Website Design Report
Ace Fancy Dress Website Design Report
My website is called Ace fancy Dress. The specific purpose of ace fancy dress website is about selling products all over the UK and also to provide rental costumes. Also, the purpose of the website is to be eye-catching, colourful, recognisable, and simple and to display the high quality products. It will show the customers the new exclusive products. The business itself runs completely online. By not having a physical store where customers can come in and view the products we make huge savings and we pass these savings straight onto the customer ensuring very low prices. Also to provide high quality products for the both gender and delivered the products they have bought on time. The website should also advertise the business branches and their occasional special offers.
The target audience for the website
The ace fancy dress can be aimed at all ages and genders with a variety of costumes available in all sizes. The target audience for the website will largely be aimed at the teenagers 13-19 of all genders as they are the target audience that I think would be more attracted to than the adult or a young person would.
Nature of interactivity
I will need online transaction on my website as the website will be selling products as this is the purpose of the website. To make the transactions as efficient as possible I will make sure the online transactions will be safe and trustworthy for them to enter their card details into and also it will look very professional so the website can sell the products successfully. However PayPal will be another option for the customers to make their payments so this will increase the level of trust and confidences to the customers to the website, the quicker and smoother transaction, the higher the chance of customers returning to the business. Also, the online transactions page will be nicely structured layout on the website which will look more amazing and it will be very easy for the customers to make transactions on the website.
However, there is also a decision of static versus dynamic website. A static website contains web pages with fixed content. Each page is coded in HTML and displays the same information to every visitor. Static websites are the cheapest to develop and host. A dynamic website contains web pages that are generated in the real time. A dynamic website can be more expensive to develop initially however it is much easier to update and much more functional and also new content which could bring people back to the site and helps in the search engine. There is a high chance that the ace fancy dress will be a static website as the cost is generally lower up front then a dynamic website.
In order to for the website to meet the client and user needs, I will have to include all the criteria to meet the client needs and user needs. So I will make it easier for the client to access certain parts on the website to meet their needs by adding hyperlinks, pictures titles.
Images: To meet the user needs the website will be basic and will be very simple to use. Also, I will be adding elements of interactivity in the form of images slide in images etc. This will make the website easier for the users to use as they will be able to find information easier. I will also include images next to the written content that relates to the content. For example, when I will talk about each section and each product I will include a picture next to the content. However, if I was allowed to enable users to customise my website to their needs then I would allow them to change the layout/change the background etc. of the website in order to suit the client needs.
Level of security: I will set a strong password on the website so no one can access the website in editor mode and delete or copy the customer’s details. For the security reason, I will choose a long password with capital letters and number to make it more secure and hard for the hackers or anyone to crack.
Support: Clients often have questions or concerns about the websites. The website will have a support page. In the support page, the customers can talk to us through the chat or can call us right away. If customers give us a call we will be more than happy to pick up the phone and deal with any enquiries they have whether it be sale enquiries, pricing problems or simple to ask for an advice on a costume. However, the website will also have an email so customers can email us with any questions. By doing this the website will increase customers satisfaction by providing better service.
Costs: Every website needs to be hosted on a web server. I don’t have to pay anything for it as there are free options available via Google. However, every website needs a domain name. So the website is likely to have a domain name as this is that needs to be typed into the address bar to gain access to the site. For the website, I will go for the cheapest option which is £3 a year or I can go for the more popular .com domain costs as much as £10 a year.
Visibility on search engines: There are actually dozens of search engines but the most frequently used one is Google, Yahoo and Bing. I will make sure the website easily comes on the search engines. It is important for the customers that they can find us on google quickly when they type ace fancy dress. The website will be registering on Google my business which can help to appear the website in relevant search results. Also, the website will have content that matches the keywords on the website and have bolded keywords that match the products descriptions/theme on the page. By doing this customer won’t have any problem to find us on.
Website Development |
Delivery Timescale |
Initial Concept/Client Report |
16/01/2017 |
Research Report on Website review, ease of use, navigation, disability discrimination, delivery of content |
30/01/2017 |
Website First release |
30/01/2017 |
Review/Report on tools used to create website |
30/01/2017 |
Website Testing |
27/02/2017 |
User Acceptance- Demonstrate website meets defined requirements |
06/03/2017 |
Appropriateness of graphics: I will be using appropriate graphics like picture related to the costumes. I would not use any graphics that is not serving any purpose at all because some users may become annoyed at the unneeded use of graphics. I will not be using any inappropriate graphics as it won’t attract the customers.
