Relationship Between Leadership And Management

Management can be defined as “getting things done through others” on the other hand, Leadership may be defined as the process of influencing behavior of an individual or group regardless of reasons, it may be for one’s own goal or a friend’s goals and may or may not be congruent with organization goals.

While learning the link between management and leadership, I should consider the difference between both of these. A manager has to perform all the functions of management such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling Leadership functions come under directing through which behavior is directed to get maximum use of subordinate’s ability

Thus leadership is a part of management not all of it. This implies that strong leader can be a weak manager because weak in planning or some other managerial function. The reverse is also possible.

Therefore Management and leadership are highly interconnected. One without another is not healthy for an organization.

As per kotter (1990) says that managing seeks to produce predictability and order, where as leading seeks to produce organised change. Both rules are necessary but the problems can occur if an appropriate balance is not maintained. Too much emphasis on the managing role can be discouraged risk taking and bureaucracy without a clear purpose.

In PAPA JOHN, I can notice some of these conditions mentioned above. The newly appointed manager in papa john is very efficient in planning the things and his analytical thoughts make him an eminent manager in this industry but unfortunately he is not having some leadership requirements i.e. he does not usually motivate the employees intrinsically. Last month my colleague, who is in delivery department, had achieved 100 percent accuracy in delivery but he was only given with incentives there were no appreciations from the manager but the earlier manager used to appreciate lot and make the achiever fully motivated. Lack of intrinsic motivation reduced employee’s involvement in the organization. So they just come, work and move. This culture should not have encouraged. Since the manager doesn’t think about these things, subsequently he had to face a serious labour problem. When the organization was in need of labors to work on a Christmas holiday, they refused work because the rapport between the manager and employee was very low. They don’t have any value on the organization. That ended up with NO VALUE CREATION on the employees towards the organization.

1.2 Impact Of Management And Leadership Styles On Strategic Decisions

In this competitive world, strategic decisions play a significant role in the organization. Anyway, the decisions are taken by managers so the manager must posses the skills which is essential for decision making

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Whenever a new strategy is imposed, the subordinate’s reaction is inevitable. The manager must forecast the reactions before implementing the new strategy otherwise a serious problem may arise in the organization that would definitely affect the relationship between the manager and subordinates.

For instance, IN Papa john’s, the production manager made a strategic decision to avoid late delivery in the organization but the delivery boys didn’t follow the new rules and regulation. So he has to be a very strict with these labour.. They subsequently decided to move out the organization that creates the attrition in the organization. The manager should develop an appropriate leadership style which is pertinent to the current decision. Here the manager should have developed PARTICIPATIVE STYLE of leadership which could help employer to motivate the employees rather than making them moving out from the organization.

1.3 leadership style can be adapted to different situations

Leadership styles should co-ordinate with the situations to make effective implementation of decisions.Here are some leadership styles and situations.



Autocratic leadership

The working environment where responsibility, efforts are low. The group may neglect the ultimate responsibility that would destroy the whole organization’s culture.


The group of employees newly enters in organization. The working environment that needs high motivation, interactions and team work. A positive drive should be stimulated.

Free-rein leadership

The environment where the employees are highly matured and self motivated.

There are two big extremes Boss centered leadership and subordinate centered leaderships. Both are highly required in the organization to fulfill its situational needs. So a manager should be cautious in selecting the leadership style on the basis of the condition of the organization.

IN Papa john’s, the leadership style is highly task oriented. Only target achievers get incentive based benefits no appreciation. Because of this, only few employees are motivated. Many of the employees are not motivated. Eventually labor problem is a big issue in the organization. The organization has to face labour turnover problem, downward trend in performance and labour and manager relationship problems. At this situation, the management should adapt participative style of leadership so that the relationship between manager and employees can be developed.

Task – 2

2.1 The Impact of The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid Leadership Theory On The Papa John’s

Theory one: the Blake Mouton Managerial Grid

In the 1940s, in an attempt to identify the behavioral characteristics of successful leaders, Blake and Mouton identified two fundamental drivers of managerial behavior: the concern for getting the job done, and the concern for people doing the work.

