Pull Technique is a strong and unique technique to let the users to create and design the 3D modeling and the Google SketchUp not only recommenced to use by the novices only, the programmers also able to using the Google SketchUp Ruby to create some extra Google SketchUp plug-in modeling tools to help the developers or designers more easily to handling the 3D model designs. Therefore, the Autodesk 3Ds Max will more suitable to professionals designers to doing some additional tasks on the 3D model designs which Google sketchUp might not able to done.

In next chapter will evaluate the effectiveness for both Autodesk 3Ds Max and Google SketchUp by some experiments and will find out how effective for both 3D modeling tools. Besides that also will find out some issues that might happen during creating and designing the 3D models.

Chapter 4: Evaluate the Effectiveness of Both 3D Modeling Tools

According to Phelan, Shane (2010), in order to evaluate the rendering effectiveness of these two 3D modeling tools, experiments must be setup to gauge this effectiveness. The basic principle of the test should be; create a scene and camera. Parse and render the 3D models. Script the camera to move round the scene, recording the Frames per Second (FPS) and memory consumption at regular intervals, add some user functionality to manipulate the scene and finally stress the 3D modeling tool engine to test for robustness.

4.1 Important areas to evaluate

One of the key factors to look how effective a 3D modeling tool engine is to measure the rate at which the renderer updates and renders the scene. Usually this is called the frames per second or FPS of the scene. A real-time frame is the time it takes the renderer to complete one full round of tasks and processing; although, humans generally cannot see more than 24 frames per second. This can include drawing the scene to screen, updating the scene (translating objects etc) and processing any interactivity from a user. Generally speaking the higher the number of frames per second the more effective the renderer is. Another important area of effectiveness is the ease of use and robustness of the engine and should not take a considerable amount of time to get a small example up and running, and the engine should be able to cope with any unexpected input/data.

4.2 3D models

The engine must be tested on how effective when dealing with the 3D models. How many different 3D model types can it import, how fast can it parse the 3D model, how much time it takes to display the first draw call. The engine must also be tested for quality of drawing and sometimes common in rendering engines for graphical artifacts to appear in parts of the geometry. This can happen when the renderer fails to correctly z – sort the geometry. A system of recording any graphical artifacts must be in place. 3D models will typically include geometry which mapped with a texture. The engine will have to be tested for quality of the texture mapping.

4.3 The Architectural CAD Model

The CAD model which is one type of 3D model that normally for the build architectural and to be tested is provided by Slider Studio Ltd (2009) – an architectural practice based in East London. The model is of sufficient detail to fully evaluate the engines but also of adequate detail to satisfy the visualization needs of the practice. Modeled in Google SketchUp and Autodesk 3Ds Max will contain the necessary geometry and textures to visually represent a housing project they are working on.

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4.4 Stress Testing

To test how many polygons the engines can render at one time and for stress testing purposes, a number of 3D models will be created. These will range from simple 500 polygon cylinders with no geometry intersections and no textures, to more complicated cylinders with higher levels of polygons, intersections and textures.

4.5 System Specification

The benchmarking will be performed on a system consisting of Intel Core 2 Duo – 3.0Ghz processor, four gigabytes of system memory, 500 gigabyte (7200 RPM) hard drive and Nvdia 8800GT (512Mb) graphics card. The operating system to be used is Windows XP 32-bit edition.

4.6 Results and Analysis


Figure 1: Google SketchUp Stress Testing – No Intersections or Textures. Phelan, Shane (2010)


Figure 2: Google SketchUp Stress Testing – With Intersections or Textures. Phelan, Shane (2010)


Figure 3: Google SketchUp – Rendering Results of Architecture Model. Phelan, Shane (2010)

The first 3D modeling tool to be tested was Google SketchUp. The results were good but a bit expected. The frame rates recorded showed impressive performance up to 1500 polygons. At 2000 polygons the performance started to deteriorate. The architecture model contained 4542 polygons and this showed in the performance. When using the basic rendering mode, Google SketchUp suffered with unnecessary face culling, where the renderer was culling faces which shouldn’t have been. When using the Correct Z – order algorithm, however, this problem was overcome but at the expense of performance that with the frame rate dropping to unusable levels. Google SketchUp also suffered with texture mapping problems. The textures were not mapped correctly to their respective UV’s, resulting in a texture stretching issue.


Figure 4: Autodesk 3Ds Max Stress Testing – No Intersections or Textures. Phelan, Shane (2010)


Figure 5: Autodesk 3Ds Max Stress Testing – With Intersections or Textures. Phelan, Shane (2010)


Figure 6: Autodesk 3Ds Max – Rendering Results of Architecture Model. Phelan, Shane (2010)

The Autodesk 3Ds Max tests showed good performance for a 3D modeling tool but alas were not quite as fast as Google SketchUp. In all the areas recorded, Google SketchUp held the upper hand. Autodesk 3Ds Max did suffer from the culling problem which blighted Google SketchUp performance. However, there was no texture issue for Autodesk 3Ds Max.