Complexity of site: The website would be very easy and simple to use with the tabs that link to each section and products and hyperlinks test that will take the customers to the sections and products making it easy to move around on my website and findings the information searched.
Delivery of content: All the content I will produce will be to achieve the criteria to meet the needs of the ace fancy dress website.The information will be stored on the website to allow the client to access the data and all the information on the website will be clear and simple to read.
Accessibility: The websites will be designed to meet the accessibility guidelines which will be devised by the Royal national Institute of blind people (RNIB). The website content will be clear and easily understood. The website will have different kind of features like skip navigation links to help the reader and they keyboard users the website will create skip navigation links which will allow them to jump directly to the main contain, the website will also provide correctly structures and well title headings. Also, there will be text transcripts which will make the audio information more accessible for the people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
I will make sure the website is very clean, professional, and simple and convey the company’s image. The navigation will be straight forwards and make it easy for the visitors to find the information they are seeking with one or two clicks. The content will speak directly to the target audience. I will make sure that there is enough information about each section and costumes. Also, each page of the website will be optimised and set up in a way that makes it easy for the search engines to capture the information. The website will be easily accessible for target audience as the costumes are available for both adults and teenagers. This means the website will be a lot easy for the customers to find what they want. The website will be secure, appropriate and safe for the customers so that they can easily pay for the products.
(Maximum of 8 pages and a maximum of 3 sub levels)
Here is my design storyboard to illustrate the preferred design for the website; I have provided a sample of 8 pages. This design shows a roughly idea about each pages.
- Homepage
This is a sample of the homepage. Along the top five are the buttons to the different sections of the website. On top left hand side of the website there will be a company logo and search engine and also slide shows made to shows quick update of the website and what is happening along with the recent offers, sales etc. to attract and engage the audience. On the bottom there will be 3 boxes and will show the security of the website, the type of payments the website accepts and where can the audience find us.
Adult Page
This is a sample of the adult page. All the pages will follow the same layout as the other page with the navigation bat on the top of the page and also the bar below the negation bar. In this page there will be a brief description explaining the page. As you can see in the screenshot there will be 3 small options bar where the audience can click on “Men” to show the costumes of the men’s or click on “Women” to show the costumes of the women’s. Also the customers can pick what themes, size they want.
- Teens Page
This is a sample of the teen’s page. As I said before the layout of the all pages will be the same. So for the layout for this page will be the same. In this page there will be a brief description explaining the page. As you can see in the screenshot there will be 3 small options bar where the customers can click on “Boys” to show the costumes of the boys or click on “Girls” to show the costumes of the girls. Also the customers can pick what themes, size they want. When they have picked what they want to see the costumes will appear according to the chosen options.
- Sales & Offers
This is a sample page of the sales and offer page. In this page there will be a brief description explaining the sales and offers.
As you can see in the screenshot. When the users will click on the costumes it will take them to this page. This page will allow the users to see the costumes images more visibly and accurately and also they can see different angles of the customers. Next to the costumes there will be a name , price , size , colour and also a description of the costumes. If the users want to buy the customer all they need to do is pick the right size and what colour they want and they just need to click on “Add to basket” or they can save the item for later by just clicking on “Save for later”
This screenshot shows how the buying process will be . As you can see in the screenshot when the users will click on “Add to basket” it will automatically go to the basket. They can just click on the basket and it will appear the costumes they have added. By just clicking on the checkout they can go to the paying proccsess. The “Basket summary” page will also show the image , name , price of the costumes. There is also delivery options so customers can pick how fast they want it to be dleiveried and also how do they want to pay.
- This is a sample of about us page . The about us page will be about the ace fancy dress and why choose the ace fancy dress? There will be information about other stores and also there will be a map showing how far the stores are.
This is a sample of contact us page. As you can see in the screenshot in this page there will be lot of information about the website. There will be different options to contacting to us so the customers can easily contact to us by choosing any of the options.
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