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The Impoverished or the Indifferent Style – (Low Production / Low People) A delegate-and-disappear management style. A basically lazy approach. The manager shows a low concern for both people and production.

Country Club Style – (Low Production / High People) One-sided, thoughtful attention to the needs of employees. The relationship-oriented manager has a high concern for people, but a low concern for production. He pays much attention to the security and comfort of the employees

Produce, Dictatorial or Perish Style – (High Production / Low People) An authoritarian or compliance leader. A task-oriented manager, he has a high concern for production and a low concern for people. He finds employee needs unimportant and simply a means to an end.

The Middle-of-the-road or The Status-quo Style – (Medium Production / Medium People) Balance and compromise The manager tries to balance between the competing goals of the company and the needs of the workers

The Team or Sound Style – (High Production / High People). Contribute and commit. It is the ultimate. The manager pays high concern to both people and production. Motivation is high

In PAPA JOHN PIZZA task oriented leadership strategy is followed. The manager is highly conscious about productivity and business. There is no consideration for labour’s grievance. Since the labours are available in stages, the manager can easily fine the labour for any vacancy so he never tend to build rapport with the labours. Furthermore there is team work is encouraged employees are not motivated enough in the organization. Once my colleague suffered from a serious ill and he took a week of unannounced holiday. Even though it is his mistake taking unannounced leave, he approached the manager and explained the reasons for the unannounced leave but the manager was not ready to listen his words straight away he refused his reasons and eliminated his service that was a worse case so almost all the employees hate his way of rudeness towards employees. that made a bad impression on the management so the employees have on the manager and organization so whenever they meet with an opportunity. They quit the job and move out. This is the serious concern for the manager now. So now he has to change his leadership level from High Production / Low People to High Production / High People to achieve a long run leadership development strategy.

Theory two: The Five-Factor Theory of Personality

Both Cattell’s and Eysenck’s theory have been the subject of considerable research, which has led some theorists to believe that Cattell focused on too many traits, while Eysenck focused on too few. As a result, a new trait theory often referred to as the “Big Five” theory emerged. This five-factor model of personality represents five core traits that interact to form human personality. While researchers often disagree about the exact labels for each dimension, the following are described most commonly:

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Introversion involves directing attention on inner experiences, while extraversion relates to focusing attention outward on other people and the environment. So, a person high in introversion might be quiet and reserved, while an individual high in extraversion might be sociable and outgoing.

Neuroticism/Emotional Stability:

This dimension of Eysenck’s trait theory is related to moodiness versus even-temperedness. Neuroticism refers to an individual’s tendency to become upset or emotional, while stability refers to the tendency to remain emotionally constant.


Later, after studying individuals suffering from mental illness, Eysenck added a personality dimension he called psychoticism to his trait theory. Individuals who are high on this trait tend to have difficulty dealing with reality and may be antisocial, hostile, non-empathetic and manipulative.4

In papa john’s the manager is Neurotic type of behavior so he doesn’t extend friendly relationship with the employees instead he speaks professionally. That makes employees fed up with his behaviors in the organization.

This shows the character of the manager is to moodiness versus even-temperedness. Neuroticism refers to an individual’s tendency to become upset or emotional, while stability refers to the tendency to remain emotionally constant.

2.2 Leadership Strategy That Supports Organizational Directions

Vision of my organization (PAPAJOHN’S)

PAPA JOHN’S is in the expansion path. It spreads its franchises in many places and now the organization has a vision of becoming a well rounded multi national company and greater value creation among the employees and customers.

Strategy to achieve the vision

To achieve greater value creation among the employee, the organization has to develop the people oriented leadership that favors the employees to take part in the success of the organization. When the employees feel that they work for a organization which concerns a lot for them. The key points to achieve this

Provide better working conditions

Appreciations that motivates the employees

Developing synergy in the work

Creating employee orientations for making the awareness of change in the organization.

Participative kind of leadership that allows employees to explore their views on the organizations.

Building good relationship between manager and employees.

After implementing these strategies the organization should have good monitoring to control if any changes persist.

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