Chapter 5: Linking to Final Year Project

The final year project is creating a 3D model in order to simulate a Virtual Reality for the Tunku Abdul Rahman College Hostel. In order to create the Virtual Reality environments variety of design tools are available. Ioannis et al (2007) noted that most of the developers create the 3D virtual worlds using the high definition graphics (texture), 3D game engines and smooth animation techniques. The produced result is realistic and eye-catching. Although a virtual reality model is always less detailed than the real world, but the virtual reality provides a greater freedom to viewing a 3D model than physical constraints that would allow, like the ability to zoom in and check the details that might not able to distinguished by the human naked eye.

From the previous research had known that the Google SketchUp able to help to build the simple 3D models that need to design in the VRML system, because the Google SketchUp able to save more time when design the basic drafts. However, after done those basic 3D model designs, the Autodesk 3Ds Max will be used to make the 3D models into more details, accurate and complex models, because from the previous research had showed that the Autodesk 3D Max able to incorporating with the high quality 3D models.


Figure 1: 3D Model Design for Tunku Abdul Rahman College Hostel in Google SketchUp Pro 8.


Figure 2: 3D Model Design for Tunku Abdul Rahman College Hostel in Google SketchUp Pro 8.


Figure 3: 3D Model Design for Tunku Abdul Rahman College Hostel in Autodesk 3Ds Max 2010.


Figure 4: 3D Model Design for Tunku Abdul Rahman College Hostel in Autodesk 3Ds Max 2010.

In figure 1 and figure 2, those furniture 3D models are more easily to created in Google SketchUp and able to save lot of times compare to the Autodesk 3Ds Max. However, the texture and the size for the furniture need using the Autodesk 3Ds Max (figure 3 and figure 4) in order to design the lookalike texture and the accuracy size. At last, the 3D models will import into the Unity 3D which is a game engine that able to do the interaction into the 3D models by using the programming coding in order to create the virtual reality simulation.


Figure 5: 3D models Virtual Reality Design in Unity 3D Engine.

Chapter 6: Conclusions

There are a few authors mentioned that the Autodesk 3Ds Max is a powerful 3D modeling tool as compared to the Google SketchUp. According to Random J (2009), the Autodesk 3Ds Max is good for creating those complex 3D models like architectural and the visualization animators. The Autodesk 3Ds Max has some remarkable conceptual modeling tools supporting, the large-scale environment creation and operates well with other type of 3D modeling tools like Google SketchUp. Another researcher, Chris Hobbs (2009) also mentioned that the Autodesk 3Dx Max able to do more complex 3D model designs which mostly use in the architecture and visualization industries, by providing some strong modeling functions like low-level polygonal modeling which mostly use for the real-time applications, the large scale environment creation, and also the motion capture handling and animation layering for the gaming 3D models. Based on Atlassian (2010), the Autodesk 3Ds Max is able to accomplish some complex 3D models which the Google SketchUp might not able to do, and Autodesk 3Ds Max is also able to use in form finding and at the conceptual modeling stage in order to make the 3D model design more accurate. Dwayne Ellis (2009) also mentions that using the Autodesk 3Ds Max able to create the complex 3D models with complex lighting and surface environments. Those scene might not easy to be created by using the Google SketchUp because Google SketchUp do not support much functions as much as Autodesk 3Ds Max supported, and also some of the 3D model design that created by the Google SketchUp also need to be imported to the Autodesk 3Ds Max to redesign in order to create a more detailed 3D model.

There are some of other authors that mentioned the Google SketchUp is better than other 3D modeling tools. According to RemodelingMySpace (2010), the Google SketchUp is an amazing tool that is able to let developers learn how to use it on shorter learning-curve and the Google SketchUp also having free version which do not have that much features as compared the to pay version, but sure able to let the developers to do certain 3D model design. Besides that, Eightbar (2010) also mentioned that the Google SketchUp not only is free to use for the free version, the software also support the scripting language such as Ruby language, and also provides a nice documentation tools that able to help developers to save a lot of time to do the another documentation. The Google SketchUp can work with the Google Earth which means that the developers are able to upload the 3D models that had created to let other peoples to view them. Based on Preston Gralla (2009), Google SketchUp is a good tool for those beginners that want to learn about the 3D model design which the Google SketchUp is a free version and easy to learn. Google SketchUp also provide the 3D Warehouse that let the developers to share or exchange the 3D models and can save some time if able to find the 3D models that needed. Atlassian (2010) also said that Google SketchUp perhaps is the easiest 3D modeling tool that is available to all users in the market, and also can have very short learning period as compared to other 3D modeling tools. This is due to of the intuitive interface for Google SketchUp, the users are able to quickly understand and familiar with those functions inside the tool.

Last but not least, based on previous researchers’ ideas or comments each of the 3D modeling tools has strengths and weakness. Before selecting any 3D modeling tool, the user should select the 3D modeling tool based on the features, functions, performance that are needed and the budget for purchasing the 3D modeling tool. If the user is a beginner in the 3D modeling area and without much budget to get the modeling tool, the Google SketchUp is the first choice because the Google SketchUp is easy to learn and to design the 3D models. However, if the user has strong knowledge and skills in designing 3D modeling and have the budget, the Autodesk 3Ds Max is more suitable because the Autodesk 3Ds Max able to do more modeling as compared to the Google SketchUp. In addition, some of the complex 3D model design might not able to be completed by using the Google SketchUp. Lastly, the best is mastering one of the 3D modeling tool which is able to help to create and design the 3D models more easily.

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